Saturday, August 31, 2019
Database Implementation Plan for Riordan Manufacturing
Database Implementation Plan for Riordan Manufacturing Riordan Manufacturing has asked our firm, LTB and Associates, to develop a web-based plan to be used as a Business-to-Business web site in order to purchase materials from their vendors. We have examined Riordan’s products and business systems, interviewed Riordan’s employees, and have determined the best course of action to implement the plan. Riordan Manufacturing is a plastics manufacturer based in several locations across the world. With three plants based in the continental US, which are located in Albany, Georgia; Pontiac Michigan; and in San Jose, California, which is the company headquarters. A fourth plant is located in Hangzhou, China will not be part of the plan as they purchase materials locally. This where we explain how the database will be set up. Refer to the ERD, Sequence diagram, Use Case diagram, and Class Diagram that follow [pic] [pic] The following paragraphs will describe the considerations that Riordan Manufacturing will need to make in implementing the database plan.Database Management System and Data Where ever it is possible to for our firm to do so, LTB and Associates will make a recommendation on the choice to make. In order to implement the database properly, these recommendations should be implemented in order to offer the tightest amount of security that will be possible. Type of Online Processing Riordan Manufacturing will need to decide between real-time asynchronous processing and batch processing. Real-time asynchronous processing is applicable when the processing must be performed immediately or when the results must eventually be communicated back to an on-line user. One of the problems with real-time processing is that real-time timers and events are required; they are expensive as the computer resources that are used to raise, maintain and check events. Another problem with timer or even processes is that they create locking problems as they may contend with on-line processes for resources and for access the same data. Batch solutions are ideal for processing that is not real-time event based. Batch processes are data-centric and can efficiently process large volumes of data off-line without affecting the company’s on-line system. Batch processing will allow business function to execute on a periodic or recurring basis; or it can operate over data that matches a given criteria. After studying Riordan Manufacturing’s Inventory and Supply Chain processes, the recommendation is for the company to go with batch processing for replenishment of raw materials for the operations. With daily reporting of the materials used at the end of each manufacturing run as the current method of inventory control, batch processing will work well. While real-time processing works well for online shopping, it is not the best approach to take for this application. Access Privileges Normally it is not considered a good security risk to grant access to individuals/companies who are located outside of the normal company network and/or firewall. But in order to provide a better integration of the database between Riordan Manufacturing and vendors/suppliers it is necessary to allow limited access. Riordan shall determine the types of privileges to grant to vendors. These privileges include (a) view, (b) insert, (c) update, and (d) delete (logical deletion only). Riordan shall also determine the type of data vendor should be able to access. The data should only relate to the materials that have been used in the daily manufacturing run; materials that have been previously placed on order; and the estimated projections of materials needed for the upcoming week. This will allow both Riordan Manufacturing and the suppliers to determine the present and short-term inventory needs. Bandwidth High speed access of the Internet has decreased in cost in recent years and the increased utility and the increased ease of use versus the cost of acquiring and maintaining the access has become more financially feasible. LTB and Associates recommend that Riordan acquire the appropriate bandwidth that will allow for the effective flow of information and which will support concurrent access of the company database. Security With the ever-growing threats that are present in the web-based global economy, there is an increased awareness of security. This includes both corporate and political terrorism as well as the knowledgeable lone user bent on mischief. LTB and Associates recommend that the administration plan should ensure that there are methods of data security implemented as information travels over the internet. An effective firewall should be implemented to deny access to unauthorized people. Data should be encrypted. Whenever possible, a Virtual Private Network be established between Riordan Manufacturing and the larger and more critical suppliers Database Administration Plan To ensure the productivity, continuity, and performance of the database for Riordan, proper maintenance, database backup, and change management procedures must be developed and implemented. The database must be backed up regularly in case the system needs to be restored due to data corruption or the loss of the data center due to natural or man-made disasters. Database backups are also critical for testing upgrades, fixes, and enhancements that will need to be migrated into production. Periodic maintenance is also a key to database performance and continuity. Applying operating system patches and security updates to the servers that house the databases help keep the software updated and the servers performing efficiently. Consistent re-indexing of the database can help keep performance high as the database grows in size. Another very important part of administering a database is change management. Database upgrades, fixes, and enhancements must be tested and implemented in a manner that minimizes potential errors, disruption to users, and preserves an audit trail for troubleshooting and compliance issues. Database Backup Plan In order to minimize potential data loss and downtime, the database will be backed up each night and stored in a secure location on the network. Storing the backups on the network will help facilitate transferring the backup to the disaster recovery site. Once the backup is created and stored on the network, a copy will be encrypted and transmitted to the disaster recovery ite. The backup can then be easily restored at the disaster recovery site as needed, or used in a development environment for testing upgrades, fixes, and enhancements. Database administrators will also have the ability to create backups as needed for testing or emergency purposes. Database backups will be restored to the disaster recovery database at least bi-monthly to verify that the backups are generating correctly and that the disaster recovery-restore process is working as it should. Maintenance Plan Once a month, the database servers will undergo scheduled maintenance. Operating system patches, security updates, and database application patches will be applied to the hardware housing the database in order to ensure the system is kept up to date. Database hardware will also undergo diagnostic checks to ensure everything is working properly. At this time the database will also be re-indexed to preserve performance as the database grows. The patches, security updates, and database application patches will be applied to the development servers one week prior to implementation on the production server. Applying the maintenance related patches to the development system a week prior to implementation in the production system will allow time to monitor the development systems for any issues resulting from the patches and ensure the patches are safe to install into production. For emergency maintenance issues such as hardware failures or power outages, the disaster recovery database will be restored from the latest production backup and work should be closely coordinated with the server team to ensure proper procedures are followed. Change Management The backbone to any administration plan is change management. Maintenance, database backups, upgrades, and other events must be carefully tested, planned, and executed to minimize potential consequences including data corruption and downtime, and changes must be closely tracked to preserve the integrity of the database, maintain a log of changes for troubleshooting potential issues, and ensure proper testing and compliance controls are met. The database team will use Microsoft’s Visual Source Safe (VSS) as the main tool for version control. Patches, fix scripts, and any other code that applies to the databases will be stored in VSS and roper code check in and check out procedures will be followed to ensure the proper code changes are migrated to the database. Only database administrators will have the ability to migrate changes to the databases. Developers can check out and modify code, but cannot implement any changes in the databases. All changes will be properly tested in a development database and signed off on by the appropriate par ties. A network of IT and business â€Å"approvers†will be established for each business area (for example: accounting, procurement, sales, etc. ) and will be responsible for signing off on changes that affect their particular areas. There will be at least one main approver and one backup approver that are subject matter experts for their respective business areas so that all areas utilizing the database will have a representative. Approvers will be the preferred testers, but other users may test changes as long as the approvers review the test results prior to signing off on the test. Signoff for changes will be obtained via email using a template that details the change to be made, a tracking number for the change, and the location in VSS where the change is stored, so that the database administrators will be able to pull the change directly from VSS for implementation. Database administrators will not proceed with migration of a change until all appropriate approvers have responded in the affirmative. Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) While preparing a disaster recovery plan (DRP), it is essential to think about the hardware, software and data that will be used to allow for an organization to continue operations in the event of a natural disaster or a disaster caused by human hands. In considering the idea of protection of the database, this plan will not only help preserve the company’s investment but also secure the customers faith in Riordan. Some companies spend some 25% of their information technology budget on disaster recovery plans. LTB and Associates recommends the implementation of a DRP. The cost of implantation and the subsequent maintenance versus the cost of a data loss is negligible in the impact it would have. The first step in drafting a disaster recovery plan is conducting a thorough risk analysis of the database systems. Make a list all the possible threats to system operation and evaluate the likelihood of their occurrence. The threats can include electronic-based; such as virus attacks or data deletions, deliberate or accidental; and natural disasters, such as fire, flood, storm or earthquake. Once the threats have been identified and ranked in likelihood of occurrence; what can be done to minimize or limit the impact from these disasters. The more preventative actions we can establish in the beginning the better. It is better to take a proactive rather than a reactive approach in determining and documenting the DRP. The recovery procedure will be written in a detailed plan defining the roles and responsibilities of the IT staff. Defining how to compensate for the loss of various aspects of the network (databases, servers, communications links, etc. ) and specify who will arrange for these repairs and how the data recovery process will occur. Communication Plan During a disaster situation, all parts of the communication plan should be cleared with a central location. All information should be reviewed by management before being released. LTB and Associates recommend that the following steps be implemented. 1. Communication methods need to be established in advance. (Wireless or satellite telephone systems, email address, etc†¦) 2. Develop templates for press releases, and include the skill sets of key employees, customer information, supplier information. Include maps of locations that may be difficult to communicate in. Develop logs that can be used to track incoming and outgoing communications. 3. Make sure that these processes are easy to understand. 4. Develop a contingency plan should the computer network where data is stored is damaged. Use text files and several copies in different storage devices and store this information in a remote server or on removable media which is then stored offsite. 5. Determine what is to be considered as privileged/proprietary information; establish which levels of management and the key personnel to have access to the information; and the approvals for accessing the information 6. Develop a set of detailed documents and instructions that can be shared with employees. . Establish a set of technology based tools. 8. Develop a detailed training plan; be sure to include all key personnel, top management and support personnel that can interface with customer and/or suppliers. 9. Develop relationships with News Service agencies. 