Monday, September 30, 2019
Manchester United Finance
INTRODUCTION Today Manchester United is the most powerful football club in the world. They have been successful and renown mainly for their sporting success in the UK and in Europe where some of the best players went through such as George Best, Bobby Charlton, Eric Cantona, David Beckham and more recently Cristiano Ronaldo and Wayne Rooney. Manchester United is more than a simple football club, it’s a brand and they have been very successful in marketing. In less than 20 years they went from local to global and have more than 650 million fans through the world.They tried to deversify their activity during the years and the brand is also present in the business industry. STRATEGY Mission Statement. Manchester United wants to be the best football club on and off the pitch. Strategy a. Expand their portofolio of global and regional sponsors. b. Develop the retail, merchandising, apparel and product licensing business. c. Exploit new media and mobile opportunities. d. Enhance the reach and distribution of the broadcasting rights. e. Diversify revenue and improve margins MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE CEO : Michael Bolimbroke – Vice President of the Executive : Ed Woodward – Group Managing Director : Richard Arnold a. Director of Finance and IT : Steve Deaville b. Director of Venue : Karl Evans c. Director of Legal and Business Affair : Patrick Steward d. Director of Communications : Phil Townsend MARKETING MIX Positionning The product Manchester United is an upmarket product. It want to be different than any other football club, this is the reason why they have developed different range of product above football. Moreover they are always artnered with the best such as Nike, AIG, Vodofone all leaders in their sector. Product. First of all the product includes providing an excellent football team that plays and wins in an exciting way. Every season they want to be the best. However, there are other ingredients of the product including merchan dising such as the sale of shirts, and a range of memorabilia. The product also relates to television rights, and Manchester United's own television channel. Place. In one respect the place is Old Trafford where home games are played, but Manchester United also plays at a range of other venues.And, of course its products are sold across the globe, through the club's website and a range of other sales media. Manchester United markets itself as a global brand. The club also engages in a range of joint promotional activities, for example with the mobile phone company Vodafone. Manchester United books, shirts, programmes, keyrings and many other items are sold and promoted through its website. Price. The club has positioned itself at the upmarket premier end of the market and, as a result, it tends to charge premium prices as evidenced by the high cost of a season ticket to watch home league games. . Perform a general account analysis of Manchester United. Observe whether there is a bal ance between debt and working capital? Information There are three important parts of a company's ? nancial statements: the balance sheet, the income statement and the cash ? ow statement. The balance sheet gives a one-time snapshot of a company's assets and liabilities. And the income statement indicates the business's pro? tability during a certain period. MANCHESTER UNITED BALANCE SHEET. Consolidated Balance Sheet*
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Choice of Software Essay
Below is a list of possible solutions to this assignment and with them there are the disadvantages and advantages. After thoroughly analysing these choices I will pick the best option. Database Advantages Using a database is a very simple option. Almost every employee without too much guidance could use the solution to enter data and carry out the basic operations. Using the database wizard, the data can be input into a table and the field types could be declared. Thus would make data entry effective and unsophisticated. The built-in features of a database will diminish the risk of errors during the input process. Adding a new record to a database would be simple as entering it underneath the previous record. Report can also be easily printed off from a database and are aesthetically pleasing in appearance already without the need of major modification. Data validation is also a key area of this project and a database already has the suitable data validation methods pre-set end embedded into the core of the database application. Disadvantages Functions such as the ability to carry out complex mathematical calculations are not necessarily included in a database application. To overcome this irregularity the database would have to be cross-linked to a spreadsheet application. This would of course multiply the workload and the size of the task, which would be pointless. Also, other features of a database are fairly limited. This would therefore mean that the database system could not be adequately adapted to tackle the problem. This solution could prove to be expensive. Commercial Software Advantages Commercial Software programs are generally simple and well suited to the problem at hand to some extent. They are easy to use and come with extensive help guides to modify the functions and utilities to suit the and help the end user and also include suitable training materials and tasks for IT illiterates Disadvantages The costs of these Commercial Software programs are quite high. The features of these are not suitable for a task of this build and even with major modification would not be completely suitable and would be prone to error. Such programs do not have validation methods built-in and do not allow for addition of such Add-ons. This would be a stumbling block to the whole program and the quality of the program would suffer as a result. This solution could prove to be expensive. Spreadsheet System Advantages A spreadsheet System would be a more obvious solution. Such a spreadsheet would be able to be implemented with alleviation. The outstanding feature of a spreadsheet over the other options is the ability to enter and manipulate complex mathematical formulae and the ability to process numerical values without too much effort. All of the task could be completed within this one package without the need for integration with other programs and partial embedding extra programs. This can be implemented by the fact that the sheets can be linked to each other. Reports can be easily printed out via the macro feature of the spreadsheet. Disadvantages To be able to use the spreadsheet, the unwritten rules of manipulating formula within a spreadsheet have to be mastered. Exact placement of cells and macros would have to be recorded. The spreadsheet system layout is fairly difficult to follow. This solution could prove to be expensive. Bespoke Program Advantages The advantages of creating a bespoke program using a high level/imperative programming language is that the styles, functions and forms of the screens can be manipulated to suit the end users. The program would come with extensive help guides and instruction for the end users. The screens would de designed specifically using extensive research techniques to gather information for the program and to meet the users requirements and create a user-friendly interface. Behind this user-friendly interface, all of the required formulae and utilities could be implemented. The cost of creating a bespoke program is virtually none after purchasing the software to create such a program with its official license, which is a great advantage over the previous examples. Disadvantages The only obvious disadvantage to such a solution would be the time taken to complete the task. After the initial research and design period, the whole design and implementation of the program and extensive testing could take 3-4 months to be fully implemented. Online Web-Based Solution Advantages The advantages of using on online system is that the system does not have to be limited to one machine or a local network of computers but this accessibility can be enlarged and accessed all over the world by the right personnel. Security can be maintained my strenuous password and security checks and Internet I.P. addresses can be recorded and monitored. Integration of spreadsheets needs to be implemented into such a Web-Based Solution. Disadvantages If this solution were to be implemented, it would be a very foolish decision. The fact that it can be accessed all over the world maybe appealing at first, but what if the security of the website is overcome and the marks of hundreds if not thousands of students could be modified by a lone teenager with a bit of effort. This would bring the whole organisation into disrepute and affect the future of many students. Apart from the security concerns of this solution, the fact that it needs to be linked to a spreadsheet so that calculations can be carried out successfully is an unpleasant feature to this exaggerated solution. Reports could be printed to an extent but the design would be very unprofessional if not amateurish as any user can do this. This solution could prove to be expensive. Paper-Based System Advantages There are no real advantages of a paper-based system apart from the fact that it is a method of recording the information Disadvantages The disadvantages include the inability to save information in a professional manner. Sheets could be misplaced. Only one user can use the system at once. Handwriting can be a problem to read and understand. Also mistakes can easily occur much to the despair of students. Chosen Solution One thing to realise is that no problem has a solution, which is 100% perfect. This is true for the problem at hand as well. As they all have some disadvantages it is the one, which has the most advantages and the least disadvantages. That seems obvious enough to me that is why I have chosen to create own program using the BESPOKE PROGRAM option. The reasons why have chosen this option is because it is a sensible option and it can be suitably implemented and designed to the users requirements as it can be manipulated and shaped to perfection. Also it is not that costly so it will keep the bank manager happy, which would not have been the case if I had gone with the other options! The layout of the forms could be suited to use the user and I would not have to add features, which are not required by the users. The feedback from the users can be used to design the type of inputs and outputs they require from the program and how they would like to enter the data and then output the information in the form of the reports. This also enables me to create a versatile and innovative solution to the problem. The reasons why I have not used some of the other possible solutions is some of them are not practical while others are surreal! The idea of incorporating two programs to work together with each other appears to be out of the question, as it would make life hard for the end user then the current methods they are using. Also some of the solutions suggest features, which could affect the integrity of the data within the organisation and allow it to be prone to hacking and malicious damage from external sources. Other solutions do not have the necessary features to carry out this task. This is why I have eliminated these solutions when considering which solution to use and the only one that seemed practical would be the BESPOKE PROGRAM option.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
“Not My Best Side†U A Fanthorpe Essay
