Sunday, August 23, 2020
Presentation on Genes and DNA Race Essays - Genetics, Genomics
Extraordinary Event 2 Introduction on Genes and DNA Race Headings: 1.Print off the inquiries beneath for Cracking the Code of Life 2.Click on the URL for NOVA recorded beneath (or reorder into the location line) 3.Scroll down to Watch Video Online 4.Choose program 1: Instructions for a Human Being 5.Select the speed in Quick time that you wish to watch it. On the off chance that the full screen form doesn't play easily, you may have a more established model of PC that needs the following determination : (448 X 336.43 MB) 6.There are a few introduction to Cracking the Code of Life. Watch 1 through 6. 7.Answer the inquiries underneath: ( the inquiries are in grouping) 8.Complete the Wrap up study questions. 9.When you have finished this task, present your solutions to your educator by means of email (F07 SE2 your name as the headline on the email). Work superbly. Recollect this task is esteemed at 20 focuses. Area 1: Instructions for a Human Being 1.How would you depict the presence of DNA taken from the test tube,? Long strands of particles looks like strands of cotton 2. How unique would we say we are from a banana? 50 qualities of a banana are in us 3. To what extent is the human genome? 3 billion stages in length 4.What will having the option to grouping the human genome let us know? Human genome can tell us right on time about maladies, for example, early hazard malignant growth Segment 2: Getting the Letters Out 1.How did the broadcaster portray the DNA particle? Mystery to life composed are synthetic message entirely through time 2.How hereditarily the equivalent are any two children? 99.9% of children are the equivalent persistent string 3.How numerous nucleotides make up the human genome? 3 200 000 4.The date for propelling the human genome venture was __1990______ . 5. To what extent did it take to discover the quality arrangement for cystic fibrosis ? 10 years 6. What level of the DNA nucleotides is dynamic and significant? 1% 7. What helped accelerate the sequencing venture? It became modernized How quick did it accelerate the sequencing? 1,000 consistently 8. The DNA grouping was depicted by Eric Lander as being much the same as a sections list 9. For what reason is it critical to realize the human genome succession (all parts, each letter)? Mystery of life; DNA lets us know whether we are at early hazard disease in light of the fact that occasionally 1 single letter can have any kind of effect Area 3: One Wrong Letter 1. Case of a hereditary issue: The name of the turmoil is _____Tay-sachs____________ The reason for the confusion: 4 particles being extraordinary; influences nerve cells in the cerebrum What happens due to that change? Dazzle, can't eat strong food, seizures as frequently as 10 times each day What is the possible result of the turmoil? Demise by the age of 5-7 The turmoil is acquired by Parents are the bearer, the two guardians must have the transformed quality What populace of individuals convey this quality? Ashkenazi Jews 2. What should be possible on the off chance that you realize all the base sets making up the human? Discover early guardians would recognize what they would get their youngsters through Area 4: Sequencing Race Begins 1.Government researchers through it would take to what extent to arrangement the human genome? 15 years 2.How is DNA code perused? Slashed by robots and put in microbes labeled with shaded colors. Blue C Yellow G Red T Green A 3. Depict the individual who set up a private venture to arrangement the human genome. Cherishes things that go quick. Drafter by the naval force and worked in a maritime clinic. 4.Name the organization that he began. What does the name mean? Celera Genomics Celera got from a latin word implies speed. 5.Briefly depict the procedure used. Sped up look into causing Venter to accept they could finish the undertaking in two years 6.In 1998, to what extent did Venter figure the undertaking would take? 2 years Area 5: Ramping Up 1. Name the two principle labs and who was responsible for the ventures. Celera Genomics/Human Genome Project 2.How a wide range of labs were dealing with the venture around then? Name a couple. Baylor College of Medicine, Sanger Project 3. Rundown a couple of the issues they confronted with the task. New innovation that the researchers were not comfortable in utilizing. They additionally needed to assemble all the
Friday, August 21, 2020
Behaviour aspects Free Essays
Representative participation checking in the organization had been ineffectual because of the obsolete arrangement of punching time cards. On occasion a few workers were punched in by their companions or collaborators regardless of whether they had not yet shown up. Along these lines, the board couldn't follow how frequently a worker was late or missing. We will compose a custom article test on Conduct angles or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now The issue on worker lateness had arrived at gigantic extents that a representative had missed 200 minutes of work in a month. Taking into account that the organization depends on their workers to offer the types of assistance that they market to their clients, late representatives adversely sway the tasks of the organization. Be that as it may, the organization was stressed that the representatives would oppose another participation checking framework. From the workforce perspective, the old framework is simpler and considerably more worker cordial as in there are truly times when they don't mean to be late however condition out of their control would make them be late. In addition, the framework was anything but difficult to control and workers legitimize that they keep up a similar profitability and yield regardless of whether they were late various occasions. The organization supported that incessant lateness is a difficult that has arrived at pandemic extents since representatives misuse the old framework. Representatives are forked over the required funds every hour and on the off chance that they come in a short time late would mean a colossal lost for the organization. So as to improve the participation observing of the organization, the administration contributed on a biometric framework, wherein representatives need to press their thumbs on a scanner and the framework logs the worker in or out. The time noted is additionally increasingly exact as it incorporates seconds. In any case, before the biometric participation framework could be executed it must be set-up and will be a significant change for the workers. To help in the usage of the adjustment in the participation observing framework, an arrangement was concocted wherein workers will be made to get mindful of the issue, the ramifications of the issue to the general profitability of the organization and the most ideal answer for the issue would be the changing of the framework (Cameron Quinn, 2006) . To make the progress to the biometrics participation framework, a general get together was called for and the participation report for the entire organization was introduced to the body. The introduction contained just the level of work hours, the quantity of hours lost because of lateness and the recurrence of lateness for as far back as year. The meeting filled in as the unfreezing of business as usual since representatives are made to stand up to the issue and that change is inescapable. After the introduction, the biometrics was then introduced to the representatives and what the new framework would be (Palmer, Dunford, Akin, 2009). The workers were approached to go to the HR division for the entering of their thumbprints and individual information. The representatives were given a particular timeframe to consent to the necessary data. The HR at that point educated the workforce that a time for testing for the new framework will be set wherein representatives would become acclimated to the new framework. This relates to the usage of the genuine change. After the 2 months where the biometrics had been executed, another general get together was called, this time it was to introduce the recognizable improvement of worker participation and promptness. This would be the refreezing stage wherein the workers are made to acknowledge the change and that the new framework is superior to the past framework. Ideally, the new framework will keep on improving the participation and lateness in the organization to the moment that it would stop to be an issue. So as to inspire representatives, the administration will grant the individuals who have flawless participation. References Cameron, K. S. , Quinn, R. E. (2006). Diagnosing and changing hierarchical culture. (second version) San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Palmer, I. , Dunford, R. , Akin, G. (2009). Overseeing authoritative change: A numerous points of view approach. (second ed. ) Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin. The most effective method to refer to Behavior viewpoints, Papers
Monday, July 6, 2020
Pointless Toil - Literature Essay Samples
Though Salman RushdieÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚™s MidnightÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚™s Children if full of comic details and humorous anecdotes of Saleem SinaiÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚™s family history, the overall tone of the novel is in sharp contrast. Destruction and deception pervade much of the novel, and in the end, even when Saleem is getting married, he still sees his future as a journey to obliteration. Though it seems that SaleemÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚™s destruction is necessary to allow Aadam Sinai, who seems even more determined and powerful than the previous generation of midnightÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚™s children, to continue the life of his parents and country, Rushdie implies that the future offers no hope for Aadam. Despite AadamÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚™s position as the new child of midnight, his family has been condemned to a life of repetition, and thus he will only experience another cycle of annihilation.SaleemÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚™s fam ily history is plagued by the curse of repetition. From the spell of the perforated sheet to the name changes to the switching of babies, each generation seems merely an echo of the one past. Throughout the novel, Saleem emphasizes the theme of repetition, saying that ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚ÂÅ"there was no escape from recurrenceÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€? (326) and that his own life is a ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚ÂÅ"repetitive cycle of my historyÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€? (477). Though not directly related to Saleem, Aadam Sinai is the biological grandchild of Naseem and Aadam Aziz, and is convoluted into the history of SaleemÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚™s life by his association with Shiva. Thus this trend of repetition will also pass on to Aadam. Saleem says, ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚ÂÅ"as my time of connection nears its end, his beganÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€?, indicating AadamÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚™s fate to carry out the same role as Saleem (477).The events Aadam are to repeat present the mos t melancholic aspects of AadamÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚™s future. Saleem SinaiÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚™s life has, with few exceptions, been a downward path. As midnightÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚™s child, he was the embodiment of hope for India and her people, the ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚ÂÅ"happy Child of that glorious HourÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€? (133). However, his maturation is entangled in a string of shattered hopes. First, his desire to conduct a united midnightÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚™s childrenÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚™s conference was made impossible by the vastly different ideologies of the children. Then his love for Jamila Singer was sternly rejected, and to top it off, he is sent to fight for Pakistan. His dreams of saving India are again destroyed by his poverty, and finally, even his hope, which gave his life purpose, was drained out of him by the castration. Similarly, Aadam is the embodiment of hope, being the child of midnightÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚Â⠄¢s children as well as a child of the time emergency, Aadam should have even more potent powers. This, coupled with his tenacious will, which was so ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚ÂÅ"steelyÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€? that he would ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚ÂÅ"surely refuse to be defeated by any mere diseaseÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€? (487), indicates that he has the potential for even greater gifts. However, doomed to the curse of repetition, Aadam will simply live to see his hopes and power