10. Establish and train employees as observers to watch for individuals with microphones and notepads; make sure they are aware of the proper channels of communications. 11. D o plan periodic mock scenarios and drills of disasters in order to review the DRP. LTB and Associates recommends that the follow items be purchased, maintained, implemented, and stringently adhered to at every Riordan Manufacturing plant in the continental USA. †¢ Prevention Plan †¢ An electronic manual. †¢ A printed hardcopy manual. †¢ Data and Software Backups †¢ Daily backups, local to each plant and stored offsite. †¢ Weekly backup, to be performed system-wide by the Atlanta, Georgia plant and stored offsite. †¢ Storage area networks. †¢ Surge Protectors and Power Supply Fault Switches. †¢ Anti Virus, Firewall and Security Software. †¢ Fire Prevention and Detection Smoke detectors and fire alarm systems. †¢ Fire extinguishers. †¢ Review and update insurance policies for all facilities and equipment. Disaster Recovery Process. In the event of a disaster occurring at any Riordan Manufacturing plant the following steps should be taken to restore the operation of the system to normal operation. The steps c an apply to any and all sites. 1. Contact the proper level of management and notify pertinent personnel a. Determine if the equipment is functional and has suffered no damage. b. Repair or replace the equipment as needed per the situation. 2. Retrieve the latest weekly backup from the Atlanta, Georgia server and/or facility. (Note – if the Atlanta plant is the affected plant, retrieve the last weekly back up from the offsite storage facility) 3. Restore the database to the server. Perform a system check for proper operation. 4. Retrieve the latest daily backup from the offsite storage facility. 5. Restore the database to the server. Perform a system check for proper operation. 6. Retrieve and key in any pertinent data that was recorded on hardcopy sources from the affected plant and double check accuracy with personnel if possible.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Reverence for Life Essay
At the height of his career, Albert Schweitzer was considered one of the most influential men of his time. He inspired millions of people with his speeches of revelations of life and how fulfilling a human’s life can be. Decades later after his death, we look at the world and what is taking place. Amongst the some good on this planet, we still see destruction, death, and corrupt politics [at the very least in the United States]. In 3rd world countries where there are war motivated nations, along with other countries potentially bad ethics, perhaps it is time to reflect on Schweitzer’s words and thoughts during his life. In Africa, where humans and animals fight for their lives, is when Schweitzer had a revelation and came up with a philosophy that would change the way we look at the world. He accomplished this with 3 simple words, Reverence for Life. After coming up with this phrase on a boat journey up stream through the hearth of Africa, he came invented an entirely new philosophy. In its simplest form, Reverence for Life means that we as living creatures on planet Earth, are only sure that we want to live and keep on living. This is something that we share with everything else that lives whether it be, plants, animals, insects, etc. Because of this, anyone or animal or plant that lives on this planet is connected by this one amazing thing. Nothing, whether be race, skin tone, religion, should be more important than this will to live. The world has evolved through millions of years to bring and support life. Every living thing on the planet or even non-living is supported by the Earth. The difference between humans and the rest of all the living organisms is that we humans are the only species that recognize this. This revelation is very important to humans since we have the ability to destroy life or neglect life, even to cause suffering and death. Needless to say, humans have some responsibility here. It is true that some suffering and death is unavoidable. For example, killing cattle for food, or trees for wood. Even vegans or vegetarians must kill living plants for food. Reverence for Life is simply saying we must be aware of what we are doing. We must be aware of what we are doing, 9 simple words that have such a deep and meaningful impact on everything and anything we humans are doing. Politics has good and negative impacts on society. How we change the environment can have positive or negative impacts on not only humans, but the entire living world as well. Sometimes, we can be blinded on the bigger picture when we alter environment, for simple reasons such as shelter, money or greed. One very clear example of this is clear cutting. It is true that humans need shelter. But we must be conscious when we begin clear cutting millions of acres of trees in rainforests or other places. After taking classes like environmental science, one really gains an appreciation for the environment and how even minor changes to a small environment, can have detrimental consequences to the rest of the world. In the case of clear cutting, not only are thousands of species dying but surrounding environments change as well. Less oxygen for the world, more co2 in the atmosphere due to lack of trees eating the co2 is just one example of how the entire planet can be affected. This is just one tiny example but raises good points. When humans make a decision to say, clear cut trees, we must look at the bigger picture on how this is going to affect us. And we can learn from these decisions as well, maybe find an alternative source to wood to build houses or build desks made of wood. For Schweitzer, even the smallest form of life is incredibly important. The ethical person goes out of his way to avoid injuring anything that is living; he doesn’t tear leaves from trees or step on insects. He rescues worms stranded on a sidewalk after a rain. Schweitzer ethics say a person should be reluctant and think before going and do something simple as shatter ice. As some may say these ethics are a little extreme, but possibly we could learn from this to help us think of the bigger picture before humans go on with an action or a decision. This can apply in not just nature but in other aspects as well. Aspects such as governments, in Africa for example. Africa is one the most devastated continent on the planet. Suffering from war, famine, murders, genocide, and more one can’t help but think why it is like that and how it can be fixed. For one, before humans got there none of this was going on. We can only blame ourselves as humans for the action happening overseas. As governments are the leaders and decision makers of countries in Africa, it is there responsibility along with the rest of the human population to be aware what is happening in Africa and start working more aggressively to fix these problems. This being said, I agree with Albert Schweitzer Reverence for Life ethics. We must take responsibility for what we do when we take water from a stream, cook and clean with the water being taken, when we kill an animal, or when we as humans kill other humans. The key concept here is being aware of what is going on in our surroundings. Life is tender and amazing. Science tells us that the Earth is a very powerful yet sensitive planet. When we alter the planet or take form the planet, it is vital to be aware of re-actions to our actions so to speak. After all this floating ball of rock in space is providing everything we need to support life. Perhaps it is wise to take care and protect the limited resources and re-newable resources this planet provides us. Whatever it maybe, we have good reason to feel reverence for each other, other living things, and our planet and its contents.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Sellers Remedies for Breach of Contract by a Buyer Essay
Sellers Remedies for Breach of Contract by a Buyer - Essay Example The aim of the paper is to analyze the adequacies of the remedies available to a seller in the event of the breach of contract by a buyer. B. Remedies Available To the Seller in Case a Buyer Breaches Contract Any breach of a valid and binding contract gives the aggrieved party the right to sue for damages from the party that has breached the contract4. The English law of contract provides certain remedies to an aggrieved seller whose contract has been breached by a buyer as noted by Whincup5. It is worth noting that unlike buyer’s remedies that are dependent on the acceptance of an offer, seller’s remedies for breach of contract does not depend on the acceptance of the contract6. According to Rowan, regardless of whether the buyer has accepted the goods or not, a breach of the contract entered into with the seller gives the seller the right to sue for incidental damages or sue the buyer for fraud or third-party tort in case the seller still has an interest in the goods7 . The law of contract states that in the event that a buyer wrongfully revokes acceptance, rejects goods, or refuses to pay the amount due in respect of the goods before delivery, the seller is entitled by law to withhold the goods until the buyer pays the total amount due as agreed in the contract. Secondly, the seller also has the right under the law to stop delivery of the goods by any bailee or resell the goods to recover the damages. The law also permits the seller to recover damages from the buyer for non-acceptance of the goods or a price in some cases8. In addition, the seller is also allowed by law to cancel the contract altogether after giving the buyer in breach a notice and after allowing them more time to make up for their breach according to Article 64(1)(b) and Article 63(1) of the CISG9. 1 Seller’s Right to Damages The seller can claim damages from the buyer as long as they result from a breach of contract and the damages are not too remote according to Articl e 61(1)(b) of the CISG10. Essentially, the damages that the buyer pays the seller is aimed at putting the seller in the position he/she would otherwise have been had the contract well performed (Robinson v Harman [1848]) 11. Hadley v Baxendale ([1854]) 12 present the principles of remoteness in respect of damages. For damages to be applied to a party in breach of contract, the losses that the aggrieved party suffers must naturally flow from the breach. Alternatively, the losses that arise from possible breach of contract must have been contemplated by the parties to the contract. Some specific types of contracts are subject to legislation that prescribe remedies in the event a party breaches the contract. A contract that involves the sale of goods, for example, allows a party to recover special damages in line with section 54 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (SGA). A seller can claim compensation for reliance loss in case it is not easy to prove loss of expectation (Anglia TV v Reed [1 972])13. As exemplified in Jarvis v Swans Tours Ltd [1973]14and Jackson v Horizon Holidays [1975]15, a seller can successfully claim damages for mental distress or disappointment in case the contract is, for example, a holiday contract.Â
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Highrate of college students dropout Research Paper
Highrate of college students dropout - Research Paper Example In the college, a student receives a college degree when he/she completes this phase of education system. While completing this cycle of education, if a student leaves in between, then he/she is considered to be a dropout student. Discussion Today, it is estimated that about 1.2 million students drop out each year in the United States, which makes USA 19th in the world. There are many possible reasons that can cause a drop out, which frequently includes poor grades, financial problems, bullying, family emergencies, depression, mental disorders, negative environment, boredom and lack of freedom (Nation Master). Drop Out Rate Drop out or discontinuing studies is one of the main issues of college students. The most significant factors involved in dropping out from graduating or completing studies are the financial, social and family factors or issues that play an important role in the lives of students. It is a fact that these three factors play a vital role in the increased dropout rat e of student s from colleges, but the burden of studies and academics should never be ignored. The burden of academics and studies also play a vital role in forcing students to discontinue studies. These are the vital factors that cause stress in the students and force them to drop out their graduate courses (Nation Master). Academic Stress The most important cause of college students drop out is the regular pressure of studies that is experienced in college students. The main source of causing this stress among college students is teachers and parents who have high expectations from their students to obtain high scores in examinations. College student have to study hard to get the expected results without taking care of their health. The academic stress also includes difficult class schedules, challenging tests and exams, increased workload. This is the most common cause of stress that occurs in college students (David). Social Issues Social issues are another source of drop out fo r college students. This issue has a vital impact, mainly a negative impact on student psychology. College students experience various stresses that are caused by social factors. These social factors include that college students sometimes have to leave their families to reside in hostels away from their houses and families. When students leave their families, they have to communicate with other people at the place they reside. For example, they have to stay with roommates. The stress of coping with new methods and new people is also included in the social issues. Another issue under this category includes the pressure of balancing the time available among studies and friends. Another significant source of stress in college students is to tackle and cope with the dynamics of young adult relationship. These are the significant factors among the social issues that could have negative impacts on college students and affect their physical and mental health which ultimately lead to a dro p out. Financial Stress In today’s era, a student does not only have the burden of studies, but is also overburdened by financial stress. Students have to think about fulfilling their financial needs themselves at a very young age. They need money for their food expenses, education and books expenses, housing and lodging. College students also have to think about getting a part time job besides studying so that they could earn money to fulfill their financial n