In â€Å"Not My Best Side†U A Fanthorpe challenges the traditional, stereotypical characters in the legend Of St George and the dragon only to replace them with another equally stereotypical set In the poem â€Å"Not my best side†U A Fanthorpe has challenged the orthodox images of the characters in Uccello’s painting of St George and the Dragon. She has successfully manipulated them into modern day caricatures. Through traditional stereotypical views and legends, Uccello has portrayed the fire-breathing dragon as grotesque and beastly. Yet this is the dragon whom a boy no older than a teenager, can tame. The poem contrasts any stereotypical view the reader may have taken and reveals that the dragon is no more innocent than the other characters. In the first sentence of the first stanza, the reader is confronted by a dress conscientious victim of fashion; this is hardly a fire-breathing monster. The dragon criticises all but himself, from the painter Uccello who, â€Å"didn’t give me a chance to pose properly†to the, â€Å"horse with a deformed neck†. Fanthorpe has given such a beast a pitiful personality the painter is described as a, â€Å"poor chap†however this is not an obvious reaction expected from such a beast. The phrases used by the dragon portray how the poem is the inverse of the painting itself. The fact that the angle of the picture was not in his favour has proven to disappoint the dragon deeply but he forgets the fact that he is about to be defeated and overcomes this with an answer; â€Å"I always rise again†. The character is quick to point out such supposed absurdities as, â€Å"what, after all are two feet to a monster?†and how his conqueror travels on a horse, â€Å"with a deformed neck†. His questions convey his unhappiness of being mocked, from his point of view his killers and victims appear to be blind, juvenile or ugly. Not taking things, as seriously as he should, the dragon tends to ask rhetorical questions: â€Å"should my conqueror be so ostentatiously beardless?†and, â€Å"Why should my victim be so unattractive as to be inedible?†The character does not think why they should take him anymore seriously than he is prepared to take them. Two diametrically opposed personalities, one from Uccello’s painting of St George and the Dragon, the other from U A Fanthorpe’s poem of â€Å"Not My Best Side†are never the less the same person. Painted unnaturally white and almost glowing, the young woman in the painting could be described as a symbol of virginity. She would be insulted to be given such a personality to the one in the poem where her casual sexual attitude is most noticeable in the double entendres: â€Å"wearing machinery†and, â€Å"see all his equipment†throughout the stanza. How these phrases are interpreted, is up to the reader. Half way through the second stanza the reader infers that she would have focused her attention on another issue but instead she is now talking of how she would â€Å"enjoy†being eaten by the dragon and assumes that all girls would like the same. Fanthorpe has prescribed to the girl a rather a modern woman’s personality rather than the image of a more biblical girl. Her language and her sentences are modern and appear slightly immature. One would usually associate phrases like, â€Å"And the way he looked at me†with a teenager. One would not assume a religious orthodox figure to be using phrases such as, â€Å"he might have acne, blackheads or even bad breath†. As well as being critical she also insults her hero’s manhood, â€Å"when this boy turns up†. Indeed her declaration†I didn’t much fancy him†shows her first thought that apparently ran through her mind when she was about to be rescued from death by the very same boy. Fanthorpe has created a similarity between the two characters of the dragon and the young woman. Both are far more concerned with their image and what others think of them than the reality of the situation. It could be said that her second stanza creates a less than glamorous image of today’s new woman. St George. The legendary character who is said to be the fearless slayer of the almighty dragon. However in this stanza, St George shatters our illusions as Fanthorpe allows St George to speak for himself. He is boastful about his, â€Å"machinery†and brags how he is educated to a degree in â€Å"Dragon management†and so-called â€Å"Virgin Reclamation†. Even his horse now sounds more like a car as he mentions it has, â€Å"Automatic transmission†. The first five lines of the stanza show how the traditional story has been put into a modern context. They also show how his own stupidity can make a mockery of him. His words, â€Å"Virgin Reclamation†are an example of his arrogance because he hopes to impress by using words longer than two syllables. Also he thinks that killing is a form of â€Å"management.†Such euphemisms and vocabulary choices not only make him look ignorant and boastful but also are not the words that should be coming out of the mouth of a true hero. His, â€Å"custom built spear†makes him sound like a modern day hero, a James Bond, type but as he is only a boy he has a good few years remaining before he takes on the role. By giving St George elaborate twentieth Century technical vocabulary Fanthorpe has escaped from the biblical sense of the picture to a stereotypical and has equalled him to a modern day Essex man. He attention seeking makes him appear snobbish, â€Å"You can’t do better than me†¦I’m qualified and equipped†. The reader would expect that it would be highly discomforting to be rescued by a hero with this bragging persona. Fanthorpe has created a complete inverse of the legendary character. St George’s more chauvinist qualities leak through when he intimidates the woman by asking her how or if she would like to be rescued. He is expecting her to take on the role of Sleeping Beauty waiting for the strong and handsome prince. St George’s expectations are worked when he tells her that she could be, â€Å"endangering job prospects†if she does not wish to cooperate. Here, he has taken on a very sexist attitude, and although it seems as if he would like to save the lives of others, once again he shows his ignorance by telling her, â€Å"What†¦does it matter what You want? You’re in my way†. He is only thinking of himself. Here in the third stanza is the third vision of a selfish personality. Fanthorpe’s modern day caricatures are not complementary! The three characters in this poem hold quite different opinions yet are extremely similar in the way that each character is as different as the other. They do not like being criticised but do not think how their insults to others are even more critical, â€Å"Unattractive as to be inedible.†In each of the stanzas the characters start off with good-natured comments but as they progress to the end of the stanza the points they have made appear ruder and their egotism reveals itself. The last lines all end with a sarcastic comment. All the characters are not too worried about anyone but them self. Over all they are looking after the image of number one, which seems to be the only thing that matters. Fanthorpe’s images of three types have little of the spiritual among them. As I read about thoughts, which are materialistic, vain or lustful, I learn that Fanthorpe seems concerned with showing us not our best sides.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Art Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Art Project - Assignment Example The is still far from being settled despite the president’s new approach to enhance national production, exports and job creation for the millions of the unemployed youth. Regardless, the green color appearing on the letter symbolizes a number of positive steps which the Obama government has taken to address some of the most important economic issues such as his signing of a tax relief program in the last quarter of 2010, expanding welfare benefits, staying previous tax cuts, and capping the estate tax on figures under $10 million (Dunne, 2013). In addition, even though Obama’s signing of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009 was positive in helping to secure more financial support for infrastructure development and job creation across the country, the thin red outline of letter â€Å"E†symbolizes the pitfalls that came with the seemingly positive policy. The stimulus package and the universal health care program have conspired to paint the president as a heavy spender on social development issues than the economy can sustain. The end result has been poor performance on budget deficits â€Å"BD†and with a careful integration of red and green colors coming up every time the economy is mentioned, reducing federal budget shortfalls so as to support poor citizens; education programs and the expansion of infrastructure have blurred the president’s image (Morris, 2012). Health Care is represented by â€Å"HC.†It appears very close to the economy in terms of the president’s priorities. Since 2009, the primary health care policy of President Obama is the enactment of the universal health care scheme funded by the national government. Similarly, the use of the green color symbolizes the wide reprieve that previously uninsured Americans have so far achieved under the new system. The Affordable Care Act intends to improve the health of the American citizens by enhancing the rate of enrolment in health care programs through various government subsidies
Thursday, September 26, 2019
English 101 the family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
English 101 the family - Essay Example According to Malinowski, the family had fulfilled the universal need and so it is a universal institution. Malinowski was definite then with his view that every family has to have a father (Collier et al 1997). He stated that: "The human infant needs parental protection for a much longer period than does the young of even the highest anthropoid apes. Hence, no culture could endure in which the act of reproduction, that is, mating, pregnancy, and childbirth, was not linked up with the fact the father and mother have to look after the children for a long period, and in turn, derive certain benefits from the care and trouble taken." Anthropologies however disagree with Malinowski's view regarding the need of the father to define a family. They argued that the composition the basic social unit is not necessarily the nuclear family setting where father is needed but only the mother and the children are the only ones that composed it (Collier et al 1997). They justified their own view when they claimed that "whether of not a mate become attached to the mother on some more or less permanent basis is a variable matter". Conversely, they are maintaining Malinowski's idea of that family as a universal human institution without the attachment of the father in the family (Collier et al 1997). In some sectors' perspectives, anthropologis... Conversely, they are maintaining Malinowski's idea of that family as a universal human institution without the attachment of the father in the family (Collier et al 1997). In some sectors' perspectives, anthropologists' view is being favored more than Malinowski's. Neurophysiologists such as Diane Ackerman's, through her book A Natural History of Love (1994), agreed indirectly to the fatherless system of the family. According to Ackerman "young children go berserk when separated from their mothers, but not necessarily when separated from their fathers. Ackerman's view rely on love of the parents' towards their offspring, as the latter's reaction depends on the form of love a parent has given. Ackerman stated that mother's love is absolute, that even serial killers have mothers who love them. On the other side, fathers tend to love conditional, and more distant, thus this make children have exclusive affection towards the father (Ackerman 1994). "Fatherly love tends to punish and reward, set limits, make demands and expect obedience" as stated by Ackerman. She explained that it is really part of the parenting that an offspring to be ruled by tyrants, and obeying laws. Sara Ruddick, through her work Thinking about Fathers (1990), said that the idea of men in charge of the family threatens the systems such as household arrangements, political alliances, intersex friendship, and heterosexual relationships. In a feminist's view, domination in the family and career is the issue when men presence comes into the picture in a unit as they tend to suppress women's right to deliberately manage household concerns (Ruddick 1990). However, Ruddick tried to be balance by citing that "fathers are necessary ingredients both of childhood and good enough of
Compare Champion of the World (Angelou) and Fish Cheeks (Tan) Essay