be crushed, just as his father did.Not only will AadamÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚™s life be marked by disappointment, the fate of India seems to also be one full of bloodshed. From the massacre of 1915 to the Chinese invasion to the Indo-Pakistani war to Indira GhandiÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚™s emergency rule, Indian history has been nothing but turmoil and war. Saleem states that his own life is ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚ÂÅ"handcuffed to historyÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€?, demonstrating that his association with the histor y of India is not a glorious gift, but rather an imprisonment. For Aadam Sinai to live in the same environment, and partake the same role of prisoner as his father, is not an uplifting image.The midnightÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚™s children are the embodiment of hope for India. Through their magical powers and their sacred bond with each other, they have all the potential to make differences, to be ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚ÂÅ"the force which drives between the horns of the dilemmaÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€? and ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚ÂÅ"fulfill the promise of their birthÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€? (292). Though Saleem tries to direct this power to save India, he concludes, ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚ÂÅ"the purpose of the five hundred and eighty-one lay in their destruction; that they had come, in order to come to nothingÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€? (348). Even the most elite group is powerless to make any progress because ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚ÂÅ"prejudices and world-view of adults began to take over th eir mindsÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€?, thus they are forever bound to think the same way as their parents, with few ideas of change or advancement (292). It would naturally follow that even though Aadam has magical powers, they will be of no use as well.Saleem asks the question of whether thereÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚™s any point to action if everything is planned in advance, whether one should just ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚ÂÅ"give up right here and now, understanding the futility of thought, decision, action, since nothing we think makes any difference anyway; things will be as they willÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€? (86). According to him, his life is an exact fulfillment of RavanaÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚™s prophesies, who ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚ÂÅ" got nothing wrongÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€? (97). SaleemÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚™s life is planned and seen in advance, and none of his efforts bring about any results. Thus he indicates that the answer should be simply to give up, to surrender to t he pointlessness of life. AadamÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚™s life is also prophesized by his father to be an exact repetition of his own, thus implying that any effort on AadamÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚™s part to escape his imprisonment in the repetitive history will be futile as well.What is most surprising about this novel is that romantic love always fails to provide any hope. His love of Jamila Singer only results in his rejection and imprisonment in the military. In the end, his love for Padma also fails to give him any anticipation for the future. He states that ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚ÂÅ"I will be separated from Padma, my dung-lotus extending an arm towards me across the turbulent sea, until she drowns in the crowd and I am alone in the vastness of the numbersI am being buffeted right and left while rip tear crunch reaches its climax, and my body is screamingÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€? (532). Saleem sees love, the most powerful and uniting force of all, as another inevitable f ailure. His initial idealism and hopes of unity among all of India has disintegrated slowly as he lives and experiences life outside the overprotected world of the Methwold Estate. Doomed to repeat the past, Aadam will befall the same fate, where his initial determination will disintegrate with time and living. In the end, not even love, the most basic and powerful of human emotions, will be able to save him.Throughout the novel, Saleem refers to optimism as a disease. Regarding his goal of a united midnightÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚™s childrenÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚™s conference, he states that this idealism arose from the ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚ÂÅ"optimism of youth ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€ which is a more virulent form of the diseaseÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€? (262). Perhaps SaleemÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚™s bleak outlook arises from his recognition of the blinding nature of optimism. During the optimism disease, Mian AbudullahÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚™s downfall is attributed t o his ignorance of his enemies. ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚ÂÅ"And so it was that none of the HummingbirdÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚™s optimists were prepared for what happened. They played hit-the-spittoon, and ignored the cracks in the earthÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€? (47). After so many failures, Saleem finally realizes the fallacy of optimism. ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚ÂÅ"It was the end; Saleem gave way to his grief. All my life, I have tried to keep my sorrows under lock and keybut no moreÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€? (499).After experiencing so much defeat and disappointment, Saleem has come to realize that life is pointless, and dreams can never be achieved. He states that life is an ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚ÂÅ"endless dualityÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€?, an inescapable cycle of snakes and ladders, ups and downs that will not alter despite the greatest of efforts. In the end, he concludes that even though his son Aadam, a child of both magical times and magical children, represents a new chapter in his tory, he will, none the less, be ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚ÂÅ"trampledÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€? by history just as he has been, just as the next 1001 generations will be (533). Perhaps SaleemÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚€Ã‚™s need for centrality and his willingness to bend history to fit his life arises out of a desire for some form of purpose. He recognizes his failure to fulfill his duty as the savior of India, and thus asserts himself as the key to Indian history in hopes of finding some other connection to his mother nation.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Decimal Degrees Versus Minutes, Seconds
When you hear about metric measurements, usually you are bombarded with terms denoting length, height or volume, depending on your industry. Outside of formal schooling, you almost never hear about the geographical side of measurement  specifically, those ever-present invisible lines of latitude and longitude. This article will explore how some metrics are shown in geographical terms, who uses traditional Degrees/Minutes/Seconds, and what the future may hold. A Brief History of U.S. Metrics Originating in France in the 1790s, the metric system (officially known as SI, short for Le Systeme International dUnites) grew in popularity due to increasing global commerce. Through trade with Europe, the U.S. awareness of metrics trickled into existence, eventually prompting Congress to permit its use in 1866. It was legal but voluntary. The first official legislation concerning metric conversion was passed by Congress in 1974, adding metrics to our elementary and secondary education curriculum. One year later (in 1975), Congress passed the Metric Conversion Act, declaring that the U.S. federal government should use metrics as its preferred measurement system, as evidenced by a box sitting in my cubicle whose labeling instructions tell of letters that must be 3.81cm (1.5 inches) high. The nutritional information on any package of food is also a good example, showing grams (instead of ounces) of fat, carbs, vitamins, etc. Ever since its beginnings, the U.S. government has striven to promote and stabilize metrication, with limited results: mostly those in the sciences, military, engineering, manufacturing and other technical fields use the metric system. The general public, however, continues to show comparatively overwhelming disinterest in adopting grams, litres, and meters over the traditional ounces, quarts, and feet. The United States is the only remaining industrialized country whose general population does not use metrics as its primary measurement system. Metrics and Geography Despite the average American laypersons apathy for metrics, those of us who use geographic coordinates on a daily basis see plenty of evidence that decimals are out in full force. On any given day Ill see a few handfuls of engineering site surveys (and sometimes other data) come across my desk, 98% of which have a decimal somewhere in the latitude or longitude. As technology has developed over the years, allowing more accurate measurements, the number of ways that we geography people get to read those coordinates has increased. The three most popular types of Lat/Lon displays are: Traditional degrees/minutes/seconds (D/M/S), usually with decimal secondsDegrees with decimal minutes, no secondsDecimal degrees, no minutes, no seconds Doing the Math No matter how you choose to display them, any converted coordinates will get you to the same point, basically  its simply a matter of preference. If you are one of those people who grew up learning only D/M/S like me, you might break into a cold sweat the first time you see the second or third decimal variations (bulleted above), if only from the memory of your high school algebra classes. But fear not, for there are a boatload of conversion programs and websites that will do the math for you. A majority of these sites convert between D/M/S and decimal degrees, leaving out the less popular but still available decimal minutes. There are other sites for those who dont mind/enjoy algebra, or who are naturally intrepid souls and simply wish to brave the longhand algebraic equations. If you are ready to break out the Texas Instruments calculator and go for it, you might try the Montana Natural Resource Information System, which shows conversion equation examples, but also has an automatic converter. Finally Rubbing Off? Within the past few years, more and more Americans seem to be warming up to the concept and have begun using decimals in their everyday lives. Certainly, the growing number of metric labels on many foods, drinks, health care, cleaners and other various products are clear indicators that the average American consumer should probably start learning to accept decimal numbers. This goes for geography as well. GPS unit sales to the nonmilitary population are on the rise and most (if not all) GPS units display a location using decimals. One can expect hiking, boating, driving, or any other type of navigational information to be in this same format, no matter the scale, map projection, or elevation. As the rest of the world moves forward with metric standards, the United States government will most likely feel more pressure (especially from Europe) to go totally metric for global trading purposes. Once the population finally accepts that change is coming, decimal numbers will be even more abundant and it will filter down through every aspect of American industry. Dont Panic For those hikers, boaters, drivers, orienteering students, land surveyors and others who may be used to using only D/M/S, dont worry. The conversions are out there, and its easier than you think to get results from them. Latitude and longitude lines certainly arent going anywhere  well always have those to rely on - so for now, get ready and warm up that calculator! Len Morse earned a B.S. in Geography from Towson State University and has been with the FAA for approximately 14.61 years.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Insurance Customer Service Plan 2016 - 1037 Words