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Italian Drama during the Medieval Period Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Italian Drama during the Medieval Period - Essay Example The medieval drama initially came into being as an incident of service on certain special days and occasions of the ecclesiastical year in an illustrative manner. Until it grew strong, medieval drama was confined to the interior walls of the church (Theatre But once it grew strong and started gaining fame, the medieval drama lasted for very long with religious intent. Almost throughout the entire continent of Europe, the history of the medieval drama is more or less the same. "The religious drama of England is very like that of France (from which, indeed, it is in some measure derived), just as the religious drama of Italy is like that of Spain, although neither of these had any appreciable influence on the other (Theatre" For instance, if a miracle play is considered the same native treatment is given for life as it is given in a mystery. Even the story construction is equally panoramic in both kinds of plays. In addition to these, even the mixture of the comedy incidents, apparent irreverence and also the circumstances of the performances are also one and the same in both kinds of plays.â€Å"The middle ages had an appetite for allegory quite as vigorous as the liking for legend; and after the saintly biographies had been set on the stage as miracle-plays, allegory was also cast into dialogue, and thus we have the moral-plays (†The morality was considered as a medieval forerunner of today’s modern novel and can be defined as an attempt for the modernization of a sermon whereas a mystery is a simple dramatization of plain and simple text. During the medieval period people never used to make a distinction between two different kinds of plays. People in the medieval period were not trained enough to make a distinction between the "canonical books and the Apocrypha, or even between the Scriptures and the legends of the saints (". Towards the end of the seventeenth century and during the early eighteenth century, improvised comedy which is named as commedia dell' arte began to decline. Despite this decline, the various characters which were represented by different types of masks and other situations of conventional comic still had a pace and a place on stage. The major reason for this decline in the fame of the Italian comedy was because of the then popularizing yet preposterous entertainments along with the new art of opera (Theatre Database). It was a person name Carlo Goldoni, who brought back life to the then declining comedy in Italy. He was born in the year 1707 and was a native of the city of Venice. Almost all of his writings are depicted with liveliness which describes all of the comedians who were born in Italy with a light-hearted temperament that too in a remarkable and respectable manner. Though his first attempt of a melodrama named Amalasunta was not very successful, his second attempt was quite successful. Carlo Goldoni is credited with one hundred and sixty comedies. Out of these, twenty works were in prose and the rest were prose. The prose penned by him was either Venetian dialect or in
Monday, August 26, 2019
Providing respite care to carers of people with dementia Research Proposal
Providing respite care to carers of people with dementia - Research Proposal Example There has been a significant change in the provision of healthcare services in the recent decades whereby the balance of care is being shifted from communities and institution based services to personalized care. This shift in care provision has caused great concern in the field of public health mainly due to the fact that the carers of people with chronic illnesses such as dementia are now burdened with the added responsibility leading to a gradual and consistent deterioration of their own physical and mental health. Various researches conducted in the past have highlighted the gravity of the issue and pressed for policy changes in favour of providing respite care to the carers of people with dementia and making such care more accessible.The term respite care refers to in generic terms refers to short-term care. However in the field of healthcare it refers to phased care, relief care, planned care, programmed care, holiday care, social admission, and shared care. Various types of re spite care are now available for both the patients as well as their carers. This includes community based day care, institutional care, and paid or voluntary care services offered by institutions or volunteers or friends of the caregivers. Such care services can broadly be categorized as in-home care services, adult day centres - including provision of transportation and meal services; and residential care facilities - which affords break or vacation for the carers which are not covered under the insurance or Medicare.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The age of reason and Evangelical Biblical Interpretation Essay
The age of reason and Evangelical Biblical Interpretation - Essay Example To give substantial foundation of the argument, the proponent also includes basic information about evangelicalism and after this the analysis of how enlightenment affects the way evangelicals interpret the Scripture. Implications and findings are generated from reputable sources about concerning evangelical approaches to biblical hermeneutics. These references are in line with understanding and analysing the prevailing way of biblical interpretation of evangelicalism. It is evident that the age of reason or enlightenment had considerable influence on how to interpret biblical text. First, this is quite expounding when evangelicalism developed during and after the age of enlightenment. This has probable implication that there was an evolution on how the Bible was interpreted, because evangelicalism in the first place defined a movement that could substantially lead us to another style of interpreting the Scripture. Second, the age of reason clearly has illustrated us how evangelicals used their ability not only to stay at the literal point of view of interpreting the Bible, but now many of them could explore their actual opinion and even associate their actual experiences on the associated biblical text just to expound the linked context. Third, it is also clear that from traditional evangelical movement, the interpretation of the Bible evolved to being subjective in the sense that there would be actual implementation of interpretation of the Bible with one’s opinion, experience and so on. The age of reason has indeed remarkably influenced the evangelical interpretation of the Scripture. However, it is also clear that the evangelicalism even though it might be influenced by enlightenment and post-enlightenment period, but still it remains a movement to regard the Bible as with higher authority. Thus, part of evangelicals’ interpretation of the Bible is associated with giving substantial authority to concerned biblical text. Keywords: Evangelicalis m, Evangelical, Enlightenment, Bible Table of Contents Page Abstract 2 Introduction 4 Background of the Enlightenment period 4 The probable impacts of Enlightenment on the Biblical interpretation 4 What is Evangelicalism? 8 Features of Evangelicalism 8 Evangelicals acknowledge the authority that the Bible holds 9 Christ, the center of Scripture 9 The Bible and its complete objectivity 12 Evangelicals prevent distorting views of the Bible 12 Evangelicals’ considerations of the Bible 13 Evangelicals subject their viewpoints to the Bible for correction and change 13 Evangelicals and their point of view on the reliability of the Bible 14 Conclusion 16 References 18 Introduction In this paper, the proponent investigates and critiques the developments that have taken place since the enlightenment in the way evangelicalism interprets the Bible. To justify this further, the proponent starts with the background of the enlightenment period, then its probable impact on biblical interpre tation. To give substantial foundation of the argument, the proponent also includes basic information about evangelicalism and after this the analysis of how enlightenment affects the way evangelicals interpret the Scripture. Implications and findings are generated from reputable sources about concerning evangelical approaches to biblical hermeneutics. These references are in line with understanding and analysing the prevailing way of biblical interpretation of evangelicalism. Background of the Enlightenment period The age of enlightenment created a major impact on how interpreters interpret biblical text. Enlightenment is the age of reason which took place between 17th and 18th century first in
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Article Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Article Critique - Essay Example The authors establish their case by first reviewing the available literature regarding how front office work is represented within school public relations research. They reveal numerous studies that examine the roles of parents or caregivers in student learning, looking at the "triad" of parent/carer, teacher and student, completely by-passing the front office as a potential participant. The researchers do provide one example of a study conducted in 1991 that is similar to their own inquiry, but point out that the data is relatively outdated. In spite of this, they use this outdated study to help support their own conclusions later in the article. These researchers also point out that a few studies have referenced front office work as an occasional participant in helping shape parents' overall experiences of educational practices. To illustrate how these studies have looked at the front office, the researchers go into a lengthier discussion of four sample studies that they found. The se sample studies tended to show the front office as a negative impediment to school-to-home relations. ... Another sample study showed the negative role the front office must play as gate-keepers of the school, frequently translated within parents' minds as impeding their ability to participate in their child's education and actually the result of inadequate communication between administration and parents regarding school policies, again demonstrating the front office as an ignored space. The other studies mentioned describe the importance of a welcoming entrance to the school, but focus on the architecture and entry procedures without giving any attention to the personnel that carry out these functions. The researchers effectively demonstrate that while the job of the office workers might be valued, the workers themselves are largely ignored or viewed in a negative light. The study the article reports on was conducted by gathering a great deal of school documents and parent/administrator/staff interviews, and observations. Although the study was not intended to be focused exclusively on front office work, its primary purpose, to examine how to build good home-school relations, revealed this gap in understanding. The researchers point out that the study sample was not representative, but their findings seem widely applicable. Within all of the collected material, there was a great deal of information about what was expected of parents and how the front office played a role in various activities relating to the children, but none of the office staff were ever mentioned by name or specific area of the front office itself. Because the focus of the study was not originally intended to be about the front office work and the invisible role of front office staff, questions pertaining to these
Analyze Edgar Allan Poe's The Cask of Amontillado Essay
Analyze Edgar Allan Poe's The Cask of Amontillado - Essay Example In addition, he did not even perceive the smile paused to him (Poe and Gary, 45). This is because he ventured into insult after the good things done to him thus he felt there was a chance for revenge. Fortunate was a respected and feared man his pride mostly came with connoisseurship in wine. This was caused with the many old varieties of wines he knew though few Italians had the true virtuoso spirit. For most part, his passion is adopted to ensemble the time and chance to practice imposture upon the British and Austrian millionaires. Fortunate is suffering from superiority complex because he believes he is the most sophisticated person (Poe and Gary, 45). This is because he has wide knowledge with vintage win from all over the world. He uses this trait to make his friends feel they are inferior (Poe and Gary, 45). He is also very inquisitive since he keeps on asking many questions. Even though he is provided with answers, he is not quite satisfied with these answers. This character makes him appear as a doubtful