Compare Champion of the World (Angelou) and Fish Cheeks (Tan) - Essay Example Maya Angelou has the historical issue of racism before her that baffles satisfactory solution and she articulates discrimination suffered by the African Americans and as such she uses narration to depict her sense of isolation from the dominant culture. Amy Tan employs the method of description to highlight the issue of generation gap and the discrimination which relates to the fascination of the young and not to the ground realities related to the Chinese versus American cultures. Both the authors articulate the issues about those who feel like aliens in principally white America. Angelou encounters and holds her differences as a child. Tan is chagrined of her culture until later in life when realization dawns on her that her exclusivity is an issue for celebration. It is not to be pitied or condemned. Angelou’s skin color made her dissimilar from the rest of the principal culture. As a young African American girl living in pre-civil rights era, Angelou dealt with discrimination without intermission and it was part of everyday lives of the black people. Rape, abuse and lynching took place in the ordinary course and yet they were full of pride for their culture. Some of them were outstanding like Joe Louis, a black boxer, who challenged a white man in a heavyweight boxing competition of the world. The contest was watched by one and all of the Black Americans. Maya Angelou describes the bout-eve scenario thus: â€Å"The last inch of space was filled, ye t people continued to wedge themselves along the walls of the store†(p.112). This indicates that the Black Americans, who were isolated from the mainstream society, were thrilled to find their man getting space and recognition and he was being watched on the television by millions. Their isolated spirit was beginning to get recognition by the society. When he wins the contest, the reaction of Angelou is obvious. She is inflated with pride and her original conviction about the greatness of the
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Darwin's The Origin of Species (Essay Question) Essay
Darwin's The Origin of Species ( Question) - Essay Example In an individual’s life, the genomes interact with their immediate environments to bring changes in the traits. The environment of the genome consists of molecular components in the cell, cells, organisms, communities, and the abiotic environment. Individuals having a particular variant of the characteristic can survive and give rise to individuals than the other variants. The population will, therefore, evolve (Darwin 78-122). Factors affecting the reproductive success are crucial, an issue that Darwin came up with while thinking about sexual selection. Darwin, for example, noted natural selection tends to act on the external physical characteristics of an organism (also called phenotype). The genetic material responsible for the phenotype that gives the reproductive advantage surpasses other phenotypes in a given population. After several years, the process may result in communities that are specific for some ecological niches whose outcome is that a new species is formed. In conclusion, natural selection is a vital process by which evolution occurs within a given community. Natural selection is regulated by the environment that acts as a sieve only some variations can pass through (Darwin 11-122). Both forms of selection bring about changes or evolution in a population. Natural selection controls development where the environment selects the losers and winners. In artificial selection, human beings share what they want in other living things. Natural selection involves cases where only those organisms well suited to the environment can survive and reproduce. The organisms transmit their genetic characteristics to the subsequent generations. Artificial selection occurs when man acts as an environmental pressure. When man chooses cats with certain characteristics and breeds them to get the desired traits is an example of domestic selection. In simple words, domestic selection gives rise to organisms very different
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Corporate Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Corporate Finance - Essay Example The flat world is here to stay, and has conquered both time and distance. Thomas Friedman is a thinker and a futurist par excellence, as his book ‘The World is Flat’ (2005) clearly shows. In the book, Friedman makes out a compelling case for a series of revolutions that have transformed the world to be what it is today. Friedman states that the availability of the internet and digital technology at a cheaper rate has enabled developing nations like India compete with Americans for jobs in the service sector. In the coming days, the author argues excellently that most of world manufacturing will be handled by China, which we can see increasingly in evidence if we look at the manufacturer’s label on most of our household electronics and appliances. This has already pushed China to be in line with the USA and Japan as one of the world’s largest economies (Friedman, 2005). Commenting recently in his ever popular column in the New York Times, Friedman argues now that the World is Full. Scientists have calculated that we are presently using up the Earth resources (especially in China) at the rate of 1.5 times the available supply. It does not take much to reason out the damage this is doing to the carbon footprint. In fact, the Australian environmentalist and entrepreneur Paul Gilding is arguing that with the paucity of resources and rising prices everywhere, we could be heading for another crisis. The answer lies in population control and killing off the consumerist economy. When we have lesser mouths to feed, we will do better in providing jobs. The world’s resources and ecosystems will be in balance, food prices can be controlled and we can better handle the vagaries of weather and crop protection. It all makes sense when we see how things are connected. We see not only how things are, but what we have to do to get out of a crisis. President Obama heaved a sigh of relief as he announced that a deal on increasing America’s debt ceiling had
Monday, September 23, 2019
President Ronald Reagan Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
President Ronald Reagan - Term Paper Example One such example of a nation with rich history of leaders is the United States. In the modern society of the United States, the president is viewed as the greatest leader of the country. The US has had its share of its own leaders, from the first presidents and community heads, to today’s president, Barrack Obama. One of these leaders of the American nation who served as a president is Ronald Reagan. He has numerous contributions during his term, but one must objectively assess these contributions, so as to fully appreciate whether these contributions and achievements had any real impact or effect. In relation, this paper will then look into the said contributions and achievements of a US president, specifically Ronal Reagan. This paper will first present an overall look at the president’s biography, especially focusing on Reagan’s term as the president of the United States. Afterwards, this paper will then present a critical appraisal of the president’s c ontribution to the country, using the different criteria provided by different secondary literatures and resources. In here, different ratings or appraisals will be given to the president and his performance, based on the said literatures. In addition, after different individual grades, an overall grade or evaluation of former president Ronald Reagan will be presented. More importantly, this paper will attempt to prove that President Ronald Reagan can be given a grade of A-, based on his achievements and accomplishments, also including numerous issues, controversies, and problems that arose during his reign as president. Biography and Overview of President’s Administration Ronald Wilson Reagan was born on the 6th of February in 1911, in a second floor apartment in Tampico, Illinois, where his parents resided at the time. The young Reagan was then raised in Dixon, and he received his education at Eureka College, graduating with a degree of Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Eco nomics.1 After he graduated, Reagan first went into the entertainment sector, wherein he served as a radio broadcaster in Iowa. He then moved to Los Angeles in 1937, where his career in the entertainment sector soared as he found roles for acting in films, and then television shows.2 Some of Reagan’s most notable films include Bedtime for Bonzo, Kings Row, All American, and numerous others. In the later years of his career as an actor, Reagan found himself serving as the president of the Screen Actors Guild. Later, he also became the spokesman for the company General Electric (GE), where history saw to the earlier beginnings of his political career.3 Reagan was originally a member and follower of the Democratic Party, but by the late 1950s, his positions started shifting rightward and by 1962, he transferred to the Republican Party. His most notable move to the political arena was seen when, after delivering a stirring speech in 1964 supporting the presidential candidacy of t hen candidate Barry Goldwater, his leadership potentials were noticed and then brought to the limelight. With this acknowledgement of his potentials, Reagan was then persuaded to run for the governorship. Two years later, he won the said California governorship, a position he won again in 1970.4 In 1968, he ran for presidential nomination as candidate for the Republican Party, but he lost, and again in 1976, he ran for the same nomination for presidential candidacy but was defeated. Finally, in 1980, he won the said
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Air traffic control Essay Example for Free
Air traffic control Essay Situation 1: Adapted from WAFBLA â€Å"Everyone Else Does It! †Ethics Project You have been struggling in your Engineering Models class. The content does not come easily, so you have put in countless hours to understand and do the assignments. There is another student who breezes through the assignments, getting high marks for the work he turns in. You know for a fact that he has used his college-aged cousin to do some of the assignments for him. You don’t know how many assignments were turned in this way, but you are certain that he, in fact, did not do all the work. Your frustration increases over the last assignment that you worked overtime on, but did poorly. Of course, this other student scored well on the same assignment. You drop the teacher an anonymous note about the implied cheating on the part of this other student. Questions: 1) What do you believe are the ethical issues related to this situation? Not being prepared to turn in the assignment. Trying to use someone elses work as your own. | 2) Write an argument supporting the actions taken. Be sure to tie your response to one of the ethical frameworks discussed. This is the rights approach as you are telling the teacher that another student is not turning in his actual work. This will make the challenge of the assignment fair for everyone. | 3) Write an argument against the actions taken. Be sure to tie your response to one of the ethical frameworks discussed. You should just let the other student do what he wants to and tell him that he won’t be able to get help when he does the exam. | 4) Were you in this situation, what would your response be? Why? I would also tell the teacher that he is cheating so that it would be fair for everyone who turns in their homework. | Situation 2: Occidental Engineering Author: Michael McFarland, S. J. Wayne Davidson is a software engineer in the aerospace division of Occidental Engineering, a large engineering firm. For the past two years he has been working as a test engineer for Operation Safe Skies, a project to build a prototype of the next generation air traffic control system. This project, which is funded by a contract from the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA), is a very important one for Occidental. With all the cutbacks in defense spending, the aerospace division has been losing business. The Safe Skies project has provided much needed business, and could lead to a much larger contract if successful. Mindful of its strategic importance, the company had bid very aggressively for the original contract. In fact they had low-balled it, bidding less than it would take to do the work properly. They felt that was the only way they could beat out their competitors, who were just as hungry for the work. Because of their somewhat shaky financial position, the company was not willing to take a loss on the project, so the project has been underfunded and understaffed. Nevertheless those working on the project have made a heroic effort, working eighteen hour days seven days a