MJD Insurance Customer Service Plan 2016 Contents Who are our customers and what are their needs? Who are we and what are our principals? Our 2016 Customer Service Objectives. Plans to action, the procedure changes being implemented. Stakeholder communication guidelines. Dispute resolution processes. Continuous improvement initiatives. Rewards for high service delivery and how this will be monitored and measured. Who are our customers and what are their needs? Our customers need competitive insurance premiums, they need to be able to renew their policies and update their personal details with ease and most importantly they need help when something goes wrong and they have to lodge an insurance claim. When an insurance claim is lodged our customers need efficient and supportive administration support and fast access to well-coordinated skilled repairers. The mechanisms we will utilise to investigate and assess our customer needs include customer satisfaction surveys, Competitor price comparisons, Social media monitoring, Historical complaint data. Other initiatives we will employ to ensure we are meeting our customer’s needs as well as meeting legislative requirements will include reward and recognition programmes, comprehensive complaint resolution processes and internal mystery shopping. The mystery shopping will entail call monitoring across multiple departments where team leaders from different areas of the business audit the service across all departmentsShow MoreRelatedPet Health Insurance For Pet Owners1704 Words  | 7 Pageshealth insurance has an increase in the United States where pet owners are starting to purchase health insurance for their dogs and cats. Even though pet insurance has increased in the United States, it still doesn’t compare to the pet insurance that pet owners have for their pets in Eur ope. 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Dulce Et Decorum Est Essay Thesis Statement Example For Students
Dulce Et Decorum Est Essay Thesis Statement Whereas, throughout Dulce Et Decorum Est, Owen mainly describes the condition the soldiers were facing (with the help of metaphors), cursed through sludge and their appearance, He plunged at me, choking, drowning. He uses sludge to portray the battleground as it was filled with gooey mud that the soldiers found very hard to move in and so had to put a lot of effort in which it stimulated them to resent suggesting by the word curse in the line cursed through sludge. Hence, he gives an impression of the war as vile, malignant and an appalling situation to be in; haunting flares, blood-shod, white eyes writhing and incurable sores. Moreover, he contrasts Tennysons noble soldiers, he purposely does not mention any valiant characteristics of the brave men in battle; Incurable sores on innocent tongues. Instead, he compares them to beggars from the phrase (simile) Bent double, like old beggars under sacks, to describe the horrible position they had to adopt, a very destitute one. Not only that, he calls them old beggars, which I believe to make us sympathise the unfortunate soldiers as people immediately and are more inclined to feel sorry for the old ones. It also contrasts the young strong fighters. I believe he views us the soldiers uniform as sacks which is a definite contrast between Tennysons glamorised weapons. He further writes, coughing in the phrase coughing like hags to show the soldiers poor physical condition. He calls them hags judging from their pitiable state. Hag is an old woman that is considered very revolting and dreadful but soldiers were meant to be fit and so he contrasts between the two. Both poets include the word Plunge but for different effects. Tennyson uses it to create a swift and ambitious movement made by the soldiers; Plunged in the battery-smoke, whilst Owen uses it to produce a horrible depressed nightmare of his associate in agony, shortage of air; He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning. We can also deduce from this that he seems to be in reality suffering from nightmares and therefore wants to anxiously share his misery. Tennyson uses the repetition method several times, to show great power and force of the cavalry, and to exhibit the soldiers commitment. In the preface of The Charge of the Light Brigade, he repeats half a League three times to ensure that we acknowledge the elongated distance the bold soldiers voyaged despite their difficult task and frightened feeling. Additionally, I believe it is repeated to represent a cyclic movement of the horses dashing. The line, Rode the six hundred is repeated in the first three stanzas as a notice, in spite of the soldiers knowing their imminent death; they continued their courageous approach. He uses a powerful prominent verb Rode to illustrate such movement. He also uses words like charged and stormed, to support this. Six hundred represents the number of soldiers. This was extremely small compared to the amount of their enemies but still the audacious men carried on ahead. This alone proves their patriotism. The three opening lines of the third stanza; Canon to right of them, Canon to left of them, Cannon in front of them, occurs two times (in the fifth stanza the Cannon in front of them changes to Cannon behind them). It accentuates the type of danger awaiting them. They are doomed by the vicious cannons and without an exit route but still they carry on. The third and the fifth verse is merely the same as one another except the first one is pertaining to the Light Brigade going to battle and the fifth one concerns them retreating from a defeat. .u7b28f5b54992ef6e8a59eacaf2cae2a7 , .u7b28f5b54992ef6e8a59eacaf2cae2a7 .postImageUrl , .u7b28f5b54992ef6e8a59eacaf2cae2a7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7b28f5b54992ef6e8a59eacaf2cae2a7 , .u7b28f5b54992ef6e8a59eacaf2cae2a7:hover , .u7b28f5b54992ef6e8a59eacaf2cae2a7:visited , .u7b28f5b54992ef6e8a59eacaf2cae2a7:active { border:0!important; } .u7b28f5b54992ef6e8a59eacaf2cae2a7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7b28f5b54992ef6e8a59eacaf2cae2a7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7b28f5b54992ef6e8a59eacaf2cae2a7:active , .u7b28f5b54992ef6e8a59eacaf2cae2a7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7b28f5b54992ef6e8a59eacaf2cae2a7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7b28f5b54992ef6e8a59eacaf2cae2a7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7b28f5b54992ef6e8a59eacaf2cae2a7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7b28f5b54992ef6e8a59eacaf2cae2a7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7b28f5b54992ef6e8a59eacaf2cae2a7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7b28f5b54992ef6e8a59eacaf2cae2a7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7b28f5b54992ef6e8a59eacaf2cae2a7 .u7b28f5b54992ef6e8a59eacaf2cae2a7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7b28f5b54992ef6e8a59eacaf2cae2a7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The war of the worlds by HG Wells EssayLikewise, Owen uses repetition too but not as much as Tennyson does. In fact, he uses it only twice, to illustrate how frightened and desperate for protection they were, in the verge of dying from a poisonous gas, Gas! Gas! Quick, boys! It is also a direct speech, which he uses to communicate with us. He uses an exclamation mark on the word gas so as to call desperate attention (to the reader and) to his fellow soldiers for it meant a death penalty to those who were not able to distinguish the gas. This also shows the fond between soldiers even though they were extremely tired and had probably only met each other for the first time; a word of caution was still notified. This creates a very sympathetic atmosphere to the readers. I also think that the fond between the soldiers are a contrast to Tennysons soldiers seeing that out of the 600 some still survived. I believe if the fond between the 600 was to that of the depicted soldiers in Owens than all would have died, as they would want to help their dying associates. The other repetition is the face in the lines writhing in his face and His hanging face. It signifies that Owen was most certainly traumatized by this part of the gas victim. Both poets use metaphors to emphasize and overstress their intentions. Tennyson uses metaphors as well as a biblical references such as Into the valley of Death, which recurs several times (to remind the reader of the dangers) and Into the jaws of Death, Into the mouth of Hell. A valley once very peaceful becomes a valley that is filled with death. The soldiers were aware that they would eventually meet their death once they entered the enemys territory. Tennyson personifies Death and Hell to give a vivid portrait. Owen uses metaphors such as Men marched asleep, Drunk with fatigue, to express the soldiers pitiable condition. They had to sacrifice their sleep to be alert in the war, thus they desperately strived to get as much sleep as possible when they had the chance and that I assume was when they were marching. I believe the men marching asleep and without formation is a contrast to the marches that are done in a much-formatted way today. He regards fatigue as the effect caused when you are drunk by alcohol in this case. Another metaphor deaf even to the hoots accentuates the soldiers inability to hear presumably because of the loud gunshots and bombs. He states that even the largest possible noise was not audible to them. This creates a horrifying image of the soldiers at war, thus discourages glory of war. Owen uses a simile as well as a biblical reference His hanging face, like a devils sick of sin to convey a fellow soldiers miserable look since he was unfortunate in getting his mask on in time and hence he died. I believe, he writes that his face was so lynching that it represented the symptoms of an illness consisting of sins derived from the devil (who is the source of sin). He uses devil to express it given that we all identify him to be very dreadful and appalling, thus helps us to visualise the awful image of the soldier. Another example of similes Owen uses are Obscene as cancer and bitter as the cud. Both of them are used to clarify the blood that gargled out of the gas victim. He compares the disgust to cancer to facilitate his intention. Cud is the remaining bit of food that is to be chewed again by a cow and so he employs this to regard that the sufferer went through the same process. All of these are direct contrasts to Tennysons glorified poem.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
The play The Merchant of Venice is described as Romantic Comedy Essay Example
The play The Merchant of Venice is described as Romantic Comedy Paper One aspect of Romantic Comedy is that it should contain Romance. This is evident in the fictional romance of Portias marriage lottery in the Three Casket Story. Another aspect of Romantic comedy is evident when the central character Antonio is saved from Death and Disaster. The rule of comedy is that however serious the conflict may be, it should all end well in a resolution. As the Italian poet Dante (1256-1326) wrote: A comedy is journey through hell to purgatory and up to heavens which ends well, but does not make the readers laugh. We will write a custom essay sample on The play The Merchant of Venice is described as Romantic Comedy specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The play The Merchant of Venice is described as Romantic Comedy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The play The Merchant of Venice is described as Romantic Comedy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The play is described, as a comedy obeying all the conventions its settings is urban in Venice and countryside in Belmont, its characters middle class. It uses prose and iambic pentameter, there is a clownish comic servant (Lancelot) and a jester (Gratiano) Plot confusion arises from disguise and disaster is avoided, complications are resolved, marriage concluded. The main thematic and structural elements of the play all belong to the category of Romantic comedy rather than tragedy or history. The basic action of the play is moved by two interconnecting stories: 1. Bassanios courtship to a wealthy heiress of Belmont, Portia, which is straightforward romance. 