Friday, August 23, 2019
How dos th movi lddin rprsnt wht dwrd Sid clls orinttion Essay
How dos th movi lddin rprsnt wht dwrd Sid clls orinttion - Essay Example Unncssry to sy, th significnc of nimtd films oprts on mny rgistrs, but on of th most prsusiv is th rol thy ply s th nw "tching mchins." Disny films succd in mrging n idology of chrm nd imprssion of virtu in nrrting storis tht hlp childrn undrstnd who thy r wht socitis thy blong to nd wht tht socitis r bout. Th powr ths films possss stms from thir uniqu form f rprsnttion. Th importnc of nimtd films s sourc of nw discovris nd lrning t th sm tim is hightnd by th common cknowldgmnt tht schools nd othr public sits r incrsingly ovrwhlmd by crisis of motivtion. Th mss mdi, spcilly Disny, on th othr hnd crts drm-lik world of scurity, vn though childrn quit oftn find thmslvs in th joylss rlity of schooling. Th ductionl significnc of nimtd films mks popl mor wr of tching possibilitis of Disny movis. Mny critics trid to nswr th qustion whthr Disny's nimtd films r good for kids nd whthr thy hv n ductionl impct on young gnrtions. But, sms lik thr is no n sy nswr to this qustion. Disny's most rcnt film lddin (1992) prsnts bundnt opportunity to ddrss how Disny is rsponsibl in constructing cultur of joy for childrn. lddin is th story of so-clld "strt-rt" who knw tht h could b mor. Whn h finlly finds lmp contining gni who grnts thr wishs, it sms tht myb his drms could com tru. But n vil vizir is scrtly plotting his downfll, not to mntion tht th princss of his drms is bord with sing th sm old, stuffd-shirt, nd pcock princs. lddin hs sold ovr 3 million copis in 1993 nd hs rnd "$1 billion from box-offics incom. s commnttor in Nwswk ltly sttd, "Th mrchndis--Mrmid dolls, lddin undos, nd collctibls lik sculptur of Bmbi's Fild Mous--ccount for stunning 20 prcnt of Disny's oprting incom." Thr r mny puzzls in th movi tht childrn r supposd to b ddrssing nd solving ftr, for xmpl, in lddin th issu of socity nd uthority is cntrd primrily on th rol of th young strt trmp, lddin. Jsmin, th Princss h flls in lov with is simply n objct of his instnt longing s wll s socil stpping ston. In contrry, Jsmin's lif is lmost ntirly dfind by mn, nd, in th nd, hr hppinss is insurd by lddin who finlly is givn oky to gt mrrid with hr. Thr r mny smll things in lddin movi tht rprsnt mricn cultur, rcism which is lso rproducd through rcilly codd lngug nd ccnts. For xmpl, lddin portrys th "trribl" rbs with substntil, forign ccnts, whil Jsmin nd lddin spk stndrd nglish. nothr mzing portryl of rprsnttions nd cods in which childrn r tught tht culturl diffrncs tht do not br th imprint of whit, middl-clss thnicity r bnorml, low-grdd, brinlss. Th rcism in this nimtd movi is dfind by both th prsnc of rcist rprsnttions nd th bsnc of complx rprsnttions of fricn-mricns nd othr popl of color. Morovr, th rprsnttionl dpiction of history, progrss, nd Wstrn cultur is prfctly cpturd by dwrd Sid's notion of orintlism. Culturl diffrnc in Disny's movi lddin is prsntd through "nturlizd" rcil hirrchy. Morovr, on cn hrdly sy tht thr is somthing innocnt in wht kids lrn bout rc s portryd in th "mgicl world" of Disny. Thr r mny critics of this movi s wll s dvocts, Yousf Slm, formr spoksprson for th South By
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Self Managed Teams Essay Example for Free
Self Managed Teams Essay Self Managed Teams Introduction Self-managed teams (SMTs) are relatively small groups of employees given substantial responsibility for planning organizing, scheduling and production of work products or service. SMTs however are more than just another way of directing groups. The concept, according to John Simmons, involves nothing less than, the complete restructuring of the jobs that people does. Thus, Self-managed work teams are groups of employees tasked with monitoring and reviewing a product or process in a firm and coming up with solutions to problems they encounter. Self-organized semi-autonomous small group whose members determine, plan, and manage their day-to-day activities and duties (in addition to providing other supportive functions such as production scheduling, quality assurance, and performance appraisal) under reduced or no supervision. Also called self directed team, self-managed natural work team, or self managed team. Self managed teams are workers who have been organized into teams on the basis of relatively complete task functions. They make decisions on a wide range of issues, often including such traditional management prerogatives as: * Who will work on which machines or work operations * How to address inter-personal difficulties within the group * How to resolve quality problems, and so forth. Also, these teams usually consist of five to fifteen employees, who: * Produce an entire product instead of sub-units * Learn all tasks and rotate from job to job * Take over vacation scheduling, order materials etc. Such groups are self-regulating and work without direct supervision. Normally, a manager acts as the team leader and is responsible for defining the goals, methods, and functioning of the team. However, interdependencies and conflicts between different parts of an organization may not be best addressed by hierarchical models of control. Self-managed teams use clear boundaries to create the freedom and responsibility to accomplish tasks in an efficient manner. The main idea of the self-managed team is that the leader does not operate with positional authority. In a traditional management role, the manager is responsible for providing instruction, onducting communication, developing plans, giving orders, and disciplining and rewarding employees, and making decisions by virtue of his or her position. In this organizational model, the manager delegates specific responsibility and decision-making authority to the team itself, in the hope that the group will make better decisions than any individual. Neither a manager nor the team leaders make independent d ecisions in the delegated responsibility area. Decisions are typically made by consensus in successful self-managed teams, by voting in very large or formal teams, and by hectoring and bullying in unsuccessful teams. The team as a whole is accountable for the outcome of its decisions and actions. Self-managed teams operate in many organizations to manage complex projects involving research, design, process improvement, and even systemic issue resolution, particularly for cross-department projects involving people of similar seniority levels. While the internal leadership style in a self-managed team is distinct from traditional leadership and operates to neutralize the issues often associated with traditional leadership models, a self-managed team still needs support from senior management to operate well. Self-managed teams may be interdependent or independent. Of course, merely calling a group of people a self-managed team does not make them either a team or self-managed. As a self-managed team develops successfully, more and more areas of responsibility can be delegated, and the team members can come to rely on each other in a meaningful way Objective: The objectives of using SMTs are to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of specific tasks. This approach achieves these objectives by having SMT team members look beyond their individual task concerns, to the needs of specific groups and the entire organization. Benefits and uses of SMTs: †¢ Reduced absenteeism †¢ Increased productivity †¢ Increased employee satisfaction, morale cohesiveness †¢ Multi-skilled workforce benefit †¢ Greater level of personal responsibility to the companys targets †¢ Unique flexibility in job functions †¢ 100% of team members all pulling to a common goal †¢ A significant reduction in day-to-day problems †¢ Awards for achievement are shared equally The most beneficial aspects of self-managed teams are that they are management innovations that are based on an accurate understanding of human nature and motivation. They eliminate bureaucratic/pyramidal values and replace them with humanistic/democratic value systems. They provide a work climate in which everyone has a chance to grow and mature as individuals, as members of a team by satisfying their own needs, while working for the success of the organization. â€Å"Self managed teams are closely associated with the concept of employee empowerment which entails the employee to have the requisite authority and resources required by him to carry out his responsibilities. Roadblocks and risks of SMTs Three major SMT roadblocks and risks are listed: 1. The difficulty of rescinding the system, once it is established and experienced by the worker. 2. Varying levels and degrees of resistance by various elements in the organization. 3. Undue peer pressure and its consequences. How Self managed teams differ from Normal Work Team or group A self managed team differs from a normal work team or group in one essential way that the processes or the means to achieve the team goal are designed and decided by the team itself. Given the stiff competition at the global level, all organizations have been forced to focus on developing their human capital. Difference between Self directed team and Self managed teams Work Group A group of people working together Team A group of people working together toward a common goal Self-Managed Team A group of people working together in their own ways toward a common goal which is defined outside the team (Example James River Corporation’s Kendallville Plant ALPHA team. They manufacture cardboard b oxes as defined by executive leadership. Team does their own work scheduling, training, rewards and recognition, etc. Self-Directed Team A group of people working together in their own ways toward a common goal which the team defines (as above, but team also handles compensation, discipline, and acts as a profit center by defining its own future) Before anyone would try to implement something as aggressive as a self-managed (and subsequently self-directed) team, they should know and be able to articulate the expected benefits. A mature self-managed team, when compared to typical hierarchical management, would have measured results showing: How to Manage a Self-Directed Team Self-directed teams are quietly but effectively altering the landscape of corporate business management. Top level managers are finding that self-directed teams are 30 to 50 percent more productive than traditionally structured teams. Step 1 Keep the focus on the whole process. To manage a self-directed team its important to redirect focus on the series of individual steps, as in the Taylor model, to the entirety of the process. By focusing on the entire process, each member of the team is constantly aware of how they and the other members are contributing on a daily basis to accomplish the overall task. Step 2 Gradually transfer management skills and roles. Part of your job as a manager of a self-directed team is to transfer your skills and roles as a manager to the team. The team as a whole needs to receive managerial training. As they do so, the team must decide as a group on how to delegate and divide different roles. You need to manage this process to make sure that it runs smoothly. Step 3 Meet regularly. As a manager of self-directed team you need to reconsider your own role. Its important for you to think of yourself more as a floating member of that team, or as a team consultant, rather than as a supervisor or a manager. If there is anything that you are still supervising it is the implementation of the teams goals in terms of the companys overall mission and vision. Step 4 Give the team an opportunity to correct itself. In cases where a team is under-performing or making errors, you need to manage the situation by bringing the problem to the teams attention and soliciting possible action plans from the team to correct the problem. If the problems persist you should try to re-frame the teams focus or mission. Only as a last resort should you change the membership of the self-directed team. My Learning: Not all groups are teams Some people also use the word team when they mean employees. A sales team is a common example of this loose or perhaps euphemistic usage, though interdependencies exist in organization, and a sales team can be let down by poor performance on other parts of the organization upon which sales depend, like delivery, after-sales service, etc.. However sales staff is a more precise description of the typical arrangement. From Groups to Teams Groups develop into teams in four stages. The four stages are: dependency and inclusion, counter dependency and fighting, trust and structure, and work. In the first stage, group development is characterized by members dependency on the designated leader. In the second stage, the group seeks to free itself from its dependence on the leader and groups have conflicts about goals and procedures. In the third stage, the group manages to work through the conflicts. And in the last stage, groups focus on team productivity Recommendations and Suggestions: 1. To create a team, a demand for performance is more important than team-building exercises. You can get a group together and train them in teamwork for weeks but they won’t be a team until they have a common understanding of the need to perform. First comes the strategic plan, then the tasks needed to carry out the plan, finally, teams are formed to do the tasks. 2. Team basics are often overlooked. Team basics are: size, purpose, goals, skills, approach, and accountability. 3. Teams at the top are the most difficult. Executives have complex, long-term challenges, heavy demands on their time. 4. There’s no need to throw out the hierarchy. Teams are the best way to integrate across structural boundaries. They are the best way to design and energize core processes. 5. Teams permit performance and learning at the same time.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Performance Based Legislation and Building Control System