week to meet the deadline, because they know how much it means to the company, not to mention their own jobs. They are now very close to success. A version of the prototype has been completed and turned over to Wayne for testing. He has run extensive simulations on it and found that it works as it should except for one little problem: when there are too many aircraft in the system, it will sometimes lose track of one or more of them. The forgotten aircraft will simply disappear from the screen, there will be no trace of it anywhere, and it will be ignored by all of the collision avoidance and other safety tests. Wayne has been working with the software designers to identify the cause of the problem, and they have traced it to a subtle error in memory allocation and reuse. They are confident that they can fix it, but it will take a month or more to do the redesign, coding and testing. Wayne meets with his boss, Deborah Shepherd, the project manager, to discuss the implications. She tells him that what he is asking for is impossible. The contract requires that the company deliver a fully certified, working version of the software in three days for system integration and test. The government has developed a new, get-tough policy on missed deadlines and cost overruns, and Occidental is afraid that if they miss this deadline, the government will make an example of them. They would be subject to fines and the loss of the remainder of the prototype contract; and they might not be allowed to bid on the contract for the full system. This would have a devastating effect on the aerospace division, resulting in thousands of lost jobs. They consider whether they can do a quick patch to the software before turning it over, but Wayne adamantly refuses to release any code that has not been tested thoroughly. There is always a chance that the patch would interact with some other part of the program to create a new bug. Then well have to deliver the software as is, Deborah says. I cant jeopardize this project or the jobs of my people by missing that deadline. We cant do that! exclaims Wayne. Thats like delivering a car with defective brakes. Dont worry, Deborah reassures him. We have contacts in the FAA, so we know their testing plans. They will do a lot of simulations to make sure the software works with the hardware and has all the functionality in the specs. Then they will do live tests, but only at a small airport, with a backup system active at all times. There is no way they will overload the system in any of this. After that they will have some change requests. Even if they dont, we can give them an updated version of the program. We can slip the bug fix in there. They will never see the problem. Even if they do, we can claim it was a random occurrence that would not necessarily show up in our tests. The important thing is no one is in any danger. Maybe they wont find the bug, but I know its there. I would be lying if I said the system passed all the necessary tests. I cant do that. Anyway, it would be illegal and unprofessional. You can certify that it is safe, because it is, the way they are going to use it. And so he does. In the end Wayne signs off on the software. It is delivered to the FAA and makes it through all the preliminary tests, including live tests at a small airport in the Midwest. As a result of these tests, the FAA requests some changes in the user interface, and when Occidental delivers the new software it includes a robust solution to the problem of the disappearing aircraft. No one outside of Deborahs group ever learns of the problem. In fact Occidentals success with the prototype leads to major contracts for air traffic control software, giving much-needed business to the aerospace division. This saves hundreds of jobs, and allows the company to add hundreds more. Wayne Davidson, however, takes early retirement once the prototype project is finished, in order to write a book on software testing. He feels that the book should have a chapter on ethics, but he can never bring himself to write it. Questions: 1) What do you believe are the ethical issues related to this situation? Lying about a completed project when it isn’t. | 2) Write an argument supporting the actions taken. Be sure to tie your response to one of the ethical frameworks discussed. There was no productive way to get all of the project done, so they had to give what they had. | 3) Write an argument against the actions taken. Be sure to tie your response to one of the ethical frameworks discussed. It wasn’t a good choice because they didn’t tell the company that the project wasn’t finished and handed them an incomplete project. | 4) Were you in this situation, what would your response be? Why? I would ask for more people to help so we could get the project done on the day its due and assign each person a different part to do. |
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Abraham Lincoln The Man That Changed America History Essay
Abraham Lincoln The Man That Changed America History Essay This one man was able to fight for, work for, and love his country so much that he single-handedly brought about changes that had previously only been dreamt of. This astonishing individual accomplished more in 30 years than most men do in their entire lifetime. Perhaps one of the most remarkable men in the history of the United States, Abraham Lincoln changed the course of our history forever. On February 12, 1809, Nancy Lincoln gave birth to a son, whom she named Abraham. This child, named after his grandfather, was born in Hardin County, Kentucky. Abraham had two siblings, Sarah, who was two years older, and Thomas, who was three years younger. However, Thomas, Abrahams only brother, unexpectedly died shortly after birth. The Lincolns were not a significantly wealthy family; they lived in a log cabin, and Thomas Lincoln worked very hard for every cent he earned. In fact, Thomas had to take on two jobs, farming and carpentry, in order to support his family. Partly on the account of slavery, but chiefly on the account of the difficulty of land titles in Kentucky, Thomas Lincoln moved his family to Pigeon Creek, Indiana. (Lincoln Bicentennial). In 1716, after buying property, Abraham helped his father with much of the work involved in settling into this 160-acre piece of land. Just two years after the move, in 1818, the Lincoln family suffered yet another tragedy when Abrahams mother died from contaminated milk. Just a year after Nancys death, Abrahams father remarried a widow, with three children of her own, by the name of Sarah Bush Johnston. Abraham and his stepmother grew very close, and she treated him as if he were her own child. She encouraged him to grow in his knowledge and understanding of things, and was said to have started his childhood education. (Burns). Although Abraham had previously gone to school for a couple of months, he never had any inspiration to learn until he received this encouragement from his stepmother. If one put all of Abrahams schooling together, one would find that he received less than one year of actual school in his entire life. This means that Abraham Lincoln had so little education, that he could be considered a completely self educated man. He showed a special interest in books and reading and knew his Bible very well even though he never attended church. At the age of 19, Abraham Lincoln had grown into a man of 64 and was stronger than anyone in town, leading to his first job offer. The offer came from a man by the name of James Gentry, and it was to bring a shipload of cargo to New Orleans. After delivering the cargo, with James Gentrys son, on a boat Abraham had built by hand, James was amazed by Abrahams incredible skill and reliability. He asked Abraham to work in his local store, and Abraham jumped at the opportunity to make some more money. While working there, he would often hear men speak of politics; this sparked an interest, which slowly grew to a flame, in young Abraham. During this time, however, Abrahams sister, Sarah, died giving birth to a child, causing much grief in his life. Soon after her death, Abrahams relatives wrote his father, saying how greatly efficient and productive the soil in Illinois was. This inspired Thomas Lincoln to once again move his family to a different part of the country. (Lincoln Bicentennial ). This time however, Abraham did not stay with his family for very long. Instead, he went up to New Salem, Illinois, and life on his own had finally begun. Between 1831 and 1832, Abraham tried various occupations, and learned very much, including the basics of mathematics. However, when the Black Hawk War began, Lincoln was one of the first to enlist in the American militia. Abraham never saw any action personally, but he was still elected captain of his company. He served his men as best as he possibly could until the war ended, just a couple months later. Once safely back in New Salem, Abraham took on the job of postmaster, and was placed in charge of the local post office. As word of this honest, hardworking, and diligent man spread throughout Salem and the surrounding towns, Abraham acquired the nickname Honest Abe. During this time, Abraham learned more grammar and began to develop a formal and proper way of speaking. He decided to run for state legislature, ultimately beginning his political career, but lost to one of his rivals. This defeat did discourage Abraham Lincoln, but rather, drove him to persevere, strive for excellence, and be the best he could be. In 1834, Abraham made a second attempt at politics, and once again ran for state legislature, only this time, he won. He was representative of the state of Illinois and gained the approval and trust of many of his fellow countrymen. After he won the election, he took up the study of law. With his love of debating, storytelling, and reading, he found his calling in law and politics. (National Museum of American History). While he was a lawyer, Abraham Lincoln grounded his principles and opinions, especially those on slavery, making this an extremely pivotal point in his life. Lincolns years as a lawyer influenced his character, and that character eventually influenced our nation. (Kalantari). His ability to ease the witnesses, as well as the entire atmosphere of the courtroom, made him a great lawyer. For the next 25 years, Abraham served as a lawyer aside from his political career. The men and women of Illinois held such affection for Abraham Lincoln that they re-elected him three times over the next six years. In 1840, just after his third re-election, Abraham proposed to a woman by the name of Mary Ann Todd, whom he had met the year before. After breaking up and getting back together, they finally got married in November of 1842. Less than a year after their marriage, Abraham and Mary welcomed their first baby boy into the world, and named him Robert Todd Lincoln. For the next two years, Abraham not only continued to serve as state representative, but he also showed devotion to his family, proving himself to be a great father. In 1846, Abraham and Mary conceived yet another child who they named Edward Baker Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln enjoyed his time as the representative of Illinois, but it was not long before he realized that he was capable of much more. Impelled by this realization, Abraham ran for U.S. representative in 1847, at the age of 38. He won the election, but served in this position for only one term. Once this term ended, Abraham fell back on his career as a lawyer, and continued to study law books. For the next five years, Lincoln devoted much of his time to studying the issue of slavery as well. (Lincoln Bicentennial). During this time, however, Abrahams son, Edward, died at the young age of four. The Lincoln family took his death very hard and later learned it had most likely been due to a bad case of tuberculosis. In that same year, Mary gave birth to a third son, named William Wallace Lincoln. His birth guided the family through the struggle, and helped them to move on. Just three years later, in 1853, the Lincolns had yet another son, who they named Thomas Tad Lincoln. Their sons brought Abraham and Mary great joy, and Abraham was said to be a very loyal and committed father. In 1854, Abraham was again elected as state representative; however, he resigned in order to run for the U.S. senate. During his campaign, he gave a speech declaring the United