2. The story of the flesh bond is an ancient time narrative known to Shakespeare by II Pecorone (1558) set by Ser Giovanni Fiorentini and the Jew of Malta by Christopher Marlow. I think to a modern day audience it is hard to classify the merchant of Venice as a comedy because the modern day audience would feel that the plot was designed tragically. Elements of harsh reality includes- the sinister and ruthless plan of Shylock also; his total and crushing defeat at the end, which brings the play more close to a tragedy rather than comedy. The play has been turned away from the conventions of Romantic comedy by the union of the, lovers in Act 3 the middle of the play, a modern day audience would have expected to see the romance of Portia earlier. The love of Portia and Bassanio is not comic, it comes about through a test devised by Portias father to safe guard her against unsuitable suitors. This kind of romance is normal to Elizabethan Audience because there is no alive interfering adult, however a modern day audience would consider this kind of courtship not leading freely to choose a marriage partner as it is through a attached condition of choosing the right casket. Portia and Bassanios love is outwards looking (by choosing the right casket), self-sacrificing, comprehensive and mature unlike the mad love normally associated with romantic comedy. Bassanio is helped in every way toward this marriage. Portia is naturally attracted towards Bassanio and Portia does not go against her fathers will to win him. She values her fathers will more than her love. But news of Antonio being in danger meant postponing of the honeymoon meant the harmonious society promised by the conventions of Romantic comedy is not fulfilled, and Portia suffer financially and emotionally. As later in the play Lorenzo comments on this sacrifice for love: You have a noble and true conceit of god like enmity, which appears most strongly in the bearing thus the absence of your lord. No modern day heiress as a bride would do that. I think modern day theatregoers will consider this disturbing and class it tragic rather than comedy. However the play ends on a suitably romantic comic note as Gratiano, the most humorous of the lovers promises a good life for his wife and shadow of Shylock has passed and Antonio is safely in Belmont and atmosphere is of love and Friendship. The plot is tied together by friendship and love of Antonio and Bassanio, which becomes the story of hatred and revenge (Antonio versus Shylock). Bassanios need for money to marry Portia, leads him to borrow from Antonio, who in turn borrows from Jewish moneylender, a usurer, Shylock. Shylock is a member of racial and religious minority of Venice, where Christians are in majority, Shylock hates Christians in general and Antonio in particular for the racial and economic enmity towards him and his business of money lending. Seeing an opportunity to gain advantage over Antonio, Shylock proposes the flesh bond, which Antonio agrees to. If the debt is not repaid in the said period, shylock will be permitted to cut off a pound of his flesh. In this we see revenge tragedy in commercial Venice is counteracted by romance in magical Belmont. The fiction of three-casket story in magical Belmont where Portia a wealthy heiress peruses her fathers will to choose her marriage partner by a successful suitor, who chooses correctly from the three caskets. This courtship romance works out perfectly for Portia, two suitors rejected for choosing incorrectly and eventually meeting her wanted suitor Bassanio, who chooses correctly. Thus ending the fairy tail courtship romance produces the perfect result for Portia. Immediately after the resolution of the romance plot between Portia and Basssanio, the news of Antonios disaster comes his loss of ships at sea, resulting in the forfeit of the bond. Shylock proceeds with his deadly suit against Antonio; according to the Venetian Law moneylender shylock has an answerable case. Bassanio not only has won a rich heiress as a bride but also Portia is more enterprising and intelligent than him. She disguises herself as a lawyer and defends Antonios case skilfully and legally by producing statutes, which not only stops Shylock from proceeding with the case but also Shylock is defeated, he becomes vulnerable to death penalty for conspiring against Antonios life. The Jew is then offered a merciful settlement his life is spared on condition that he becomes a Christian, and that half of his wealth is handed over to Antonio who will keep it in trust for the benefit of Shylocks runaway daughter Jessica. The emotional power of the Shylocks story overshadows the love of Portia and Bassanio. Therefore for the modern theatregoers overall effect is tragic rather than comic, because through T.V, cinema and video modern day audience take comic as funny and tending to laughter rather than social resolution typically ending in marriage. The three main characters that I think play a very important role in this play are Antonio, Bassanio and Shylock. Character of Antonio is used to show the relationship of love and friendship with Bassanio. In the beginning of the play, we meet Antonio who is a rich merchant suffering from depression, In sooth I know not why I am so sad. We have been introduced to a great centre of Venice, Rialto through the merchant Antonio, who is shy, anxious and lacking in confidence and who is deeply involved in his personal thoughts and naivety relying on his argosies with portly sails/ like signors rich burghers on the flood. He is trying to secure a credit for his friend Bassanio to send him to a Secret Pilgrimage and ignoring the perils at sea. We hear of spices scattered on the sea, enrobed with silk, which is the foreshadowing of the disaster at sea which will endanger his life. Antonio is in a deep crisis of identity, I have much a do to know myself. The impression we get from other characters in the play such as Shylock, who refers to Antonio as a good man. But on the other hand, another character and a friend of Antonio interrupt Shylock, Have you heard any imputation to the contrary? Shylock quickly rephrases his remarks,my meaning is that he is good man to have you understand me that he is sufficient. Which meant that he is credit worthy. Infact Shylock was not looking for his credit worthiness he is looking for an advantage over him. Antonio unstintingly helps to raise money for his friend Bassanio is to the extent that he is ready to put his life onto the hands of his enemy. Antonio is a loyal friend but has a vicious side to his character as well, he is a bully hiding behind the law, we learn from Shylocks aside that Antonio is racist, He hates our sacred nation Antonios judgement of Shylock is blinded by the intense desire to help his friend Bassanio, regardless of any cost. Bassanio can see the danger in borrowing money from Shylock unlike Antonio, I like not fair terms and A Villains mind. Antonio is gullible cannot see the ulterior motive of Shylock, by readily lending the money. He is taking revenge from Antonio because Antonio has mistreated him called him a misbeliever, cut throat dog, and spat on his Jewish gabardine. Not only this, Antonio promised to continue his racial hatred. I am as likely to call thee so again, spat on thee again, to spurn thee to which reinforces the Jewish case against Christians. Antonio faces the trial with resignation, I am the tainted weather of the flock, which gives us the cue as to see him this way, but does not reveal his character. At the end of the trial, after the crushing defeat of Shylock, Antonio shows no mercy by converting him into a Christian and giving the money to his run away daughter. Antonios behaviour shows he is no better than Shylock in taking revenge. However the Christian law supports him. Bassanio has accumulated debts mainly from Antonio. He is keeping up the lifestyle Showing a more swelling port/ than my faint means would grant continence His behaviour is prodigal because he has borrowed money to establish a social and economic status. Bassanio is describing to Antonio the Wondrous virtues of Portia to go on Sacred Pilgrimage, not only to gain a virtuous and loving wife but also to settle all the debts by marring a lady richly left. What he explains to Antonio is not courtship but more of a business plan, To shoot another arrow that self way which you did shoot the first/ I do not doubt, as I will watch the aim or to find both, or bring you back again, and I thankfully rest debtor for first. I think a modern day bank manager will see this kind of approach of Bassanio to pay debts as a Credit risk than being credit worthy. Nerissa describes him as a Scholar and soldier because his thinking type of attitude made him choose the right casket. I think he is more of a fortune hunter than as a suitor for a beautiful wife. Bassanios character develops toward the end of the play when he is honest in his love for Portia, which over takes his earlier sentiment: To pay all the debts I owe. His love for Antonio brings him back to Venice where he offers his own life: The Jew shall have my flesh, blood bones and all/ Ere thou shalt lose for me one drop of blood. The character development emphasises that love and friendship are superior to his Earlier self-centred greed. Shylock is the most memorable character in the play. His name is equated with greed and miser ness. He is lonely and isolated figure, unloved even by his own daughter Jessica who implies, our house is hell. She is ashamed to be his fathers child! But though I am a daughter to his blood/ I am not to his manners. Jessica elopes due to her authoritative father Shylock and ends her strive, becomes a Christian and a loving wife of Lorenzo. Shylock is target of vicious mockery by Gratiano; he is a victim member of the oppressed minority in Venice where Christian are in majority. Shylock creates a sense of his different ethnic identity by his speech habits, he speaks of our tribe (Jews), and he will not eat with you (Christians). The Christians in turn call him a dog, spurn him with their feet, spat on him, so to the Christian is a cur, a wolf, a devil, and subhuman. Shylock reminds them of the physical basis of their common humanity if you prick us do we not bleed. In return he wants blood. Shylock is full of hatred and desire for revenge against Antonio because the environment he lives in years of ill treatment by the Christian is indicated in his outburst against the insensitivity that Christian represented in the form of anti-Semitic behaviour of Antonio: He hath disgraced me and hindered me half a million, laughed at my loses, mocked at my gain, scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies- and whats his reason? I am a Jew. Hath no the Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? (Act 3 S 1) This uncovers understandable motive for his revengeful behaviour, which brings sympathies of audience for him, but when he insists the bond, the audience takes this sympathy back. However, a person who has no feelings will be the only one not to move by the plight of Shylock at the hands of Christian in the end, when he is utterly crushed and leaves the courtroom in anguish. Shylock becomes the victim of his own stubborn cruelty; he loses everything even his faith. I think few of us will feel for Shylock that he got what he deserved in the end but others will see him as a victim of his environment made cruel by the years of ill treatment by the Christians. He is driven by hatred to the extend that he tried to use Christian law against Christians: To have the due and forfeit of my bond, if you deny it, let the danger light Upon your charter and your cities freedom. The victimised character aspect of him exposes hypocrisy of Christians and the modern day audience would sympathise with him but again when the audience learns about his attitude towards saving 9000 ducats, then 3000 ducats, when all attempts failed his dignity. I think it will bring laughter from the audience rather than sympathy. Two important themes in the play are appearance/reality and money/wealth. The main theme of The Merchant of Venice is appearance vs. reality. Bassanio had borrowed, and is borrowing more, money from Antonio so he can look and live on a higher level than his own income can sustain. Later, in Belmont, Bassanio must choose between caskets of gold, silver, or lead to win Portia, who he wants to marry. It turns out that lead is the correct choice. This shows that what may appear to be invaluable, can yield the best results is another example of appearance vs. reality. Yet, another example of this theme is when Shylock is lending money to Antonio without interest, but if Antonio fails to pay back on time, he loses a pound of flesh. Shylock offers this in a way that seems generous and jokingly, but really wants to use the situation to get back at Antonio for past humiliations: Were he (Antonio) out of Venice, I can make what merchandise I will When Portia appears in the trial scene she is not what she appears to be, yet provides the play with the most interesting and tense scene when she defends Antonio against shylocks attempts to gain his pound of flesh. The second theme in the play is Money/Wealth. Money is the theme of the love plot as well as the hate plot of the Merchant of Venice. Bassanios need for money to win a rich heiress Portia as a bride, a lady richly left is what puts Antonio in the power of Shylock. Antonio and Shylock are very different merchants, yet both trying to make money. Jessica brings lots of money, when she elopes with Lorenzo, she throws down a casket. She then spends extravagantly the money her father had earned so carefully. Attitudes to the getting and spending of money are the important themes of the play, wealth does not make Portia happy, By my troth, Nerissa, my little body is aweary of this great world. She needs to love and beloved, spending money is more fun than getting it, generosity is better than meanness yet generosity is not the word for a Jessica who exchanged a turquoise ring for a monkey and spent four score ducats in a night. Life with Shylock must have been grim but the ring Jessica steals and then exchanges for monkey was the ring her mother gave to her father. To a modern day audience the play is very anti-Semitic because Shakespeare age based their prejudice on religious grounds as the Elizabethan inherited the fiction, fabricated by the early Church, that the Jews murdered Christ and were therefore in league with the devil and were actively working to subvert spread of Christianity. The religious grounds of this anti-Semitism means that if a Jew converted to Christianity, as Shylock is forced to do in The Merchant of Venice, then all will be forgiven as the repentant Jew is embraced by the arms of the all merciful Christian God of love. In fact, some Christian believed-as do some fundamentalist sects today, that the coming of the Kingdom of God was aided by converting the Jews to Christianity. When the abuse of the