Performance Based Legislation and Building Control System Building regulatory control systems: The regulatory control system is also known by the terms, Building regulations, code or control. It can be called the bible of construction which contains the regulations and specifications for the construction standards. Abiding by these codes enables the builders to attain a permission from a certain concerned council. In a gist this regulatory control systems takes into special account public safety, common welfare and factors concerning good health but this is specific for a certain jurisdiction. When enacted it is the law. The target population within the stronghold of this law are engineers, environmental specialists, architects, contractors and real estate managers. The development and implementation of Performance Based Legislation (PBL) including; Performance based legislation, is a broader term that specifically concerns incentive directive for utilities. It focuses on strengthening the performance benefits for a certain utility and is not only confined to construction. Historical Development of PBL Internationally PBL essentially is a quality control regulating legislation. In the North American embodiment, MRP (multi-year plans) have found praise concerning amenities that demanded a greater marketing tractability. The MRPs are essential milestones which are take up as a common attitude to PBL all over the world. This concept has facilitated the construction of railway, lines of telecommunication as well as oil and gas pipelines. This meshwork of interconnectedness enable the sustenance and development of markets with different competition pressures but relying on the same set of basic resources. The utilization of the concept dates back to as early as 1979. The archival information obtained from this year laid emphasis on the utilization of cost and output research. The common designs being Sudit and Baumol. (Baumol, 1982 Saudit 1979).Later the popularity started shifting to Canada and later progressed onward to the United States especially in the paradigms of energy sector. In the construct ion sector, the first introduction of the need for performance based legislation concerning the minimum design requisites dates back to c. 1796 to 1750 BC and are present in the form of Hammurabis Code which states that structure of an abode should not kill a breathing entity. The initial definition of such a design was made known in France back in 1965 attributed to Blachere and the Agrement. The following 50 years were very much stagnant concerning the building design and architecture owed largely due to this code and the laws which pretty much numbed down all the innovative modifications in favour of past experiences. 20th Century saw a marked deviation attributed to the need for increased flexibility to facilitate inter country and continent goods transfer. Finally innovation set its roots and this approach came to be known as performance based building. Privatisation of resources has led to the enactment of regulatory mechanisms in the past 20 years by different countries. . (L iffont Tirole. 1993). The Historical Development of the Building Code of Australia and the incorporation of PBL. The constitution of Australia has laid out important regulations and the control jurisdiction of the government. The matters not mentioned rest with the states. The issues of safety and wellbeing of people and buildings rests with the territorial local governments. This has prompted to eight separate demonstrations of Parliament and eight particular building administrative frameworks. At different circumstances, it has been significantly more unpredictable, with a few states passing on a large number of their building administrative forces to their civil chambers, which successfully sanctioned their own building administrative frameworks by method for committee by-laws. The many-sided quality of Australias building administrative framework gave an authoritative labyrinth to building experts to work through. Be that as it may, after World War II a few of the States and Territories began to set up more uniform specialized building necessities, and those States and Territories which app ointed their essential duties to civil committees began to recover control. This provoked further exchange about the advantages of having a national arrangement of building directions. (Bergeron. 2008).Interstate Standing Committee on Uniform Building Regulations (ISCUBR) was built up in the year 1965. ISCUBR was a conciliatory agreement between the State and Territory organizations in charge of building administrative matters to pool their assets for the combined general advantage of the state and the territories within. ISCUBRs first undertaking was to draft a model specialized code for building administrative purposes. The record was alluded to as the Australian Model Uniform Building Code (AMUBC), and was initially discharged in the mid 1970s. The AMUBC contained recommendations for both specialized matters and some authoritative matters, which depended on the Local Government Act of New South Wales. The aim was that States and Territories could utilize the AMUBC as a model for their own particular building controls. Be that as it may, variety from the model was impressive, with many changing arrangements as per their view of neighborhood needs. (Meacham, 2004). Other areas where PBL is extending? As already mentioned through chronological historical evidence Performance based Legislation is employed in different sectors, it was first employed in the telecommunications and railway sector to improve the interconnectedness in terms of a feasible import and export system both within and between states. (Deroukakis. 2000). This was followed by the advancement of Performance based legislation to the energy sector predominantly oil and gas. Construction and building based performance legislation followed the trend. It had been in force way before in the 1700 BC but it was not flexible and conformed to experience. It was not based on performance but only on the minimal safety procedures and codes that should be adopted. In layman terms PBL can be essentially related to a quality control system that lays out basic requirements to decrease the susceptibility to a mishap in any field and to increase productivity incentives. Its immense benefits have enables many other areas to follow su it and it will continue to especially the health sector and pollution regulatory systems also make use of PBL. (Meacham, 2010). Your opinion as to the advantages and disadvantages of PBL I believe that its advantages outweigh the disadvantages and that has mostly to do with the way the PBL is framed. If we relate to PBL as a department of efficacy control then it makes sure that the set standards are rightfully met and nothing is laid bare for the customer to question against. The desire for these systems originated for receiving an optimum performance ratio along with the most beneficial utilization of resources including money and raw material for an effective revenue generation and customer satisfaction. (Liffont Tirole. 1993). The marketing process like other sciences of management carefully studies the human population and then decides on its mode of action. This particular approach is called the Customer Oriented Approach of marketing, which microscopically analyses the paradigm of behavior and needs from every corner visible or hidden. Then there is another approach of Holistic marketing which analyses market segmentation. This market segmentation is later in corporated to execute perfection in all lines of control. The business is thought of as a complex and various paradigms of the organizations economical and custom based operations are thoroughly studied. All agenda is derived on the basis of customer know how and behavior to make the product incorporation and manufacture a larger profit both for the people and for the manufacturers. Different aspects of marketing role play are pivotal in determining its efficacy. (Machek Hnilica. 2012), Basically all tactics are incorporating efficacy for the customer affiliated investments. The prime purpose of a business is to establish a customer -following. He further stated that customers determine the product design, the sales and promotional department designs the sales pitch. So the crux of all this discussion is that the entire business schematic diagram buds out from the common mans perception of perfection in utility. Building Regulatory Control Systems Building Control Systems in Australia The development of Building regulatory control system or the building code has already been explained. It suggests that the technical provisions and flexible asset utilization are all in all made use of for the general advantage of the communities and the state as whole. That said, the code exhibits feasibility to enable effective marketing within and between territories. The Australian Building Codes Board maintains the Code of Australian building. This has attain a legal status in accordance to the act of building passed in 1975. (Bergeron. 2008).The building code is flexible to allow changes and modifications over the year according to the requirements. The changes are incorporated yearly and it is therefore essential to stay up to date with them in order to avoid disputes. Local Government Ministerial Council consented to the arrangement of the Australian Building Regulations Coordinating Council (AUBRCC) in 1980, to supersede ISCUBR. AUBRCCs principle assignment was to keep on d eveloping the AMUBC, which prompted to the creation of the main release of the Building Code of Australia (BCA) in 1988. The BCA continued to be progressively furnished and amended, the next draft was discharged in 1990. States and Territories dynamically received this release of the BCA amid the mid 1990s. In 1991, the Building Regulation Review Task Force prescribed to Council of Australian Governments (COAG) the foundation of a body to accomplish sweeping national change. An Inter-government Agreement (IGA) was marked in April 1994 to set up the ABCB One of the main assignments of the ABCB was to change over the BCA into an all the more completely execution based archive. The ABCB discharged the execution based BCA (BCA96) in October 1996. BCA96 was embraced by the Commonwealth and most states and regions on 1 July 1997, with the rest of it by mid 1998. (Meacham, 2010). International BuildingControl Systems (Minimum 3) England: Incorporated the utility of robust details within the design approval system. This factor of robust detail is characterized as an intricacy in detail which is not vulnerable to defects on part of workmanship. The utilization or incorporation of a robust detail in design results in immunity from testing. It is essentially owed to the fact that the output or productivity of such designs is way beyond that of meagre performance. The monitoring system in England and Wales is equally extensive and ensures that all requisites are carefully met without a chance of loopholes. (Meacham, 2010). Japan: the approval system consists of three bodies: a local approval body, a private inspection body and a review body. The code does not exhibit flexibility as compared to the Australian code. It implies that if innovative methods are used or are to be used in the entire or even a part of the building that do not abide by the code, a ministerial approval is required. This approval will only be provided after evaluation of the overall general performance. This in turn is done by evaluation bodies which are characterized by high technical expertise and an unprejudiced testing procedure. (Meacham, 2010). Netherlands: Private contractors are in control of the building controls. These are mostly engineers belonging to the private sectors. There is a local building control body which keep in check the level of responsibility adequate as well as the degree of control to be employed. (Meacham, 2010). How the InternationalSystems Compare/Differ to the Australian System i.e Public vs Private? Out of the three countries studied, the Australian building control system has the least chance of disputes and a greater flexibility to incorporate market based innovations. The competition pressure when different resources are considered and therefore the technical provision often have to be moulded to incorporate the innovations. Moreover because the Australian system has developed an agreement between the state and the territories therefore the chances of dispute and benefit disparities are the least. The process is also less tedious and whether the building is private or public sector based the advantage will be quantified on the whole. Japanese system is tedious and the least flexible. It does not consider intricacies like the Australian system. Five stages are involved in the final approval of a design and the building structure approval. The approval system consists of three instead of two bodies which belong to both the public and the private sectors. The system of England a nd Wales considers intricacies in terms of robust details. The approval or disapproval is based on performance evaluation in case of presence of such details. (Meacham, 2010). The Australian system might do well by incorporating a tad bit sterner regulations that take into consideration the initial blueprints as well along with the manufacturers performance evaluation followed by the final building evaluation considering the grade of materials employed in construction and the satisfaction of the labour force. If they have embraced PBL and how? All the countries have embraced PBL to some degree. The modern world is characterized and put into place by the regulations and legislations. There are some main sectors that determine a countrys progress, these being the transport system with immense significance to freight transport by air, land and sea; then there is the telecommunication sector followed by the most important sector or energy pertaining to oil, wind, gas, water, nuclear attributed to the various methods of electricity generation, education and health sectors follow suit. It would be unjust to say that a country, any country, does not adopt PBL in any of these sectors when this control regulatory mechanism forms an essential and inevitable part of a sustainability agenda of the country as a whole. (Deroukakis. 