States would either become all free or all slave because a house divided against itself cannot stand. It was after this debate that Lincoln received his first considerable national fame. (Abe Lincoln). Despite his national fame, Abraham lost this election. Undeterred, he made yet another attempt at the U.S. senate, in 1858, however, he was once again out-voted. Two short years later, Abraham Lincoln took the biggest step of his political career. That year, 1860, Abraham jumped at the opportunity to run for president of the United States. Not sure if he would make it or not, Abraham was campaigning against some of the top competitors in the country. After a long, hard, and stressful run, Abraham was finally elected the sixteenth president of the United States of America. Almost immediately after his election, southern states began to drop out of the union, angered by the new anti-slavery president. Eleven states ended up dropping out, and their anger eventually turned to violence in 1861, marking the beginning of the Civil War. The North fought for the abolition of slavery, and the South fought for keeping slavery. As the war raged on, Abraham Lincoln continued to fight for the right of all men as equals. Not only was Abraham fighting to free the slaves, but he was also fighting to reunite the North and the South. He believed that in order to stand, the United States had to join together as one country, instead of being a split nation. As the war neared it ´s third year, Abraham Lincoln issued one of the most important documents in history: the Emancipation Proclamation. The Proclamation declared that  ´all persons held as slaves within the rebellious states are, and henceforth shall be free ´ (National Archives and Records Administration). This document aided the northern states in the war by: allowing blacks to fight for the union army, redefining the civil war as a war of freedom, and strengthening the union soldiers mentally. The Emancipation Proclamation is quite possibly the greatest document of human freedom. (National Archives and Records Administration). As the war continued to be fought, Abraham ´s fourth year as president came near, and the time for elections came around. In 1864, Abraham Lincoln was re-elected as president of the United States. He continued doing his presidential duties just as well, if not better than before. A year after his re-election, Abraham and his wife went to see a show in Ford ´s Theatre, Washington, D.C. Around 10:00 p.m., an actor by the name of John Wilkes Booth entered the presidential booth, and shot Abraham Lincoln in the back of the head with a pistol. Abraham survived through the night, but died around 7:30 the next morning. Booth, motivated to kill President Lincoln due to disagreements on slavery, escaped, but was found and shot a few weeks later. Abraham ´s death only motivated more people to fight for the freedom and equality of all men and women alike. The very same year he died, the Civil War came to an end with the South surrendering. Due to Abraham Lincoln ´s perseverance and willpower, slavery was abolished, and America was made a free country. America ´s future had been set on a new path. The old life was thrown away, and a new chapter had begun for all Americans, black and white. Abraham accomplished more in his last few years than one could even dream to accomplish in an entire lifetime. Abraham Lincoln, one of the most extraordinary men to ever live, changed the future, lives, and hearts of Americans forever.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The relationship between leadership and followership
The relationship between leadership and followership Leadership is a person or group of people who have taken on the position of assisting others through motivation, good decision making, and a strong commitment to promoting change. Leaders are considered as one of the key success of management of organizations and companies. While establishing goals, an effective leader addresses clear direction, delegates their team against achievement, and leads by exemplar. Leadership and motivation styles vary from individual to individual, it is essential for managers to know and understand leadership, and particular how leadership affects countries and the workplace. However, followers are just as important, without followers there would be no leaders. Leadership has changed a great deal over time. The historical views of leadership differ dramatically from the views of modern times. In the past, leaders were seen as powerful and authoritative. Historical leaders were usually dictators, kings, prophets, or priests. They were not any average person and no one could learn to be a leader, it was an innate characteristic. Almost all historical leaders were male as well. They were rulers and used force and manipulation to get their point across and to get individuals to follow them. Historically leadership began with the trait approach. This approach is what brought about the theory that leaders were born and never made. Another name for this approach is the great man theory. Much of the research about the trait approach was conducted in the 1930s, 40s, and 50s. This theory did not look at the impact that situations may have on leadership, only traits. There were no empirical findings from the trait approach so the research ultimately ended in the 1950s (Barnett, 2003).    Modern leaders are very different from historical leaders. Over the years, a great deal of research and scientific studies were conducted. Through that research, individuals views of leadership have changed and evolved. While there is still debate, the universal view is not that leadership is inherited. People have come to think that leadership is taught and some people even believe that all individuals possess the potential to be a leader.    After the trait, theory proved an ineffective way to determine who would be an effective leader researchers began to look at the behaviors of a leader rather than the traits. Most of that research was done in the 1940s and 50s. The behavioral theory began to look at what leaders actually do instead of just looking at their inborn traits and characteristics. The behaviors of effective leaders are different from the behaviors of ineffective leaders. Two major classes of leadership behavior are relationship-oriented behavior and task-oriented behavior. This theory put into motion the thought that leaders are created and a person can learn to be a leader. This theory also put leadership development into action.    In the 1960s and 70s another leadership theory was introduced, the contingency theory. This theory put forth the idea that factors unique to each situation determine whether specific leader characteristics and behaviors will be effective. In essence, this theory states that a leadership style that works well in one place may not be effective in another. How a leader performs is contingent on their situation and placement rather than just their style.    In the 1970s and 80s even more research was being conducted and through that emerged both the theories of leader-member exchange and charismatic leadership. The leader-member exchange theory states that leaders form high-quality relationships with some of their employees but not others. The quality of those relationships can lead to many different outcomes in the workplace because people are being treated differently. Charismatic leadership theory proposes that effective leaders inspire their employees to commit themselves to goals by communicating a vision, displaying charismatic behavior, and setting a powerful personal example.    In light of the research that formed the modern views of leadership, followership came into the forefront. My first thought when I think of being a follower is negative. I think that most people automatically think negative when they hear of the word follower. In the beginning, I pictured an individual who had no sense of self-worth who goes along with what anyone says; however, is not the case. There is a clear relationship, which takes place between leaders and followers, and the dynamic, which forms the relationship, is essential to the function of both parties. Without followers, leaders would not exist. Leaders need their followers and they need the respect of their followers as well. A leader could have many followers or subordinates in the workplace but if the leader is not respected or accepted that means nothing. According to Gardner (1987) a leader can be given subordinates, but they cannot be given a following. A following must be earned. Leaders and followers must be able to collaborate and work together. It is important for leaders to assist their followers in independent thinking and judgments so that they are able to contribute to the workplace effectively. A leader sees possibilities in individuals and figures out what it takes to motivate them. Aside from the relationship that is essential between leaders and followers there are also people who are considered good followers. According to Kelley (1988), many roles are attributed to an effective follower. Followers are able to think critically and think both inside and outside the box. They are able to manage themselves when they are called upon to do so and they show incredible commitment to the job. Many organizations are cultivating effective followers by instituting training programs and leaderless environments. Overall, a follower is not just a mindless drone who does whatever they are told to do. Effective followers are not only necessary, but also essential, to the functioning of any organization. There is a clear relationship between leadership and followership and the differences between the two are relatively clear. The differences between leaders and managers are not quite as clear. Ideally, a manager can also be a leader as well. Managers are thought to be authoritative and transactional while leaders are charismatic and transformational. Some qualities that are attributed to managers that they are reactive, use routine, are tactical, and are controlling. Qualities that are attributed to leaders are that they use strategy, have a vision, are passionate, and are proactive. Managers seek stability while leaders seek change. While some attributes between the two are interchangeable, the main differences are the ways in which they handle situations. According to Pascale (1990), Managers do things right, while leaders do the right thing. As mentioned, managers are thought to be transactional. Transactional and transformational leadership are two more types of leadership styles. Transactional leaders use a system of reward and punishment. The chain of command is clear and employees are expected to do what they are told. There is also a clear structure in place as well as a system for disciplinary action. Transactional leadership is based on contingency where rewards or punishments are contingent on the performance of the employee or subordinate. Subordinates are usually responsible for their own work and they are held personally responsible for anything that may go wrong even if they did not have the proper resources to carry out the task. Transformational leadership is almost the opposite of transactional. A transformational leader creates trust within their organization and with their employees. They give a sense of energy and enthusiasm to the workplace. This type of leader is caring and not only cares about the bottom line but also about the individual and their success. They have a vision and take the time for others to see that vision as well. While maintaining focus on their primary objectives, leaders must be agreeing enough to listen to other peoples opinions, and ideas. The debate over whether leadership is inherited or learned has been going on for a long time; many people have taken a stand on this topic, and are firm in their beliefs. One view is that we are born with the characteristics to be a leader. People are not made into leaders or taught to be leaders, they just are leaders. They were born with the skills and abilities to lead. The other view is that leadership can be learned. This view believes th at with the proper tools, education, and discipline anyone can learn to be a leader. According to Resnick (2003), leaders must be able to create a vision, build alignment, and effect deployment. He claims that not all individuals are able to achieve all of those things and become leaders. He further states that there are two main reasons why an individual may not possess the qualities of a leader. The first reason comes from our DNA. We are all born with capabilities and inherent characteristics and at some point in our life; some of our skills may develop to the limit of our potential. Some people may be more intuitive then others or some individuals may be extreme extroverts. Those characteristics influence a person to become what type of leader they will be. The second reason is seen as embedded into our character. Our sense of right and wrong, of fairness and justice, and of honesty and integrity is deeply rooted and unlikely to change. Those elements are likely to come from our families, culture, religion, and schooling. There is a chance that an extreme experie nce in life could affect those elements, but overall they usually stay the same. Some individuals, however, believe that anyone can be molded into a leader. Mohr (2000) believes that some of the greatest leaders were created and molded into leaders that they eventually became. Effective and strong leaders consist of government, military, and corporate CEOs, which must be strong enough to get the job complete. Some of those leaders were Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, Ronald Reagan, and Sam Walton of Wal-Mart. They are considered educated leaders and became great leaders through hard work, vision, and a laid out plan to succeed. With the proper training, anyone in the business world can become a great leader. Leadership balances strong, forcefulness with accommodation to achieve successful outcomes.    