Jew as usurer is combined with the Christian religious bias against Jewishness that marked Elizabethan England, this leads to a natural result in the demonisation of the Jew. This demonisation quickly leads to the image of the Jew as a wanton murderer, and is clearly revealed in the accusation of blood libel that arose against the Jews during their year before exile from England. In The Merchant Of Venice the central conflict is common enough, and decidedly the stuff of romantic comedy a young man borrows money to finance his pursuit of a beautiful and wealthy woman. But the devil is in the details as Shylock, and the details of this play are troubling, ambiguous, and risky. The borrower is a Christian, the moneylender a Jew. The merry bond, a pound of flesh, has overtones of the crucifixion of Christ, and in a Venetian courtroom, justice and mercy get so entangled that the final verdict seems neither just nor merciful. Therefore interpreted by a modern day audience as anti-Semitic, also because of the effects of more recent events of 20th Century such as the horrors of the holocaust, the very names of the WWII concentration camps such as Auschwitz, Dachau, and Belson remains the symbols of persecution of the Jews by Nazis. The part of the play I would like to highlight is the trial scene; I have chosen it because of its dramatic tension, who will win the court case? Will the judge really have to let Shylock carve a pound of flesh from Antonios body? Portia disguised as a man, how would she intensify the drama through the theme of appearance and reality. The evil of Shylock hidden behind the mask of friendship: I would be friends with you and have your love, kind offer is sealed as the dreadful bond. The language used in the many speeches can be staged to highlight the conflict and rivalry between Antonio and Shylock. The trial scene in The Merchant of Venice is one of the great scenes in Shakespeare. In the early stages of the play Shylocks deal with Antonio seems so silly that it does not make any sense. However, when Antonio is unable to pay his debts to Shylock the conditions of the deal assume a terrifying quality, I will have my bond! Speak not against it! What Shylock actually wants to do here is to kill Antonio and make it legitimate by using the idea of the contract. This, of course, is a viciously cruel punishment for the non- payment of debt, no matter how much Shylock hated Antonio. It is therefore necessary for Shylocks cruelty to be contained and this, of course, is where Portia, disguised as Balthasar comes in. Her brilliant probing attack on Shylock completely destroys his position and this is quite acceptable, given what Shylock actually deserved. However, Shylock is stripped of his wealth for his attempted murder of a Venetian, which in the full balance of things seems harsh. The court itself, after the request of Antonio, then shows some mercy to Shylock. He will lose only half his wealth, provided he converts to Christianity. The stage: will be an arena type in the round where audience would be sitting is semi circle around the stage in a stadium type seating arrangement for a fuller view of the court room scene for every one. The trial scene does not need to be changed so the curtain is not needed. The Set: to make it an informal court room scene where I would be highlighting the speeches I have chosen an uncluttered room with minimum furniture and props, an oval table with some chairs around it, few chairs at the side walls for Bassanio and others. The Dukes chair would be with arms and pen holder in front of him. Another square table and a chair with a computer to record the proceedings for the Clark of the judge. The walls of the room would be fitted with bookshelves full of law reference books and some upright filling cabinets in one corner. Costumes: Shylock dressed as modern Jew with a pinned stripped dark suit with three buttons, a Jewish skull cap, enters holding a leather briefcase containing a box of surgical instrument and digital weighing scales. Antonio dressed up in a dark blue suit with a light blue shirt, white collars and cuffs with Christian Dior cufflinks. Duke wearing a judges wig and a robe. Bassanio and others wearing Next suits. Portia and Nersissa disguised as men with moustaches wearing black gowns and white collars. Sound system: all actors wearing small microphones. Sound effects: through electronic tape players. I would want Shylock to deliver this speech with strong emotions. Now Shylock look at the Duke and answer him, what judgement shall I dread doing no wrong. Now with quivering muscles and altered tones move in a semi circle and point with his arms towards every one sitting in the court, You have among you many a puchasd slaves, you use in abject and in slavish parts, because you bought them. Now turn towards the Duke and say in a high pitched voice Let them be free, marry them to your heirs? Why seat they under brethrens? Let their beds be made as soft as your: Now, Shylock put your hands towards your mouth and let their palates be seasond with such viands: At this stage wave your arms and beat your chest with your arms and you will answer the slaves are ours. In a very angry tone, so do I answer you? Shylock, looking at Antonio moves towards him, the pound of flesh which I demand of him is dearly bought, this is mine and I will have it. Turn towards the Duke and in a loud and angry tone there is no force in decrees of Venice: I stand for judgement, answer. Stress on shall and say, Shall I have it. Portia, now with your back towards the Duke looking at Shylock say in an eloquent way without overstressing on the word straind speak with two syllable without distracting affect and start moving in a rapid speech form, giving it as much energy as possible, The quality of mercy is not straind, It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath: it is twice blest; It blesseth him that gives and him that takes: Tis mightiest in the mightiest: it becomes The throned monarch better than his crown; His sceptre shows the force of temporal power, The attribute to awe and majesty, Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings; But mercy is above this sceptred sway; It is enthroned in the hearts of kings, It is an attribute to God himself; And earthly power doth then show likest Gods. When mercy seasons justice. Portia start urging Shylock to offer mercy to Antonio in a pleading tone, When mercy seasons justice. Therefore, Jew, Though justice be thy plea, consider this, That, in the course of justice, none of us. Should see salvation: we do pray for mercy; and that same prayer doth teach us all to render. The deeds of mercy. I have spoke thus much, to mitigate the justice of thy plea; which if thou follow, this strict court of Venice. Looking towards Antonio with anxiety and says Must needs give sentence gainst the merchant there. Antonio stand tall like a tower at the kneeling body of Shylock with a steady joyousness, addressing the Duke and all the court, To quit the fine for one half of his goods, I am content so he will let me have, the other half in use, looking down at Shylock Antonio now strike a harder blow, upon his death, tauntingly on that lately stole his daughter, and in a triumphant tone two things provided more, that for this favour, he presently become a Christian, the other that he do record a gift here in the court of all he dies possessd, unto his son Lorenzo and his daughter. I believe the play is of great relevance to contemporary society. Although the play was written and performed in England in the 16th Century, the theme of prejudice and religious intolerance is still very relevant today, in the 21st Century as it was in the Shakespeares time. Many recent productions have focused upon the treatment of the Jews and have used ideas from this period of history. The Oscar winning Spielberg film Schindlers List gives an account of Jewish Persecution under the Nazis and contains similar ideas at times to those in the play. The existence of Apartheid in South Africa was the recent reminder of the behaviour like that of Antonios does not go away, it simply changes where it happens. Even after 400 hundred years of this play someone, somewhere will behave like the characters of The Merchant of Venice. For a modern day audience it is not possible to remain neutral about the situation, such as in Merchant of Venice, it does arouse our response and encourages the need to identify and combat anti-Semitism and all other forms of racial prejudices in our contemporary society.
Monday, March 16, 2020
Free Essays on Sex In Advertising
SEX IN ADVERTISING Sex sells. A truth known in advertising, this famous clichà © has become the core of most American advertising tactics. In everyday life, the average buyer is subjected to thousands of ads each day, many of which contain sexual imagery. Flipping through a 200-page Abercrombie and Fitch clothes catalogue and searching on their internet site, you notice something odd–the models are not wearing any clothes. Not only are they buff, and naive looking, men and women nude, but they are posed in numerous sexual poses. The issue includes a shot of a girl at the seashore arching her back, putting her fingers through her hair, naked from the waist up, and a hot guy wearing a wet T-shirt and nothing else ...grabbing his crotch; other shots contain group kisses. Also when I first entered the site the first picture that came up were 4 guys laughing together with no clothes on. Near the end of the catalog that comes out every quarter, finally, there are clothes showed, modeless. I believe t he creators of their advertisement needed a way to show their non-sexual clothing in a sexual way to get the buyer to be intrigued about wearing it. Abercrombie obviously is doing well if they have been around since 1892. Eventually, sex sell ads will seem like they are getting old so I think that in order to avoid this occurrence, balancing appropriate influential tactics with promotional advertising would be the best thing to do.... Free Essays on Sex In Advertising Free Essays on Sex In Advertising SEX IN ADVERTISING Sex sells. A truth known in advertising, this famous clichà © has become the core of most American advertising tactics. In everyday life, the average buyer is subjected to thousands of ads each day, many of which contain sexual imagery. Flipping through a 200-page Abercrombie and Fitch clothes catalogue and searching on their internet site, you notice something odd–the models are not wearing any clothes. Not only are they buff, and naive looking, men and women nude, but they are posed in numerous sexual poses. The issue includes a shot of a girl at the seashore arching her back, putting her fingers through her hair, naked from the waist up, and a hot guy wearing a wet T-shirt and nothing else ...grabbing his crotch; other shots contain group kisses. Also when I first entered the site the first picture that came up were 4 guys laughing together with no clothes on. Near the end of the catalog that comes out every quarter, finally, there are clothes showed, modeless. I believe t he creators of their advertisement needed a way to show their non-sexual clothing in a sexual way to get the buyer to be intrigued about wearing it. Abercrombie obviously is doing well if they have been around since 1892. Eventually, sex sell ads will seem like they are getting old so I think that in order to avoid this occurrence, balancing appropriate influential tactics with promotional advertising would be the best thing to do.... Free Essays on Sex In Advertising Using sexually provocative material makes advertising more effective. Many people have different opinions on this controversial issue. Sex is appealing and sex in ads often makes the ads appealing also. Although some companies say they never use sex to help any of their products sales. Could it be found through research of sexual ads, magazines, movies, and interviews that using sexually provocative advertising is or isn’t effective? Using sex in advertisement has its double standards, because what is considered to be sexy to a man may be trash to a woman. In some cases the product is overshadowed by sex anyway, that’s all that most males will remember, the sexual content. (, Richard F. Taflinge, 5/28/96) Sex in ads is seen by some of society as unnecessary and vulgar. On the other hand though, there is a percentage that thinks it’s acceptable and effective. A random number of students were interviewed at Northern Kentucky University, and were asked questions like, â€Å"Is it ok to use sex in advertising?†And, â€Å"Does it motivate you to buy the product?†(, Kara McElwee, 3/31/04) Jennifer Drews, a student at Northern Kentucky University says she thought it was ok to use sex and she admitted it does motivate her to buy the product. Another student, Aaron Nieporte said that it’s ok for cologne ads but as for underwear it has to be sexy on him not the model. Jennifer Super said, â€Å"It’s alright to a certain extent. They tend to go overboard sometimes. It does not motivate me to buy a product.†(, Kara McElwee, 3/31/04). Lewis Prabell said sex in advertising is ok, but it didn’t influence him to buy a product either, and Christy Doerhofer didn’t have a problem with it as long as it was tasteful and depending upon the model she might be persuaded to buy the pro...