2000). This term is basically a concept for a particular company, business or organization to expand its area of trade across borders. This should first be met with a greater percentage of local consent for i t to thrive in the global markets. Many skeptics however are dubious to its benefits and claim that globalization delineates economical standards and makes them more obvious. Furthermore it is subjected to variability depending on the economic conditions of developed countries. PBL takes into consideration all these minimum factors. Your opinions as to the advantages or disadvantages of each system compared to the Australian Systems Japanese System exhibits a tedious but a completely fool proof system of building control regulation. It follows a conventional system and any innovative design that does not conform to the BSL will have to get the approval from the municipal authority which bases the issuance on the performance standards as a whole. This is the building control system of the Japanese which has enabled the construction of a perfect skyline and erection of buildings withstanding strong jolts of earthquake. One reason for a strict building control system is attributed to the geography of the country as well. Japan is falls in the list of countries hit the most with earthquakes. England takes into consideration the robust details which are intricacies that might be subjected to a poor craftsmanship. This gives a better performance but it also waives off the requirements of testing. Buildings having robust details need more initial scrutiny and once constructed provide a better productivity. Netherlands has probably the most lax system. It relies on private bodies and personnel to manage as control bodies but the regional or local control has power to monitor and levy adequate scrutiny. Everything tends to create a region of influence in its domicile, especially the most popular concepts of globalization and culture encounters. Globalization will probably vent the way but cultural friction will pose an alarming threat to the aspired harmony. The pros of the culture therefore inculcate the potential of growth, identity, prospects of trade and room for evolution. It absorbs as it evolves but retains its boundaries. It allows for a healthy competition among a variety of cultures as well as discerns limits. It is the job of a leader or a project manager in this case to explore the potential of all staff members are ensure that the atmosphere breeds a healthy competition. Your recommendations on PBL for the future. The following minimum requisites should be incorporated in the PBL in case of building system control and the same essence should be utilized in other sectors. The arranging license for building venture must be acquired; The execution drawing of the building must be examined and affirmed by assigned associations; Except for little scale building ventures, application for a development allow must be submitted to the neighbourhood development expert preceding development; All duty substances occupied with building operations must have important capabilities recommended by directions. Specific specialized work force occupied with building operations must get fitting capability declarations; The manufacturer must complete investigation over the building materials, segments and fittings and gear. Those that neglect to pass the investigation might not be utilized; The imaginative development strategies or potentially building items that dont fit in with the obligatory prerequisites of building benchmarks might be shown to accomplish the same level of execution as required; The building control officers and administrators in the interest of the building proprietor can review the work amid development and can request that the manufacturer make amendments, when they choose that building work does not comply with plan prerequisites; After finishing of the work, the building should not be given over for utilize unless it has been affirmed to be appropriate for the planned use through acknowledgment examination; All included gatherings occupied with building operations may apply for quality framework accreditation as well as item quality confirmation to outsider affirmation body endorsed by government; and All included gatherings occupied with building operations may apply for quality framework confirmation and additionally item quality affirmation to outsider accreditation body endorsed by government. References Baumol, William J., (1982). Productivity Incentive Clauses and Rate Adjustment for Inflation, Public Utilities Fortnightly, Bergeron, D. (2008). Codes for Existing Buildings: Different Approaches for Different Countries, proceedings of the 7 th International Conference on Performance-Based Codes and Fire Safety Design Methods, SFPE, Bethesda, MD, USA, pp.15-23 Deroukakis (2000). Performance-Based Codes: Impact on International Trade, IRCC Occasional Paper, IRCC, October 2000 ( Laffont, Jean-Jacques and Tirole, Jean. (1993) A Theory of Incentives in Procurement and Regulation, The MIT Press, Machek, O., Hnilica, J. (2012), The Role of Productivity Benchmarking in Tariff Regulation of Public Utilities: Evidence from Czech Gas Distribution Industry and Implications for Post-Communist European Countries (PDF)., International Journal of Economics and Statistics., Vol. 2, 2014, pp. 224-230. Meacham, B. J. (2004). Global Policy Summit on the Role of Performance-Based Building Regulations in Addressing Societal Expectations, International Policy, and Local Needs: Summit Report, National Research Council, Washington, DC and Inter-jurisdictional Regulatory Collaboration Committee, Canberra, Australia, (summary report, conference papers and presentations available at Meacham, Brian J. (2010). Performance-Based Building Regulatory Systems Principles and Experiences. A Report of the Inter-jurisdictional Regulatory Collaboration Committee. IRCC Sudit, E. Fred. (1979). Automatic Rate Adjustments Based on Total Factor Productivity Performance in Public Utility Regulation, in Problems in Public Utility Economics and Regulation. Michael A. Crew ed., Lexington Books. The Regulatory Assistance Project, Performance-Based Regulation for Distribution Utilities, December 2000.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Fitness Industry and Social Media Dangers
Fitness Industry and Social Media Dangers Could The Fitness Industry Be More Harmful Then Helpful? Introduction Health can be defined as â€Å"the state of being free from illness and injury†. However looking further into the word â€Å"health†gives you synonyms such as â€Å"well-being; fitness; good condition; good shape†. These words generate concepts regarding the relationship of the fitness industry to the sense of well being and good health. Since the First World War the focus on physical fitness has been a primary focus of the Health status and conversation around health issues in Canada and the United States. In Canada Health Canada and The Canadian Food Inspection Agency, and The Food and Drug Administration in the United States, are responsible for the nutritional labels on the food we consume. These labels along with the appropriate food guidelines of nutritional intake are supposed to be the gold standard for an individual to maintain a level of healthy eating one aspect of a healthy lifestyle. With a healthy diet, exercise, and adequate sleep, should in theory, enable a very healthy and long life. But what if the foods, the substances being consumed, aren’t exactly what they said they were? Or what if something marketed with one health goal, losing weight, actually destroyed and damaged your kidneys in the process? In the Health Consumables Market the issue is whether Canada and the United States’ fitness industry’s have become counterproductive to the maintenance of health. One major issue are the regulations and guidelines for nutritional information on products that are directly correlated with the fitness industry, such as protein, Branch-Chain-Amino-Acids, creatine and fat loss products are too relaxed and often go untested[1]. An even greater detriment to the fitness industry is that the people who promote these various fitness supplements on their social media platforms create unrealistic body images and thus further health issues. Body issues and eating disorders further fuel the unregulated supplement industry creating a cyclical beast that may promote health in some but in turn does the opposite in others. What is needed to tame this beast are tighter regulations and standards for supplement products and a system to control the promotion of these â€Å"Instagram stars†and their products. Could the fitness industry ever become an industry worth believing in? CURRENT SUPPLEMENT REGULATIONS Currently supplements and health products are governed by Health Canada. The Food and Drug Regulations operate on a â€Å"test if needed†basis rather than on a mandatory food-testing basis. The Food and Drug Regulations have a voluntary submission requirement. The company submits their nutritional label and product information to Health Canada and they ensure it follows the nutritional guidelines of what is allowed in products[2]. If a product makes a claim of either nutrition content or disease risk reduction then the product itself will be submitted for testing to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)[3]. Once submitted to the CFIA they will determine whether the claim of a nutrient value is present in the product so that the label is reporting the correct health contents. Disease reduction is also monitored and measured by CFIA to see if the product claims are accurate i.e. â€Å"Cheerios reduces heart disease†[4]. When determining the safety and the health claims of each product there are a number of critical issues: Industry is responsible for ensuring that nutrition labelling and claims are compliant with the Food and Drug Regulations and that label values accurately reflect the nutrient content of the product.A suitable compliance test for the accuracy of declared nutrient values must take into consideration the inherent variability of nutrients in foods and the variability of the laboratory method using appropriate statistical analysis.The CFIA compliance action will take into consideration not only laboratory results, but also the health risk to the public, economic loss to consumers, past compliance history of the product and the companys quality control over the manufacturing and labelling processes.[5] Interestingly CFIA and health Canada exempt some foods from this rigorous process and the requirement of having to submit their product for health claims review. Exceptions include meal replacements, nutritional supplements, mineral nutrients and/or amino acids. The United States reviews are conducted by a sub-section of the Food and Drug Administration entitled Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN). CFSAN operates very similarly to the Canadian equivalent, CFIA, in that the majority of testing is done on a random not mandatory basis. The manufacturers are asked to submit the product test results as outlined in the â€Å"Manufacturers Responsibility†criteria: â€Å"FDAs continuing policy since the 1970s assigns the manufacturer the responsibility for assuring the validity of a product labels stated nutrient values. Accordingly, the source of the data used to calculate nutrition label values is the prerogative of the manufacturer, but FDAs policy recommends that the nutrient values for labeling be based on product composition, as determined by laboratory analysis of each nutrient. FDA continues to recommend the use of the Official Methods of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists International (AOAC), with non-AOAC Official Methods used only in the absence of appropriate AOAC validated methods. For each product that is included in a nutrition-labeling database submitted to FDA, the agency requests that the developer include a table identifying proposed analytical methods that were used in the analysis of each nutrient, with accompanying information containing validation of the method used by the onsite or commercial laboratory for the matrix of interest.