There are many issues surrounding leadership, especially in recent times. I believe that America has become bitter about leadership. Much like the dictators and authoritarians of the past, we have come to fear and not trust our leaders. Many people feel let down by our recent leaders. While we hold on to the hope that things will soon get better, the fact that we are in a very bad situation due to poor leadership is very apparent and still in the forefront.    I believe that the crisis in leadership stems from many areas. The most apparent is the businesspersons who build peoples trust in them only to rob them blind. One of the most recent cases of that is the 50 billion dollar fraud case of Bernard Madoff. Many people, mostly wealthy, put their trust in him and he ripped them off. Another case of that was the entire Enron scandal where so many people lost everything. Those individuals were viewed as powerhouse leaders. People wanted to trust them since they were at the top and promised great things. So many people were let down. The individuals did not have to be personally affected by those incidences, the fact that they happened and are still happening makes people wary of trusting anyone in an authority position, especially in business.      America is in a crisis due to poor leadership. People are losing their homes, retirement accounts are dwindling, the unemployment rate keeps getting higher, and people are living paycheck to paycheck. Those are just a few of examples of the extreme crisis we are in. Our leaders have taken a part in creating that crisis and have done nothing to remedy it. We talk about a crisis in leadership however; I see it as a crisis in lacking an effective leadership. It may sound the same but I think the two are different. Ineffective leaders did not create the entire crisis in America but they have done little to help it either. I think there is a crisis in leadership but I think our leaders are in crisis as well.    I believe there will always be a crisis in leadership, even if the government was liked and the economy was not in a recession, I think the answer would still be yes. We live in an imperfect world and there are no perfect people. There will always be someone, somewhere who has been let down by a leader, whether it be a global leader or their own leader at their place of employment. Leadership will never be perfect because we, as human beings, will never be perfect. For that reason, alone I believe there will always be some sort of crisis in leadership. I believe that leadership can be both inherited and learned. I think that many people are born to be leaders. Their personalities are mapped out in a way that they just happen to possess all of the qualities of a great leader. I do not believe, however, that all people who are born to be leaders actually realize that potential. Their environment or upbringing, just to name a few, could stifle that potential and they may become followers after all. On the other hand, I think that people can learn to be leaders, but I do not think this applies to everyone. It is not universal. I do not agree with the notion that every person can be taught to be a leader. I feel as though some people just do not fit into the leadership personality type or they are so comfortable not taking the role of leader that they cannot learn any other way.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Situational Leadership and Empathy :: Leader Leadership Qualities Business Essays
What can we say about leadership? Leadership is a concept, way of life, and aspect of continuous evolution. Trying to narrow down or pinpoint an exact definition to be applied to this term is non-existent. Rather you can only apply certain aspects of this term to better understand it. The area which I will go into is â€Å"how situational leadership coincides with empathy as far as generating a successful or non-successful leader.†First let us look at what situational leadership is. Situational leadership is seen as a leadership method according to the present situation you may be in. A true exceptional leader is not one who has a set method on how he/she leads, but rather an evolutionary method that situational leadership requires. Let me elaborate more on this. Let us say Roger Smith (a project manager from XYZ Construction Company) worked on a project down at Seattle for about a year and had to deal with the common problems associated with projects such as change orders, sub-contractor disputes, scope issues, and weather conditions. Roger Smith handled the Seattle project as he saw fit with prior experience and knowledge that he has about the industry. Now let us modify the situation. Let’s give Roger Smith the same type of project. Identical in size, cost, and scheduling but this time it will take place 4 years later along with the location being in China rather than Seattle. Will Roger Smithâ €™s way of leading that he used in Seattle be successful in China? The outcome points towards no. Why would that be the case if the project is basically identical? For one, we have a different setting location. The labor issues, construction specifications, and laws are dealt with differently in China. Not only that, but the people he would be working with are raised and exposed to a totally different culture. With that, Roger can not approach or deal with people the same way. He would have to understand their culture to better adapt which is an aspect of empathy which I will get into more detail later. That is just one example of situational leadership needing to be applied to succeed in a project. For an additional clarification, defines situational leadership as, â€Å"In simple terms, a situational leader is one who can adopt different leadership styles depending on the situation.†With those aspects at hand, someone can apply this concept in their progression of becoming a successful leader.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Giver Essay example -- Essays Papers
The Giver The Giver is about a boy named Jonas who lives in the future in an almost perfect community. Jonas is chosen to be the person who carries all the memories of the past, given to him by the giver. It is by Lois Lowry. There are many good and bad things in the Giver. Some good things are that hardly anyone gets hurt. When people do get hurt they take a pill and the pain goes right away. No one ever breaks bones or anything. There are no criminals, and there are no locks on any homes or buildings. Another good thing is that everyone knows who everyone else is and it’s a very small community with only a few hundred people. There are hardly ever any visitors from outside the community. Sometimes kids from other communities go play with the kids in the book’s community. All the people are provided with homes, jobs, and food. A bad thing about the giver’s community is release. When a person breaks a major rule, is too old, or isn’t right as a baby they get release d. Release is killing. In the book there are twins and the smaller one has to be released. His father turned and opened the cupboard. He took out a syringe and a small bottle. Very carefully he inserted the needle into the bottle and began to fill the syringe with a clear liquid. Jonas winced sympathetically. He had forgotten that newchildren had to get shots. He hated shots himself, though he knew they were necessary. To his surprise, his father began very carefully to direct the needle into the top of the newchild’s forehead, puncturing the place where the fragile skin pulsed. The newborn squirmed and wailed faintly â€Å"Why’s he-â€Å" â€Å"Shhh,†The giver said sharply. His father was talking, and Jonas realized that he was hearing the answer to the question he had started to ask. Still in the special voice, his father was saying, â€Å"I know, I know. It hurts, little guy. But I have to use a vein, and the veins in your arm are still too teeny-weeny.â € He pushed the plunger very slowly, injecting the liquid into the scalp vein until the syringe was empty. â€Å"All done. ! That wasn’t so bad, was it?†Jonas heard his father say cheerfully. He turned aside and dropped the syringe into a waste receptacle. Now he cleans him up and makes him comfy, Jonas said to himself, aware that the giver didn’t want to talk during the little ceremony. As he continued to watch, the newchild, no longer crying, moved his arms and le... ...n away from the town to Elsewhere. The memories she received became lost in the town. The community has always depended on the receiver to hold their memories for them. The Giver and Jonas made a plan to leave town. Jonas is supposed to go to Elsewhere. In Elsewhere the town is completely different from the town Jonas came from. When Jonas get to Elsewhere, it means that the community has to bear the burden themselves that Jonas was holding. Jonas went to Elsewhere with a baby named Gabriel. They went through the cold and were starving but finally in the end made it to Elsewhere. The Giver had to stay to help the people cope with the memories they would receive. I agree with what Jonas did. People should be able to make their own decisions and live life the way they want to Jonas was starting to see the fighting of the wars, he didn't really liked that memory. Another memory that impacted me was when Joneas was in the top of the hill and saw, and felt the fresh snow and when he got into the slide and went of the snow, but then after he maked the planed to live and tried to make it, but after he left home he took Gabriel to go with him, but unfortionaly they both died in the way.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
A point in life Essay