Friday, February 28, 2020
Is Company Sponsorship in the University a Boon or Evil Coursework
Is Company Sponsorship in the University a Boon or Evil - Coursework Example When the sponsoring company controls the curriculum in the university, they put into the design the long experience they have gathered from the field of their expertise. They could contribute practical insights relevant to the study needed by the student and is proven to be practical guides. Furthermore, they can give inputs as to what kind of studies and researches are really needed by the industries that could contribute to the sciences. It becomes advantageous to students in the sense that they are assured that the knowledge they are getting comes from the rightful authorities whom they could use as sources of information for their study. In terms of employment, students from this particular university have an edge over other employees because they have practically mastered the skills needed by the industry that designed the program.Let us take the example of McDonald's that will be sponsoring Health Sciences. McDonald's could probably be interested in the field of Health Scie nce because of its program on nutrition, diet, and fitness. Taking control of the curriculum on Health Science by McDonald would lead to the development of the design of researches for the improvement of Nutrition, diet, and fitness which are part of Health Science study. It is advantageous for students because they are practically putting in efforts and contributing to the wealth of information that could benefit the wellbeing of man. The partnership assures McDonald's of the continuous research on the field that could be useful in their business in the long run.
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Learning Journey Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Learning Journey Report - Essay Example Based on everyday encounter with people at home, at work, and elsewhere, this is true indeed and each time I engage myself to communicate with others, I feel a sense of relief at having experienced one basic nature of human being. As a learning individual, I have observed that communication enhances my capacity toward self-awareness such that I can determine my personal judgment and feeling over something out of the natural response to stimuli from people who assume different life roles in relation to me. I learn that becoming educated is a natural process of growth to maturity that depends on the learner’s enthusiasm and willingness to be subjected to the varying complexities of obtaining and sharing knowledge with fellow learners. Though I notice that it has been a typical concern to identify factors that affect student learning and often, the skills and knowledge of an academic instructor are readily assumed to take the key function of evaluating how teaching methods impact learning, communication still plays the crucial part. More than merely satisfying the fundamental necessity of gaining information, communication has made me acknowledge the value in understanding and being understood by my educator. As part of the team, I have found that my self-concept is constantly evolving in my attempt to conform to the organization and behave according to the culture and general attitude of the team in achieving the desired ends. Defining self proceeds as I seek fulfillment in effective communication which requires not only active participation in the activities but even understanding the strengths and weaknesses alike in people and circumstances within a social sphere from which driving force to come about a change or evolution may be derived. In this course, there have been several times I manage to observe that my own behavior is modified depending on the manner by which I perceive an arriving stimulus and respond to it correspondingly. I used to suppose t hat ‘being real to oneself’ simply meant going by the nature I am without needing to pay regard to the impact of the people in the group or society around me, thinking that the concept of self is understood just once in a lifetime. Along with this misconception is the belief that former foundations bear the sole responsibility of substantiating the self, yet by objective and subjective learning, formation of self-identity is apparently ceaseless and may not be confined only to a few aspects of growth. Until I had come to the point of ascertaining that ‘sense of self’ is yielded through evolutionary stages, it usually felt complicated to handle self-awareness and what the exact meaning is of a true self in the past. To this extent, I have thus realized by far that human interactions or communication schemes portray a huge role in creating a person’s identity which continues to evolve with time and socio-cultural influences. When I came across serious commitment and risks as a member of the team, I recall the time I struggled getting over a hard feeling toward the fact that while there were open-minded individuals, others bore tendencies at unnecessary argumentation, then I unconsciously allowed myself to seek alternatives to divert my unpleasant emotions for comfort. Out of having to cope with the difficulty of erasing deep-rooted sentiments that had gone through an intense motion,
Friday, January 31, 2020
Is South African fiscal and monetary policy complementary Essay
Is South African fiscal and monetary policy complementary - Essay Example The fiscal components that fiscal policies aim to control include physical properties and capital flow. On the other hand, monetary policy is action or decision by a monetary authority to influence the interest rate and exchange rate in an effort to foster economic growth (Mbwoweni 2003). This paper undertakes an analysis of whether the fiscal policies in South Africa have complementary effects. In the analysis, the paper uses the actual monetary and fiscal policy that has been in this country from 2002 to date. Fiscal policy South African fiscal policy Government of South Africa has undertaken several fiscal policy adjustments since the end of apartheid. This is because of changes in economic situations in the country and the need of the country to foster economic development. ... South Africa has been affected greatly by globalization. Since the end of Apartheid, its trade with other countries has been increasing almost annually. The political and economic environments of the trading partners of South Africa differ significantly from those of South Africa. This difference has been affecting this country’s economy greatly in the past ten years. As a result, the fiscal policy of this country has been influenced by both domestic and international factors in the period after 2002. The domestic factors that affect the fiscal policy of this country include the economic problems that this country experiences. International factors that affect this country are both the economic situation in other countries and the economic problem experienced in the world market. In the adjustment of fiscal policy, the government of this country has to consider these two categories of factors. South Africa’s fiscal policy has several dimensions. The dimensions are ident ified as very essential components of the policy. This is because they are the ones that dictate the kind action taken by the policy in its effort to achieve economic growth and sustainability. Major dimensions of the fiscal policy of this country include taxation levels, individual and government spending, fiscal relations, and debt and interest costs (Jooste, Liu, & Naraidoo 2012). These dimensions control the fiscal components of an economy either directly or indirectly. As a result, they influence the economic activities that relate to the fiscal components of this country’s economy. This plays a very significant role on controlling the economy and enhancing sustainability of economic growth. Roles
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Sprawl and Small Businesses Essay -- Stores Retail Essays
Sprawl and Small Businesses During the past 15 years, I have seen my once-rural hometown of Washington Township transform into a maze of single-family housing developments and strip malls. This type of growth has not been gentle on the local economy, especially small businesses. Stores such as the mom and pop hardware store, a local mainstay for many decades, have been forced out of business by the construction of two Home Depots and a Lowe’s within a two-mile radius of the town’s main street. This negative aspect of sprawl has been a trend that has repeated itself nationwide in recent years. Mega chain stores, or big boxes, are a phenomenon that has spread all over the country, and has exploded in popularity in recent years. Contributing to this phenomenon are monster chain stores, such as Home Depot, Wal-Mart, Lowe’s, Target, Kmart and Best Buy. The success of these stores has depended upon the saturation of the retail market in areas where they are built. For instance, Wal-Mart’s strategy of store placement is such that in urban areas, stores are placed within a 10-mile radius of each other and a 30-mile radius is created in rural areas. ( The density of store placement can vary, depending on the presence of competitors in the area. By saturating the market, these stores are undercutting their competition and making it virtually impossible for their smaller competitors to survive, or even start up in a free-market economy. In addition to their planning strategy of market dominance, big box stores have other attributes that are difficult to compete with. These attributes are attractive to the consumer, but come at a detrimental price.... ..., these corner stones are becoming a dying breed. Although progress cannot be stopped, we must hope that ideas like town centers can catch on, and save our small businesses. References: 1. : Sharbell is the developer that is building the Washington town center. 2. : â€Å"Home town America fights back.†â€Å"A citizens view of Home Depot: The Orange Wars.†3. : â€Å"Do Wal-Mart and Home Depot spell the end of Community?†4. : National Labor Committee Website. 5. : â€Å"What’s wrong with Wal-Mart?†1999 6. : â€Å"Surviving the Invasion of the Mega Stores: The Impact of Mega-Retail Discount Chains on Urban, Suburban and Rural Economiesâ€
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Ethical and Unethical Business Practices
s in bussinessSlideShare Submit Search†¦ Upload Browse Go Pro Login Signup This webpage is not available Email Like S ave Embed This webpage is not available Google Chrome's connection attempt to www. linkedin. com was rejected. The website may be down, or your network may not be properly configured. Here are some suggestions: Reload this webpage later. Check your Internet connection. Restart any router, modem, or other network devices you may be using. Related M ore Ethics 1054 views Like Major scandals of 2011 479 views Like Corporate governance 545 views †¹Ã¢â‚¬ º 1 Like /18 2010 807 viewsLike Hdfc bank (2) 202 views Like 2009 2020 views Like 2005 781 views Like Infosys annual report by zelani kurnool 1585 views Like 2011 901 views Ethical and unethical business practices by Pooja Lilani on Mar 06, 2012 + Follow Like Corruption 586 views More†¦ 10,928 views 2 comments Like 1–2 of 2 comments yoonloong-chen 2008 1439 views All words no pictures! Why? 1 year ago Reply Like 2007 1480 views Paagal-S tudent Good slides 1 year ago Reply Like Corruption in india 1373 views Like Post Comment Subscribe to comments Corruption in-india-2010-andbefore 16009 views 4 Likes Philomena Mutindi months ago Like Corruption in-india-2010-andBefore 299 views Norfardilah Nordin at melayan lagu jew hahahah 5 months ago Like India – Economy and Looters 522 views attractalagan 1 year ago Like PLUNDER OF INDIA 701 views Paagal-S tudent Tags business ethics y/n 1 year ago Like Corruption in-india-2010-andbefore 291 views Ethical and unethical business practices Document T ranscript Like Plunder of India (Bharat KI Loot) Aawaaz 229 views 1. ASSIGNMENT ON Ethical and Unethical Business Practices SubjectBusiness Ethics Submitted To Prof Gauri SYMMS Roll No-27 Efforts By- Pooja Lilani 2.Ethical and Unethical Business PracticesBusiness ethics is the most debated topic of our times. The difference is betweendoing the right thing and the wrong thing. Business ethic s are the philosophicalcore of any business Like Like Corruption in-india-2010-andbefore 443 views and their outcome is crucial for economic development. Peter Cooper – the great American Investor says â€Å"I have always recognized thatthe object of business is to make money in an honorable manner. I haveendeavored to remember that the object of life is to do good. Business ethics are more than moral values and principles that determine ourconduct in the business world. It refers to the commercial activities, either withother business houses or with a single customer. They can be applied to all aspectsof business; from generation of an idea to its