†[6] However the FDA’s regulations allow for a choice by each manufacturer to use the non-AOAC Official Methods that gives them the ability to â€Å"prepare†their numbers. The manufacturer must also comply with Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations, which breaks down consumables into different classes of nutrients according to the FDA[7]. There are three different classes of nutrients: Class I: are those added in fortified or fabricated foods, these nutrients are vitamins, minerals, protein, dietary fibre, or potassium[8]. Class I nutrients must be present at 100% or more of the value declared on the label; in other words, the nutrient content identified by the laboratory analysis must be at least equal to the label value[9]. Class II: are vitamins, minerals, protein, total carbohydrate, dietary fibre, other carbohydrate, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat, or potassium that occur naturally in a food product[10]Class II nutrientsmust be present at 80% or more of the value declared on the label[11]. Class III: nutrients include calories, sugars, total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium[12]. However, for products such as fruit drinks; juices; and confectioneries; that have sugar content of 90 percent or more of total carbohydrate. To prevent labeling anomalies due in part to rounding, FDA treats total carbohydrate as a Class III nutrient instead of a Class II nutrient[13]. For foods with label declarations of Class III nutrients, the ratio between the amount obtained by laboratory analysis and the amount declared on the product label in the Nutrition Facts panel must be 120% or less. The label is considered to be out of compliance if the nutrient content of a composite of the product is greater than 20% above the value declared on the label[14]. For example, if a laboratory analysis found 8 g of total fat/serving in a product that stated that it contained 6 g of total fat/serving, the ratio between the laboratory value and the label value would be (8 / 6) x 100 = 133%, and the product label would be considered to be out of compliance. Like the CFIA the FDA have dietary supplements under a different category legislated under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act 1994(DSHEA)[15]. These supplements are required to follow these rules outlined below: â€Å"Federal law requires that every dietary supplement be labeled as such, either with the term dietary supplement or with a term that substitutes a description of the products dietary ingredient(s) for the word dietary (e.g., herbal supplement or calcium supplement). Federal law does not require dietary supplements to be proven safe to FDAs satisfaction before they are marketed. For most claims made in the labeling of dietary supplements, the law does not require the manufacturer or seller to prove to FDAs satisfaction that the claim is accurate or truthful before it appears on the product. In general, FDAs role with a dietary supplement product begins after the product enters the marketplace. That is usually the agencys first opportunity to take action against a product that presents a significant or unreasonable risk of illness or injury, or that is otherwise adulterated or misbranded. Dietary supplement firms must report to FDA any serious adverse events that are reported to them by consumers or health care professionals. Dietary supplement manufacturers do not have to get the agencys approval before producing or selling these products. It is not legal to market a dietary supplement product as a treatment or cure for a specific disease, or to alleviate the symptoms of a disease. There are limitations to FDA oversight of claims in dietary supplement labeling. For example, FDA reviews substantiation for claims as resources permit†[16]. The regulations from the DSHEA actually allow companies to manipulate and alter their product and nutritional labels to secure granting and limit investigation by the FDA or CFSAN. It also creates a system where CFSAN and the FDA are required to go out of their way to find new-to- market products in order to start an investigation process if needed. The FDA states it is committed to working with all interested parties in order to achieve reliable nutrition labeling as economically as possible[17]. The agency acknowledges that following all of the recommendations/guidelines in their manual could pose economic hardships. Therefore, in certain instances, FDA may accept a proposal to â€Å"develop a database†over several years to help defer costs[18]. By deferring the testing even longer this can only add to the problem at hand. Although limited in the previously mentioned areas of inspection, the Canadian and United States systems have a number of successful and positive parameters. Health Canada and the Food and Drug Administration both have independent testing bodies. The CFIA and CFSAN both have good, unbiased structures for testing and the type of tests they use are considered industry gold standards. They also have correctly identified the differences in regular â€Å"grocery store†food and what would be considered food from the â€Å"supplement†or â€Å"fitness†industry. The Fitness Industry The fitness industry is an ever-changing entity that has continued to evolve over the past several decades. Following the First World War, especially in Canada, physical fitness started to become an area of focus of government. In the 1950’s in North America the fitness focus was on rhythmic exercises, jumping jacks, calisthenics and the â€Å"Five Basic Exercises†(stretching, sit-ups, back extensions, push-ups, running in place) the first type of circuit training[19]. The hula-hoop was the main trend in fitness selling over 100 million units in the United States. The 1960’s brought us massage belts and diet trends. The massage belts were supposed to massage away fat in unwanted areas, and eating â€Å"healthier†meant drinking diet soda and artificial sugar[20]. The 70’s brought into the fitness industry jazzercise and bodybuilding. Both of these trends would last longer than the decade due to the enigmatic figure behind it, Arnold Schwarzenegger one of the most decorated bodybuilders of all-time[21]. The addition to the 80’s fitness culture was Jane Fonda and her aerobics videos[22]. The 1990’s fitness trends included: Taebo; boot camps; and extremely popular -celebrity workout videos [23]. The boot camp and fitness video trends have definitely stood the test of time as they still are still widely used by fitness participants worldwide. The 21st century heralded in a new attitude of â€Å"Staying fit†including: Pilates, kickboxing and weightlifting exercises for women[24]. The focus switched to heart rate to determine the effectiveness of a workout [25]. The trends of the fitness industry today focus on: High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT); the use of social media; and the â€Å"super-hero body†. HIIT programs consist of workouts under the brand of Cross Fit, which is quickly becoming one of the fastest growing fitness trends. It emphasizes strength components interspersed with sprints and long bouts of cardiovascular fitness. Along with intense training like HIIT the industry has started to incorporate and profit from the use of social media. There are YouTube fitness bloggers and now most recently â€Å"Instagram Stars†. Both use social media and have become one of the primary sources of income for todays fitness personality. Blockbuster movies have created the â€Å"ideal†body image modelled after the â€Å" incredibly- in-shape†superheroes such as Superman, Thor, Wonder Woman and Captain America. The presence of social media in the fitness industry although a new phenomena in the last decade, has really exploded in the last 5 years. The creation of highly viewed YouTube content used to reap monetary rewards for the creators, which is why fitness professionals created content on this platform. Now however, it has evolved into something much more. As the fitness industry grows instead of a part-time hobby it has become a lucrative occupation. A individual involved in this industry can include: competing in their respective fields (bodybuilding, weightlifting, Cross Fit, etc.); personal training; online coaching; selling workout plans, nutrition; in person training; sponsors (which can be promoted through their respective social media platforms); and personal business endeavours (clothing lines, supplement brands, operating own gym). All of these add revenue to the individual and are often cyclically attached, so one generates customers for the other. Like with anything the more that see you and your accomplishments the more profitable you can become which is why a person’s social media platforms have become so important in building one’s brand. As mentioned these fitness personalities usually have supplement sponsors as most of these athletes are in the top one percent of all people in terms of body aesthetics and performance. When you are in the top one percent of athletes the nutrition and supplementation you take can give you the slight advantage you need to be just that much better than your opponent creating the dependence on these sponsors by all athletes in this industry. However, as is the case in this primarily unregulated industry they are â€Å"playing†with their health and careers. It is hard to believe that an individual who cares so much about their body would put so little research into what they are taking and more importantly what they are promoting. Fitness Industry Supplements The most often-used supplement for any athlete is protein powder. Having a protein powder supplement allows an individual to increase their protein intake while not upping the rest of the macros (protein, fats, and carbohydrates) in their daily consumption. However, in a recent 2010 study done, by Consumer Reports not-for-profit magazine run by U.S. Consumer Union, of the top 15 brands in the industry[26] found at least one product from each brand tested contained detectable amounts of toxic substances. The toxic substances included cadmium, arsenic, lead and/or mercury. The three most toxic brands contained heavy metal poisoning over the safe allowable amount[27]. These named companies fought back against the report by taking their product line to NSF a non-profit International non-governmental organization, which conducted their own tests. These products passed NSF’s American National Standard for Nutrition/Dietary Supplements testing but Consumer Reports counters that t here is significant variation between samples in a product line and one passed test doesn’t mean every product is safe. The major concern is that prolonged exposure to heavy metal toxicity can cause body toxicity, which can result in further medical issues down the road[28]. The National Science Foundation is an independent subsidiary of the World Health Organization reports there are still many issues with these testing processes. NSF International has legitimate testing which some companies submitted to for independent testing, but they only scored adequately which is also concerning. T Consumer Reports states that the testing of one product doesn’t mean that all the others would be adequate. The alarming truth of these results of high metal toxicity is consumers dont seem to care continuing to buy the products. Statistics show that in 2012 the supplement industry had revenue of roughly $32 billion US and the industry is trending to grow to about $60 billion US by 2021[29]. According to a registered United Kingdom dietician Maeve Hanan there are some benefits to the consumption of protein supplements. Such benefits include helping athletes hit increased protein requirement goals, it is also highly convenient, and it can often be cost efficient as most athletes get their protein supplements through sponsors[30]. However according to Hanan there are far more cons than pros to consuming this form of protein. She includes: an investigation done by UK Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agencies where eighty four tested brands contained dangerous ingredients including steroids, stimulants and hormones that can cause kidney failures, seizures and heart problems[31]. There is also evidence that the prolonged use of protein can cause osteoporosis and several gastrointestinal diseases[32]. As well, Hanan found that the supplement may not actually contain the level of protein advertised, a product said to be containing seventy percent protein in fact had only seven percent[33]. It appears that the issues Maeve Hanan unearthed in protein supplements could be addressed with better testing by the regulating governments. Protein supplements are not the only supplements that fitness professionals take to build muscle. BCAA’s or Branch Chain Amino Acids have also become a go-to for many of the top one-percenters in the industry. These BCAA’s while promoted as a key fitness component for a healthier life, like protein supplements there are negative side effects that arent publicly acknowledged by the athletes and the