I have come to a point in life that many people have not. I have made a firm decision to recommit myself to pursuing my dreams. While there are those who believe that with an ounce of luck and a ton of persistence anything can be accomplished, I believe that there is no reason to expend so much energy and rely on luck. I believe in taking hold of my destiny and carving out a future for myself based on the decisions that I make in life. Life is simply too short and too precious to be left to luck alone. This is why I have chosen to apply for a course in Nursing at the Saint Xavier University. I have always wanted to help change the world. As a child, I believed that if everyone did their own little part in taking that extra step to help others, the world would be a much better place for everyone. The stark reality of it all hit me not long after that but it did not lessen my resolve. I figured that if so many people I knew did not want to do their part in changing the world then I would probably have to do their share. This is where my motivation to pursue nursing comes from; the drive to go the extra mile just to make a difference in this world. I see my goal in life as similar to that of Nurse Leader Mary Breckenridge in that I know that nursing plays a very important role in the world today. There are few jobs and professions that are as rewarding as nursing. While other jobs may get more publicity, the role that nurses play in the health care industry is highly valued and appreciated. My motivation has to do with the fact that nursing is one of the ways by which I am able to do something that I really want to do in my life and that is to care and help other people. More importantly, I greatly feel that by taking up nursing I will be able to make a difference in this world much like Mary Breckenridge has done. Pursuing my career in nursing is just the first step in my plan. Much like Nurse Leader Mary Breckenridge has done, I too want to be just more than a nurse. I would like to have the opportunity to take a bigger role in making the world a better place to live. My main philosophy in life is to lead by setting an example. I cannot expect others to do what I myself would be willing to do but that does not mean that I cannot hope that others will see the example that I have shown them. This philosophy is one of the many forces that drive me to pursue my dream of pursuing a career in nursing and of becoming so much more in life. The chance to help those who are less fortunate in life, the chance to help people like myself, the opportunity to be of service to humanity; these are the reasons why I have selected nursing as the profession that I will pursue; for, as Eleanor Roosevelt once said, â€Å"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams†¦Ã¢â‚¬ A point in life Essay I have come to a point in life that many people have not. I have made a firm decision to recommit myself to pursuing my dreams. While there are those who believe that with an ounce of luck and a ton of persistence anything can be accomplished, I believe that there is no reason to expend so much energy and rely on luck. I believe in taking hold of my destiny and carving out a future for myself based on the decisions that I make in life. Life is simply too short and too precious to be left to luck alone. This is why I have chosen to apply for the (Insert name of course) at the (insert name of university). As the world continues to change and the workplace becomes more and more challenging and competitive, it becomes imperative for anyone looking for a successful career to not only have the drive to succeed but also the training and expertise to do so. I am not saying that I do not have the training and expertise at the moment but I do believe that there is still room for more. The rich and diverse academic community at Haas will definitely be the perfect place for me to learn and be prepared for the challenges that lie ahead. Having completed my (insert degree here) in (insert date) from (insert name of university here), there have been so many opportunities in life that I have not been able to take advantage of because of the competitiveness of the working environment. I believe that this experience and background of mine will help me pursue this dream. Being a (insert career) is only the beginning of a long journey for me. I realize that it will not be easy and I look forward to that challenge. In the short term, I see myself completing this degree and fulfilling the requirements for this course. I believe that this experience will be sufficient to prepare me for the next step which is applying for a good internship position that will give me the training that I need. I eventually plan to pursue larger goals such as taking a doctoral degree and perhaps starting my own business. The world is fast becoming a borderless place. Cultures, races, beliefs and ideologies are blend together and interact because of the growing advances in communications. In order to succeed in this world, one needs to be able to adapt to the various cultural differences as well as be able to maintain a certain sense of individual identity. This is the advantage that I feel I can get at this fine academic institution; the training to be competitive in the global economy and at the same time the flexibility to be able to deal with the different cultures in the diverse business world. That is why I believe that this course is a crucial step for me. My success and my accomplishments here will herald the beginning of the fulfillment of my personal and professional goals. It is said that the one thing that nobody can ever take away from you is your education and that is the one thing that I plan to not only gain for myself but for others as well. My most important character strength, in my opinion, is my ability to adapt, accept and learn. My business acumen and knowledge is due to the fact that both my parents are business oriented and running businesses of their own. This provided me with a closer view of what I need to accomplish at an academic level before venturing into a business of my own, particularly in this highly competitive field. My personality, in my humble opinion, is best suited for this kind of endeavor (business) because of my ability to multi-task. During my past work experiences, I have often come across as witty and amiable. Yet, I am no push over when it comes to working in a corporate or business environment. I firmly believe that I can succeed in anything that I want to as long as I work hard at it. I get things done. The job gets done faster and more efficiently as and when the objectives are clear, the strategies acceptable, and the resources are available. Of course, in the real world, these do not always happen. To the extent that they happen and to the extent that I can make them happen, I go after them and manage to get the job done. While I personally believe that â€Å"there is no such thing as a free lunch†and that everything a person has in life must come from hard work and perseverance, I also believe in charity. I believe in helping others who do not have much in life. I believe in helping people regardless of their nation, race or creed. I believe in being a better person so I can best help myself and others around me. I believe that (Insert Name of University) is the best place for me to turn these beliefs into realities.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Portarait Painting
Portrait painting. Horatio once said: A picture is a poem without words . Really, a painting can speak loudly than thousand words. A painting is the most effective exhibition of one’s idea about a particular concept or material. A great painting enriches our experience of life, just as a great poem does, since great painters make us see and think a great deal more than the objects before us, they teach us to look at a scene through their eyes, their imagination. It can explain a story which will take several pages if it is explained in words. Today I’d like to draw your attention to portrait painting.At first, I’m to present the definition of this genre of painting, than I’m to speak on three artists William Hogarth, Mary Cassat and Valentin Serov as the representatives of three different movements in portrait painting. As Britannica says Portrait painting is a genre of painting, where the intent is to depict the visual appearance o f the subject. Beside human beings, animals, pets and even inanimate objects can be chosen as the subject for a portrait. Portraitists create their work by commission, or are inspired by admiration or affection for the subject.Historically, portrait paintings have primarily memorialized the rich and powerful. Today, the portrait painting is still commissioned by governments, corporations, groups, clubs, and individuals. As you can know there are a lot of movements in painting in general and in portrait painting in particular. They range from realism to pop-art, but I’m to single out realism, impressionism and modernism. The movement of realism is based on the exact reflection of human face and body. Clear and exact lines, realistic colours are typical of it. The representative of this movement is William Hogarth.He is considered even one of the founders of realistic movement in Britain. Hogarth emerged as an important portraitist, producing several impressive small-scale i nformal group portraits of members of a family or friends and a number of sensitive portraits of individual sitters. The example of realistic style is expressed in the painting The Shrimp Girl. It was painted around 1740–45. The painting, a relatively late work by Hogarth, is one of several in which he experimented with a loose, almost impressionistic style, nevertheless even in this portrait the painter tried to find the beauty in real life and its reflection.The painting depicts a woman selling shellfish on the streets of London, typically a job for the wives and daughters of fishmongers. One of the brightest movements of portrait painting is impressionism, characterized by loose and broad strokes, diffused lines and even the distortion of human body. The wonderful representative is Mary Cassatt. She was a wonderful American painter and her place in the history of American art is unique, because she responded in a very distinctive way to the mandate to portray modern lif e.Cassatt created a personal language out of the grammar of Impressionism. Most often, she portrayed women like herself, e. g. Miss Mary Ellison is the second of two portraits of Mary Ellison, which was created in 1880. Cassatt there concentrates on Miss Ellison's contemplative mood. In this painting, Cassatt’s brushwork is open and sketchy, colours are soft and even merge. The mirror behind Ellison is a device the artist used often; its presence allows the expansion of the composition's implied space to include areas that the viewer could not otherwise see.The last movement I’d like to mention is modernism. It appeared on the basis of impressionism, and even if strokes are broad and strong, lines are clear and human face and body are reflected almost exactly. In general, modernists embellish () the image. Valentin Serov is a famous representative if the movement. In fact, in his style of painting there was his classical technique when one precise stroke of brush was a pplied without further reworking. Serov is seen as the first Russian modernist, and his composition Girl with Peaches(1887) initiated the style of Russia.In the painting Serov pieces together fragments of the interior scene and still-life. The light pours in through the window and dissolves the contours of the objects. Serov uses warm tones for the girl which in some way contrasts with the colder tones of the space. The girl is painted almost exactly in clear lines and good proportions. To conclude the topic I’d like to say that different movements in portrait painting are the result of painters’ views on art, painting. Their style always reflects their epoch and predominant movements in other spheres. But paintings in any genre excite and impress.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Microlite Case Study Essay