sale. Business uses the society for itsresources and functioning, thereby obligating it to the welfare of the society. Whilethe objective of all business is to make profits, it should contribute to the interest ofthe society by ensuring fair practices.However, greed has led the present businessscenario towards unethical business p ractices, legal complications and generalmistrust. Code of EthicsLot of organizations implement the code of ethics in their company polices, whichthey implement during induction and regular training. A Code of Ethics isgenerally a more blanket statement of values and beliefs that defines theorganization. So what is it for? Companys assets, funds and records Conflict of interest Management and employee practices Information on competition 3.Ethical Business PracticesHere are a few ethical business practices that should be followed to build a honestreputation and ensure smooth running of any organization. Investors: Ensuring safety of their money and timely payment of interest. Employees: Provision of fair opportunities in promotions and training, good working environment and timely payment of salaries. Customer: Complete information of the service and product should be made available. Personal information of the customers should not be used for Like Like Like Like LikeCorruption in-i ndia-2010-andbefore 925 views 2006 888 views Quality circle 380 views Hdfc bank limited 329 views Corporate governance issues on satyam group 8 2176 views Like Rahul presentation1 505 views Any good business require corporate governance ppt personal gain. Competition: Unscrupulous tactics, competitor bashing and wrong methods should be avoided while handling competitors. Government: Rules and regulations regarding taxes, duties, restrictive and monopolistic trade practices and unlawful activities like corruption and bribing should be adhered to.Environment: Polluting industries should ensure compliance with the government norms regarding air, water and noise pollution. Unethical Business PracticesYou might find many companies who blatantly thrive on unethical behavior andpractices. A free environment is present or promoted where acts of violation ofnorms to amass wealth in an unethical manner is followed. Following are some of the activities that come under the ambit of unethicalpra ctice. Resorting to dishonesty, trickery or deception. Distortion of facts to mislead or confuse.Manipulating people emotionally by exploiting their vulnerabilities. Greed to amass excessive profit. Creation of false documents to show increased profits. Avoiding penalty or compensation for unlawful act. Lack of transparency and resistance to investigation. 4. Harming the environment by exceeding the government prescribed norms for pollution. Invasion of privacy used as leverage, for obtaining personal or professional gains. Sexual discriminationBusiness houses that comply with ethics to determine their conduct are shrinkingin number.The lack of business ethics in the market, is the reason the worldeconomy is presently in crisis. Organizations now recognize the positive effectsand outcomes of being ethical, humane and considerate. They have a competitiveedge in the market, because of the honesty they show in their services. Theirmorally upright reputation attracts better staff and he lps in retention. Though ethicsare legally binding in most cases, self-monitoring, transparency and accountabilitywill go Like Like Like Like Like Like 654 views 2004 423 views Executive summary 167 views Deshmukh & garg 361 viewsS cams 730 views Mrp on the banking industry in india 126 views Corruption in-india-presentation slides v2 22554 views a long way in establishing trust of the people. Besides this, it makes senseto change, before you are penalized. When would we as Indians observe ethical business practices in totality? It is a bigquestion but it has a straight simple answer. Each one of us should be accountableand responsible to stop unethical business practices. We must create an environment which adheres to strictest philosophies of clean,transparent, honest business. Integrity is most wanted. 5.HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATIONLIMITEDFAIR/ETHICAL PRACTICES CODE Intent and Content This Code has been formulated by Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (the Corporation) pursuant to the Guidelines issued by the National Housing Bank on Fair Practices Code for Housing Finance Companies vide its circular bearing No. NHB(ND)/DRS/POL- No. 16/2006 dated September 05, 2006. This Code has come into force from 19th October, 2006 which has been modified pursuant to the Guidelines issued by the National Housing Bank on Fair Practices Code for Housing Finance Companies vide its circular bearing No.NHB(ND)/DRS/POL- No. 34/2010-11 dated October 11, 2010 and has been effective from December 23, 2010 . The said Guidelines has been further modified by the National Housing Bank on Fair Practices Code for Housing Finance Companies vide its circular bearing No. NHB(ND)/DRS/POL- No. 38/2010-11 dated April 25, 2011. This Code has come into force from May 10, 2011. Objectives Follow good, fair and transparent business practices by setting reasonable standards; Encourage market forces, through fair competition, to achieve higher operating standards; Relate t o the customer in such manner so as to promote a fair and cordialLike corporate governance 3789 views Like Corporate governance(final) 151 views Like satyam fiasco 1129 views Like Hdfc company profile 943 views Like hdfc report 652 views Like Accounting scams 213 views Like relationship; Set such standards and practices so as to foster confidence in the housing finance system. Application To be applicable to all persons offering the Products and Services of the Like Airtel n zain 6. Corporation as an employee or otherwise in any manner and/or by any mode.The Code is applicable under normal operating environment except in the eventof any force majeure. The Code is based on ethical principles of integrity and transparency and allactions and dealings shall follow the spirit of the Code. CommitmentThe Corporation shall at all times do its best to act fairly, reasonably and meetthe standard practices prevalent in the housing industry. The Corporation shall abide by all the relevant laws, regulations and meet withthe ethical principles of integrity and transparency during its interaction withcustomers.While interacting with customers, the Corporation may take all steps as may berequired to provide clear information either in English or Hindi or theappropriate local language regarding: o its various products and services; o the terms and conditions, the interest rates/service charges; o benefits available to customers and the implications, if any; o contact persons for addressing the queries, if any;The Corporation will provide a copy of this Code, at request, to the customer.The Code will also be made available on its Website and at every branch/ office. The Corporation would not discriminate on grounds of sex, caste and religion inthe matter of lending. However this does not preclude the Corporation fromparticipating in credit-linked schemes for the weaker sections of society and inrespect of schemes formulated by NHB/ other Government Agencies,implemented through the Corporation.The Corporation shall treat the information relating to customers as strictlyconfidential and shall not share any information, unless required under law orwaived or permitted by the customer. The Corporation shall take necessary steps to inform its customers of their rightto information regarding their account and the facilities available to them. The Corporation shall be clear and not misleading in any of its advertising andpromotional materials.The Corporation shall inform its customers of all financial information such asrates of interest, charges, method of calculation etc through brochures, posters 7. or during the course of meeting with the customers etc prior to entering into any transaction. The Corporation shall endeavor to keep its customers informed of any change in interest rates / charges etc through letters or any other form of general or public announcement or displays, from time to time.The Corporation shall disclose, by such mode and in such manner a s deemed fit, to ensure transparency, all information affecting the interest of the borrower including but not limited to : o fees/charges payable for processing loan application; o the amount of fee refundable, if any, if the loan amount is not sanctioned; o Prepayment options and charges, if any; o Penalty for delayed payment, if any; o Conversion charges (Switching loan from fixed to floating rate or vice – versa); o Existence of interest re-set clause, if any.The disclosure shall be done so as to ensure that the borrower is aware of â€Å"all in cost†parameters involved in processing and sanctioning of loan. The Corporation shall not indulge in any act which is discriminatory among equals. The Corporation will review the compliance of this Code and a consolidated report of such review may be submitted to the Board. LoansThe Corporation in the normal course of its business shall endeavour at all times toguide its customers about the process and procedure to be foll owed for availing aloan.Each application shall be considered independently on merit, upon scrutiny of allthe information, documents required for verifying the title of the property, identityof the person, entity and the security to be offered, including guarantees. The letter of guarantees to be executed by the guarantors would cover theirobligations, liabilities and circumstances in which they can be called upon to paythe dues of the customer/borrower. The Corporation shall communicate in writing to the customer whose applicationhas been reject Collection of Dues 8.The Corporation shall provide the customers with all the information regardingtheir dues and provide reasonable time for payment of the same. The Corporation shall while protecting its interest adopt reasonable and lawfulmeasures to recover its dues from defaulting customers, including use ofpersuasive methods for the purpose of collection of its dues. Complaints and GrievancesThe Corporation shall endeavour to address/r espond to all complaints andgrievances within a reasonable time and keep the customers informed about thestatus of their complaints.The Corporation shall make available facilities at each of its branches andoffices for the customers to lodge and/or submit their complaints or grievances,if any. The Corporation will ensure that its grievance redressal procedure is madeavailable on its website. ETHICAL PRACTICES BY HDFC BANK 9. HDFC only Indian bank in global list of ethical companyPosted: Thu, March 17, 2011 | 12 PM ISTMumbai, March 17: HDFC Bank, second largest private sector bank, is theonly Indian organization got listed in the worlds most ethical companies listthis year.As per the list prepared by the Ethisphere Institute, only one Indianfirm HDFC has made a place in the 110 worlds most ethical companies. HDFC is one of the most trusted brands in the India and for a financialservices company it is quite noticeable that people should perceive that it asethical as well. Commenting o n the attainment HDFC Vice-Chairman andCEO Keki Mistry said: â€Å"It obviously feels nice to be one of the worlds mostethical company and the only one from India. †The new achievement ofHDFC will help to inhance the brand equity of the company going forward.Among the list of companies online market portal eBay, Ford MotorCompany, banking giant Standard Chartered Bank, Accenture, AdobeSystems, software giant Microsoft and food and beverage firm PepsiCo foundin top position. 