Microlite S. A. is a company in Brazil that manufactures alkaline and zinc-carbon batteries. In 1992 the company was faced with a reduction of tariffs on imported manufactured goods which would mean that the international competition would increase significantly. Luiz Pinto, who was a Microlite manager at the time, was faced with the opportunity to reduce labor and manufacturing costs by closing down the plant in Guarulhos and move production to the plant in Jaboatao. The choices that Mr. Pinto was faced with were to move the Guarulhos equipment to Jaboatao or to purchase new and faster equipment. Moving the Guarulhos equipment to Jaboatao would minimize the capital investment and also increase the workflow due to the reliability of the equipment. Purchasing the new equipment would require more capital investment but reduce labor and increase production. The new tariff reductions were set to be implemented in 1995 and the problems were that Mr. Pinto had to reduce labor and increase productivity in an effort to maintain the large share of the Brazilian battery market that it currently owned. One non-production issue that Mr. Pinto is faced with is from a financial aspect. One option presented to Mr. Pinto is to purchase new Pan-Orient equipment. The investment in new equipment would be approximately $2 million. It is unknown from the case study how the $2 million would be paid or financed. This, however, would have an impact on the decision of the stakeholders on whether to accept this proposal or not. The Current Situation The current bottlenecks in the operation of the AA battery operation at Jaboatao are the steps â€Å"add paste to cup†and â€Å"inspect carbon rods. †These two steps operate below the required rate of production and would need to be corrected to improve productivity. In an effort to increase productivity, the Jaboatao plant should add one machine from Guarulhos dedicated to â€Å"add paste to cup†production. While this solution will increase productivity, it will also increase labor required to operate the machine and additional labor would be required to inspect carbon rods. If the two bottleneck problems in the process are corrected, this would bring production up to the required 540 units per minute. One concern to Microlite is the amount of downtime that is experienced in Jaboatao. One obvious way to decrease downtime would be to simply add more machinery from Guarulhos. This would increase productivity but the company is still faced with the increased labor costs associated with the additional machinery. If I were the manager of the Jaboatao plant, I would be faced with a difficult decision. I ultimately would not want the addition al machines due to the associated costs. Instead, I would research the differences in operations of the two plants and determine what is factoring into the additional Jaboatao downtime. I would use the information to re-train employees and educate them on the Guarulhos processes and procedures. Justification If the Guarulhos machines are installed it can cure the bottleneck at the â€Å"add paste to cup†portion of the process. Increasing the machinery will allow for the production to be increased to 540 units per minute and the bottleneck is corrected. The secondary bottleneck, â€Å"inspect carbon rods,†would require additional labor. It is estimated that the process would require one additional employee to increase the production of inspecting the carbon rods. The additional machinery and manpower would adequately make up for 1/8 of the production from the Guarulhos plant. Purchasing and installing the new Pan-Orient equipment seems extreme due to the significant amount of capital funds required as an initial investment. Microtel did not appear to be heavily in favor of this decision and I would imagine that stakeholders would be weary of the large investment. Moving the equipment from Guarulhos appears to be the wisest choice as it is the least expensive and drastic. The additional funds that are saved could also be used on training and machine modifications to improve machine productivity. The difference in annual expenses is large but the amounts are offset by the initial investment of the Pan-Orient equipment (See exhibit). During my evaluation I determined that the ideal transition would be to move the equipment from Guarulhos to Jaboatao to increase productivity and reduce downtime in the process. The Pan-Orient equipment is a good investment for the future but does not appear to be the right decision now. There could be a smoother transition in the future by introducing the Pan-Orient equipment at later time.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Washington Redskins Mascot
WASHINGTON REDSKINS The Native American Mascot Controversy By Anna Yang Origin of â€Å"Redskin†The origin of the word â€Å"redskin†is debated. According to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), the term â€Å"redskin†came from the reddish skin color of some Native Americans, as in the terms red Indian and red man. The OED cites instances of its usage in English dating back to the 17th century and cites a use of red in reference to skin color from 1587. Multiple theories fight for prominence as to the true historical origin of the word.One theory, mentioned above, is that the term was meant as merely a physical indicator, similar to the words â€Å"white†and â€Å"black†for Caucasians and Africans, respectively. Another theory holds that it was first used by Native Americans during the 1800s as a way of distinguishing themselves from the ever-growing white population. An often mentioned third but not proven origin inv olves the bloody skins (red-skins) of Native people as â€Å"prizes,†in which they would be scalped after battle and their skins bought and sold in local towns.To date, there is no historical documentation or evidence to support this theory. Yet another theory is that the term â€Å"Red Indian†originated to describe the Beothuk people of Newfoundland who painted their bodies with red ochre, and was then generalized to North American indigenous people in general. However, Smithsonian linguist Ives Goddard says the evidence to support such a claim is â€Å"unfounded†and further claims the term was first used in the 1800's. Washington Football Team: The Truth The Washington Redskins were originally known as the Newark Tornadoes and then the Boston Braves.Most accounts can agree that team owner George Preston Marshall changed the franchise name from the Boston Braves to the Boston Redskins in 1933 to recognize then coach, William â€Å"Lone Star†Dietz. Dietz, who claimed half-German, half-Sioux background, embraced what he perceived to be a Native American heritage. Marshall was a fan of his coach, Dietz, who was by most accounts a star in his day. However, one could surely debate if Marshall naming the team ‘Redskins’ in recognition of Dietz’s claimed heritage was truly an honor or not.Marshall himself had issues with race as the Redskins were the last NFL team to integrate in 1962. So, the age-old defense of the use of Redskins, regardless of the meaning behind it, goes that since the team was named in honor of â€Å"Lone Star†Dietz, and if he, being part Indian, didn’t mind, then everything is okay. But there’s the catch: Lone Star was raised as a â€Å"white man†who didn’t even become aware with his purported heritage until the latter part of his teenage years, upon hearing an argument between his adopted parents.In 2004, Linda Waggoner, a professor in American Mu lticultural Studies and Philosophy, wrote a 5-part series, â€Å"Reclaiming James One Star,†for Indian Country Today which investigated the validity of Dietz’s claimed Native American ancestry, bringing into light multiple false accounts from his early youth. The ultimate conclusion is that one can neither concretely confirm nor disprove that Dietz was any part Indian.But, Dietz embraced the Native American culture to the extent of dressing in full Indian regalia, including on the sidelines of some games, enrolling in Indian schools, taking a Native American wife, and becoming a well-known artist depicting life on the plains. Regardless, it seems silly that the use of Redskins hinges on whether one man may or may not have been a Native American in any way, shape, or form. Although Dietz’s true heritage has been questioned by some scholars, the Washington Redskins name and logo, which is a picture of an Indian, was officially registered in 1967.The Controv ersy In recent years, the name has become controversial, with some Native American groups and their supporters arguing that since they view the word â€Å"redskin†as an offensive racial slur that it is inappropriate for a NFL team to continue to use it, regardless of whether any offense is intended. Clarence Page of the Orlando Sentinel wrote in 1992 â€Å"[The Washington Redskins] are the only big time professional sports team whose name is an unequivocal racial slur. After all, how would we react if the team was named the Washington Negroes?Or the Washington Jews? †¦ It is more than just a racial reference, it is a racial epithet. †Many others believe that the name is a positive reference to the culture of Native Americans. Many Redskins’ fans say that it is a reference to the strength and courage of Native Americans. Some individuals who support the use of Native American mascots state that they are meant to be respectful, and to pay homage to Native A merican people. Many have made the argument that Native American mascots focus on bravery, courage and fighting skills rather than anything derogatory.Karl Swanson, vice-president of the Washington Redskins professional football team, declared in the magazine Sports Illustrated that his team's name â€Å"symbolizes courage, dignity, and leadership,†and that the â€Å"Redskins symbolize the greatness and strength of a grand people. †Steven Denson, director of diversity for Southern Methodist University and member of the Chickasaw nation, while not issuing a blanket endorsement, has nevertheless stated that there are acceptable ways to use Native American mascots if it is done in a respectful and tasteful manner.He states, â€Å"I believe it is acceptable if used in a way that fosters understanding and increased positive awareness of the Native-American culture. And it must also be done with the support of the Native-American community. There is a wa y to achieve a partnership that works together to achieve mutually beneficial goals. Despite vocal and legal action from Native American groups and scholars, the majority of people surveyed on the subject do not find the name offensive. Following the 1992 Super Bowl protests, the Washington Post posted a survey in which â€Å"89 percent of those surveyed said that the name should stay. In a study performed by the National Annenberg Survey, Native Americans from the 48 continental U. S. states were asked â€Å"The professional football team in Washington calls itself the Washington Redskins. As a Native American, do you find that name offensive or does it not bother you? †In response, ninety percent replied that the name is acceptable, while nine percent said that it was offensive, and one percent would not answer. Protests Soon after the name change, Native Americans started to write letters to owner Jack Kent Cooke, encouraging him to change the name.Others boycotted Redsk ins products and protested. At one protest, â€Å"Native Americans handed the fans redskin potatoes as they entered a Redskins game, suggesting that if the team will not change their name altogether, then they should at least change their mascot to the potato. Many of these events were led by Suzan Shown Harjo of the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI). Redskin’s owner Jack Kent Cooke responded to these pleas in an interview stating â€Å"There’s not a single, solitary jot, tittle, whit chance in the world that the Redskins will adopt a new nickname. There was a large protest at the 1992 Super Bowl between the Redskins and the Buffalo Bills. Since the game was held in Minnesota, the area's large Native American Population was able to voice their anger over the name. The American Indian Movement’s (AIM) Vernon Bellecourt was one of the main organizers and voices of the event. Before and during the game, approximately 2,000 Chippewa, Sioux, Winneb ago, and Choctaw, and other Native Americans and members of the local population protested. Some of the signs they carried read â€Å"We are not Mascots†, â€Å"Promote Sports not Racism†, and â€Å"Repeal Redskin Racism†. Legal ActionIn 1992, Susan Shown Harjo, President of the Morning Star Institute, joined forces with other prominent Native Americans as well as Dorsey ; Whitney law firm of Minneapolis and petitioned the U. S. Patent and Trademark office. They based their lawsuit on the idea that Federal Trademark law states that certain trademarks are not legal if they are â€Å"disparaging, scandalous, contemptuous, or disreputable. †The legal battle went on for seven years and in 1999, the judges canceled the federal trademarks of the Redskin name â€Å"on the grounds that the subject marks may disparage Native Americans and may bring them into contempt or disrepute. Upon the news that the Redskins had been sold, the owners appealed the decision to a district court in the District of Columbia in Pro-Football, Inc. vs. Harjo. The court reversed the decision on the grounds of insufficient evidence of disparagement. Subsequent appeals have been rejected on the basis of laches, which means that the Native Americans had pursued their rights in an untimely and delayed manner. If Harjo had won the case, the Washington Redskins would be able to keep the name and many of its federally trademarked rights, but they may have still lost out on millions of dollars’ worth of merchandise sales.
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