10. Reliance Unethical PracticesComplaints India enables consumers and users of services and products to posttheir common complaints and suggestions regarding airline, bank, business,companies and Government and non Government organizations in India andabroad. Track your car complaints, mobile phone complaints, bank complaints,credit card complaints etc at this website.Its a consumer forum, board or bureaufor consumers to redress their complaints. Consumer Courts in India now gives the power to consumers to fight for theirconsumer rights at district level consumer forums. However consumers canproceed to confront companies and try to get quicker responses through thewebsite. For companies its important to quickly address consumer complaints toprotect their product or service brand image. Consumer-India web site has anumber of resources for your assistance. Separate new product complaint and NRIcomplaint sections help in easier posting and tracking of complaints. With online internet scams proliferating, its asy to get cheated by fraudcompanies. Consumers need to protect themselves from online scams, emailscams, phishing etc. Complaints can be posted on all products and services. You can post complaintsMobile Services (Airtel, BSNL, Idea, Reliance, Docomo, Unior, Aircel etc),Mobile Phones (Nokia, LG, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Blackberry, 11. MicromaKarbonn etc), Home Appliances like TVs, Refrigerators, ACs,Cooking Ovens etc. Unethical PracticesInfosys Employee Testifies on Alleged Visa FraudBy Megha Bahree and Miriam JordanAn Infosys employee, who has alleged that Indian tech giant, Infosys TechnologiesLtd. engages in visa fraud, provided more details to a U. S. Senate subcommitteethis week. Tony Avelar/Bloomberg News In a testimony, an Infosys employee provided more details about alleged visa fraud at Infosys. In a statement to the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees andBorder Security on Tuesday, Jay Palmer, the whistleblower at Infosys, said thecompany â€Å"intentionally violated our visa and tax laws for the purpose of increasingrevenues. †Mr. Palmer accused Infosys of frequently violating U. S. visa laws and 12. f staffing multiple client projects with illegal employees, including at GoldmanSachs, American Express, Wal-Mart and Johnson Control, among others. Mr. Palmer filed a lawsuit against the company in February in Circuit Court inAlabama, alleging the company sought his help to circumvent U. S. law. Thelawsuit has led to a pro be by U. S. authorities. Infosys, which is cooperating with the inquiry, denied the allegations. Paul N. Gottsegen, chief marketing officer for Infosys, said in a statement Wednesday thatMr. Palmer’s emarks were â€Å"full of inaccuracies, exaggerations and falsehoods. †â€Å"There is not, nor was there ever a strategy, scheme, or policy by the company touse the B-1 visa program to circumvent the H-1B visa program,†he said. â€Å"Thecompany did not have a practice of sending unskilled employees to the UnitedStates on B-1 visas to do the work expected of skilled individuals in the U. S. on H-1B visas. †Mr. Palmer disagreed. This is how, he says, it was done. During a March 2010 visit to Bangalore headquarters he says he heard severalconversations between Indian managers and U. S. based managers where it wasmade clear that Infosys was going to increase the use of the B1 visa program to getaround tough new restrictions the U. S. had placed on the H-1B progr am. Infosys,he says, decided to flood the local Indian consulate with visa applications in orderto get as many approved as possible no matter the level of an individual’s skill. Hesays that in many cases the company sent relatively inexperienced workers to theU. S. for projects. He says Infosys sent employees on B1 visas to the U. S. for specific full-time jobsat client sites but instead of paying them U.S. salaries, it would pay them muchlower Indian salaries, calling it a stipend. Infosys, however, charged its clients U. S. rates for the employees, thus getting full reimbursement from their Americanclients for Infosys’ labor costs. He also says Infosys paid no taxes on payments tothese workers. According to Mr. Palmer, Infosys created an internal website of â€Å"do’s and don’ts†with tips including: â€Å"Do not mention activities like implementation, design & 13. testing, consulting etc. , which sound like work. Also do not use words like, work ,activity, etc. , in the invitation letter.Please do not mention anything about thecontract rates as you’re on a B-1 Visa. †He says that in order for this to work, the U. S. contracts had to be written as â€Å"FixedPrice†contracts and not as â€Å"Time and Material†contracts. On a Fixed Pricecontract a customer is charged a lump sum for labor, and the people doing thework do not need to be identified to the client. But on a T&M contract, on the otherhand, the people doing the actual work had to be named along with their hourlyrate. In August 2010 Mr. Palmer says he received emails and requests to rewrite T& M contracts to FP contracts.Describing a specific instance, he says that in December 2010 an Infosys employeeshowed him a spreadsheet with a list of B1 visa workers on a project at JohnsonControl, who should not have been doing such work. He said that these workerswere working full-time testing software code and writing scripts but were paidtheir sal aries by Infosys depositing money into the cash card accounts withoutwithholding any income tax. Mr. Palmer’s testimony comes as the Indian IT industry finds itself facing morescrutiny than ever. Outsourcing has always been a hot-button issue in the U.S. , butwith a stubbornly high unemployment rate in the U. S. , the offshoring of what areperceived to be American jobs has become an increasingly sensitive political issue. Last year the U. S. passed legislation that raised fees for skilled visas, particularlyaffecting Indian IT firms. IT firms based in India generate 60% of their revenuefrom the U. S. On their part, Indian firms have seen the increased visa fees as well as delays ingetting approvals and much tougher interviews as part of a concerted campaignagainst them. Some Indian officials have even labeled the U. S. oves unfair tradepractices. In his testimony Mr. Palmer, says he and his attorney have received over 40communications from individuals at other Indian companie s stating that the sametype of H-1B and B1 visa fraud is being committed there as well. 14. Infosys said it would not rebut Mr. Palmer’s remarks point-by-point at this timebecause of its ongoing litigation with him. â€Å"We take very seriously our obligations under the law and specifically ourresponsibilities to comply with the immigration laws and visa requirements in alljurisdictions where we have clients,†said Infosys’s Mr.Gottsegen. â€Å"Mr. Palmer isobviously intent on spreading his falsehoods about Infosys and our businesspractices as broadly as possible in order to advance his objective of getting as bigof a payout as he can from the Company. †In his testimony, Mr. Palmer also lobbied for more restrictions on work visas toforeign companies. â€Å"My real life experiences have educated me to the point that if Congress decidesthat an increase of Green Cards or legal work visas in the U. S. is a must, then thereshould be limitations or ratios,â₠¬ he said. For example, for every H-1B visa issuedto foreign national company they should have to hire an American worker. †More In Infosys Infosyss High-Margin Quest Comes at a Cost Infosys Earnings Likely Stellar, But Dont Be Fooled Nilekani Says ID Project on Track Quo Vadis Cognizant? Infosys Noses Ahead of TCS After EarningsHe also said Indian companies were benefiting at the expense of the Americaneconomy, a charge the Indian IT industry disagrees with. Indian software andservices industry body NASSCOM has said in the past that the cost savings theyprovide help make U. S. firms more competitive. I have read statements from NASSCOM stating that not increasing Green Cardnumbers and with the current visa restrictions, the Indian economy would suffer,†said Mr. Palmer. â€Å"Let me ask the committee, what about our economy? Whatabout the years and years of ignoring the laws. These companies maliciously donot hire Americans and look at ways to circumvent policy and la w instead of 15. working with it. Look at the stock and growth of these large foreign companies in adown environment  they are not suffering. †ndian financial industry has always been successfully able to race every prospectoffered by the Indias fiscal policy both in terms of alteration and expansion. Inspite of all the endeavors implemented to develop the financial market, it stillremains fatally faulted due to lack of three major key elements namely inadequatemanagement, stringent accountability, and proper punishment. As a result, the capital market of India has remained one-dimensional and hasstaggered from one investment scandal to another. A straightforward listing of thetop 10 investment scams narrates the account of why Indian investors were leftannoyed by the scamsters.Unethical PracticesA brief about Top 10 Investment Scams in India1. The Securities Scam The capital market witnessed its foremost investment scandal in the form of securities scandal in the year 1992. It revealed the utter anarchy and lack of administration in the prevailing fiscal market. The money market at that time permitted funds to be relocated with impunity from financial institution and corporates into equity and consequently witnessed crores of banks capital to transfer into brokers account. This illegal market practice was later asserted as â€Å"legal and acknowledged†.In an attempt to punish the tricksters, a special court was initiated and scrutinized around 70 cases registered by CBI. Surprisingly, not even a single trickster was found guilty by the dreadfully sluggish judicial system. As a 16. matter of fact, the scamsters made frequent attempts to re-enter the market with same set of traps and resulted in losses to investors. 2. The IPO scam Soon after the entry of international organizational investors, the Control over Capital Issues was banned as the market saw heavy bull trend resulting in the revitalization of the secondary market from the previ ous scandals.The ban of Control over Capital Issues unlocked the prospects of massive scandal in Initial Public Offerings (IPO). The scam was executed in two parts; the first part was carried out by the firms that increased their market costs to incur profits in order to sponsor lucrative projects. The second part saw the unison of small time merchants, CAs, investment bankers and traders to hoist new firms and heave public capitals. The IPO scam prevailed for three long years from 1993-1996 and finally saw its downfall when the costs of the registered firm started deteriorating. . Favored share scam The scandal was an outcome of the extensive cost fixing on the derivative market. Besides increasing fresh capital, advocates of Indian firms promptly coordinated general body authorizations to transfer shares to themselves on a privileged basis and at a considerable reduction to the market, thinking that the share prices would never see the ground. Conglomerates started this trend and accrued profits of nearly 55o crores until Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) formulated strict guidelines to abandon the market practice. . CRBs cardboard scam The ` 1000 crore finacial multinational named as Chain Roop Bhansali (CRB) was the only biggest firm and most impudent of all to benefit and disappear in the loosened market ambiance of mid-1990s. The services offered by his firm 17. entailed FC collection, mutual fund, banking, etc. The clearances obtained by the firm for the trading of these services required sufficient inspection by SEBI and the RBI and the fact that they managed to qualify shows the supervisory weariness of the regulators.Facilitated by the clearances and profitable credit ranking, CRB accrued greater profits based on high value financing. The CRB collapse not only affected the investors but also the other finance firms. 5. Plantation firms scam Since few firms in mid-90s were subject to no guidelines, the plantation companies during that time also got away with profit protrusions. The plantation firms projected themselves as a part of IPO and assured massive returns. The investors were lured and the companies accrued profits from fake campaigns of around ` 8000 crores plus. . Mutual Funds scam After several mutual fund scams, the UTI bailout reflected the lack of proper guidelines in the Indian capital market. Since UTI was initiated under its own regulations, it was the tax payers who suffered the loss of ` 4800 crore in the process. After three years, the company was back purchasing Ketan Parekhs controlled scrips and incurring massive losses in the process. The evidence of the private mutual funds performance has also been inconsistent after hitting the downfall in 1999 and 2000.It took a considerable amount of time for capital market to win back the trust of mutual fund investors. 7. The 1998 scam The scamster of 1992 scam, Harshad Mehta came back with a bag of tricks again in 1998. This time he lured investors thro ugh a website by trading stock tips. His unremitting manipulation of several shares resulted in the much expected collapse of Bombay Stock Exchange. 18. 8. Home Trade scam Initiated in 2000, Home trade invested rs 24 crore in promotional campaigns to attract investors. The scam affected 8 co-operative banks that lost ` 82 Crore in EPF scheme.The Chief Executive of Hometrade, Mr. Sanjay Aggarwal was convicted by Nagpur Police later. 9. DSQ Software Scam In the year 2000 and 2001, the Managing Director of DSQ Software, Mr. Dinesh Dalmia, was held responsible for ambiguous mergers and prejudiced allocation of the amount of upto ` 595 Crores. He was later convicted in the year 2006. 10. Satyam Scam After manipulating the firms documents for several financial years, the former Chairman and Chief Executive of Satyam Computers, Mr. Ramalinga Raju, was arrested for committing scam, following unethical practice and forgery.He showed greater profits and committed fraud of ` 700 crores. 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