companies promoting these products. In a study by Luigi et al. it was shown that decreased BCAA consumption improved metabolic health[34]. While improving the metabolic health of the test subjects it also showed to decrease Body Mass Index (BMI) and decrease fat mass of an individual, a goal of the â€Å"fitness personality†low body fat percentage[35]. Although the BCAA’s in this study was dietary BCAA’s found in food, it still applies here. Companies in this industry promote products like BCAA without doing the research needed to prove their effectiveness., The consumer continues to purchase due to the aesthetically appealing people promoting the product are seen as â€Å"believable†. Beautiful people are trustworthier, right? The product that could potentially be the biggest sham and the most harmful to health, are weight loss products. One of the biggest brands in the weight loss industry is Hydroxycut. In 2008 there was a study of Hydroxycut by the World Journal of Gastroenterology analyzing its toxicity. They performed a case study with two confirmed users of Hydroxycut and the symptoms they showed when admitted to hospital. They compiled the results from the two current cases and from the previous literature written about the product and found that there was a correlation between prolonged use of Hydroxycut and heptatoxicity[36]. Both of these test subjects and previous cases exhibited that the prolonged use of this product eventually lead to hepatitis and other liver health issues. The absence of testing of the product that falls under the supplementation guidelines led to negative health implications. Although governments have guidelines, they allow products to avoid testing until after they are on market, which is often too late. Social Media and The Fitness Industry One of the leading researchers in Health Law and particularly this area of Fitness and Social Media is Professor Timothy Caulfield. Professor Caulfield has written numerous books on this subject including The Cure For Everything: Untangling The Twisted Messages About Health Fitness and Happiness and Is Gwenyth Paltrow Wrong About Everything. Both of these books discuss the popular health trends, whether they are diet or fitness trends, and how celebrities promote these. Some of the trends consumers have been following even though there is no scientific evidence of their efficacy. These include: Juice Cleanses, Colon Cleanses and Gluten Free diets. While juicing has no negative side effects it has also been shown to do no good as it is not a more effective way to get the nutrition from fruits and vegetables and does not flush toxins from the body[37]. Now a trend like colon cleanses while they may make you feel lighter they can actually be quite harmful to the body by causing naus ea vomiting and even infection[38]. Going gluten free is a trend that has really taken off but again no scientific proof that eliminating gluten has any health benefits, while actually some studies have shown that going gluten free can actually lead to weight gain[39]. So why would consumers buy into these fads if there is no scientific proof behind them? The answer is simple because celebrities promote them, and the consumers have no reason not to believe them. Celebrity endorsement might just be the biggest negative in the fitness industry. If there are fitness icons or personalities who promote an untested product it causes the same issue as the diet trend promotions. However in the case of health products promoted by these fitness personalities it is much more harmful due to the elevated heavy metal present in the products. The promotion of these unregulated products is also tied into the celebrity’s unrealistic bodies. Many people forget that these people have full-time jobs devoted to looking amazing. These celebrities are seen as the definition of being healthy and attractive so if one doesnt look like them can create serious body image issues. Instagram is quickly becoming the most popular form of social media. This app has been noted to sharing over 40 billion photos since its creation with about 80 million a day[40]. The purpose of the app is to curate and edit photos and posts with how we want the public to â€Å"view†that particular user. This creates a potentially dangerous atmosphere to those who may be susceptible to an eating disorder. Users need to be educated that users of Instagram may utilize filters, angles and lighting to look as desirable as possible distorting the real image[41]. This not only creates a false reality for the followers of that user but for that user themselves[42]. According to Crystal who is a Masters Level Registered Dietician and a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor there are certain things to monitor when using Instagram in order to protect against negative self-image, eating disorder, or body issues: What Kind of accounts are you following?Are you preoccupied with food and or/fitness on Instagram in a way that is obsessive or unhealthy?Do you find yourself following certain diet trends or dieting recommendations because of someone or something you found on Instagram?[43]  Instagram personalities not only promote or influence diet trends they also endorse unregulated supplement products, which can add to unhealthy choices. In response Instagram has been tagged with â€Å"creating its own eating disorder†. According to University College London states that Instagram is the leading cause of Orthorexia Nervosa[44]. Orthorexia Nervosa is an illness focused on an obsession with eating healthy. Symptoms can include: eating excessive fruits and vegetables; cutting out certain food groups; and excessively exercising[45]. While this may seem like just healthy lifestyle choices this illness is related to the severity of the dietary restrictions, leading to malnutrition and social isolation[46]. The reasons given for the Instagram connection is the people followed expose the follower to a extreme health pictures, and social media personalities are seen as authority’s on health and appearance[47]. The Supplementation of the Regulations There are clear issues today that stem from the growth of the fitness industry, but there doesn’t have to be. In the United States and Canada there exists already a structure to properly test all of the supplements that go to market, before the product is released. It is clear that the methods of testing and the standards for this industry are sound, but just not fully implemented. However there should be a complete ban on products leading to heavy metal poisoning. The amount of testing for each product would increase significantly industry standard of 10 there will need to be an increase of jobs to accommodate for the amount on tests for each product and the amount of lead case workers. Government may consider a number of issues when considering implementing changes: the creation of government jobs versus the lost jobs from supplement companies who can’t comply with new proposed industry standards; the inevitable burden of unhealthy citizens versus a healthier coun try with healthier citizens. Companies like BioTrust seem to be one of the industry standards for the production of healthy products. Tim Skwiat and Shawn Wells directors at BioTrust endorse: Right way: the right people who are formulators (use the right ingredients that work the best rather than look good)Cost of ingredient and the product will be higher because they do studies on the ingredients (healthy human studies, in peer reviewed journals)Take the stuff that we know works and make a product from that.Ingredients are natural (no soy product)Ingredient testing (they never stop testing and letting the product out of their hands)[48] While changing the regulations and possibly the growth of a company like BioTrust will help change the supplementation industry for the better, there doesn’t seem to be a simple fix for the social media issue. There has been extensive research on the relationship to food restrictions at a young age and developing an eating disorder or becoming overweight later in life. According to a study done by Eisenberg & Neumark-Sztanier a survey of adolescents in grades 7–12, 30% of girls and 25% of boys reported teasing by peers about their weight. Such teasing has been found to persist in the home as well – 29% of girls and 16% of boys reported having been teased by a family member about their weight[49]. Neumark-Sztainer also co-wrote a paper on the effect of this teasing on the children which increases their chances of 1.5 to develop a form of an eating disorder[50]. These trends however are not limited to children being teased it also stems into the perceived norms from social culture or mainstream media. According to a study by Abramovitz & Birch children learn (unhealthy) mainstream attitudes towards food and weight at a very young age, this study looked at five-year-old gi rls and a significant proportion of girls associated a diet with food restriction, weight-loss and thinness[51]. There needs to be more education from the governments around food and healthy ways for kids to eat, which is simply without rigid structure. The rigidity adds to the desire to get attractive or stay thin with extra presence from mainstream culture or social media (Instagram) which encourages the excessive use of supplementation which ends up often making the individual even more unhealthy. This has become a very cyclical and overwhelming problem which needs to be addressed by the governing bodies. If the new structure can’t be implemented then simple education could go a very long way. There needs to be a priority of everyone in the â€Å"industry†to instead of coercing people to get fit, get them healthy instead. Bibliography Abramovitz, B. A. & Birch, L. L. (2000). Five-year-old girls’ ideas about dieting are predicted by their mothers’ dieting. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 100 (10),  1157-1163. Canadian Food Inspection Agency, â€Å"Nutrition Labelling Compliance Test†(9 September 2014), Canadian Food Inspection Agency (website), online: . Danielle Isbell, â€Å"Fitness Trends of the Last Six Decades†(4 June 2015), Spry Living (blog), online: . David Lariviere, â€Å"Nutritional Supplements Flexing Muscles As Growth Industry†(18 April 2013), Forbes (blog), online: . Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, 21 USC s 7 (1994). Eisenberg, M. E. & Neumark-Sztainer, D. (2003). Associations of Weight-Based Teasing and Emotional Well-Being Amond Adolescents. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 157(6), 733-738. Food and Drugs, 21 CFR tit 21s s 170.3 (2012). â€Å"How Instagram can encourage eating behaviour disorders†, (3 March 2017), Eating disorder hope(Blog), online: . Ian Kenney, â€Å"Protein Powder Toxicity†(3 October 2017), Livestrong (blog), online:                . Lauren Pelley, â€Å"Timothy Caulfield debunks celebrity health trends, from gluten-free diets to colon cleanses†, (8 January 2015), The Star (Newspaper), online:                . Lily Dara, Jennifer Hewett & Joseph Lim, â€Å"Hydroxycut Hepatoxicity: A Case series and review of liver toxicity from herbal weight loss supplements†(2008) 14:45 World J of Gastroenterology 6999. Luigi et al. â€Å"Decreased consumption of branch chain amino acids improves metabolic health.†(2016) 16:2 HHS Public Access 520, online: . Maeve Hanan, â€Å"Protien Supplements: Weighing up the Pros and Cons†, (18 October 2015), Dietically Speaking (Blog), online: . Neumark-Sztainer, D. R., Wall, M. M., Haines, J. I., Story, M. T., Sherwood, N. E., van den Berg, P. A. (2007). Shared Risk and Protective Factors for Overweight and Disordered Eating in Adolesecents. American Jounral of Preventative Medicine, 33(5), 359-369. Office of Dietary Supplements, â€Å"Dietary Supplements for Exercise and Athletic Performance†(4 October 2017), National Institutes of Health (websites), online:          . Skwiat, Tim Wells, Shawn. â€Å"The Truth About Supplements†(2018) Biotrust Radio (ITunes Podcast). Vanessa Chalmers, â€Å"Is Instagram making you sick? Study explains why photos of breakfast bowls and #fitness inspiration can drive you to an eating disorder.†, (19 May 2017), Daily Mail(Newspaper), online: . [1] Office of Dietary Supplements, â€Å"Dietary Supplements for Exercise and Athletic Performance†(4 October 2017), National Institutes of Health (websites), online: . [2] Supra note 1. [3] Canadian Food Inspection Agency, â€Å"Nutrition Labelling Compliance Test†(9 September 2014), Canadian Food Inspection Agency (website), online: . [4] Supra note 3. [5] Supra note 3. [6] Supra note 3. [7] Food and Drugs, 21 CFR tit 21s s 170.3 (2012). [8] Supra note 7. [9] Supra note 7. [10] Supra note 7. [11] Supra note 7. [12] Supra note 7. [13] Supra note 7. [14] Supra note 7. [15] Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, 21 USC s 7 (1994). [16] Supra note 15. [17] Supra note 15. [18] Supra note 15 [19] Danielle Isbell, â€Å"Fitness Trends of the Last Six Decades†(4 June 2015), Spry Living (blog), online: . [20] Supra note 19. [21] Supra note 17. [22] Supra note 17. [23] Supra note 17. [24] Supra note 17. [25] Supra note 17. [26] Ian Kenney, â€Å"Protein Powder Toxicity†(3 October 2017), Livestrong (blog), online: . [27] Supra note 24. [28] Supra note 24. [29] David Lariviere, â€Å"Nutritional Supplements Flexing Muscles As Growth Industry†(18 April 2013), Forbes (blog), online: . [30] Maeve Hanan, â€Å"Protien Supplements: Weighing up the Pros and Cons†, (18 October 2015), Dietically Speaking (Blog), online: . [31] Supra note 28. [32] Supra note 28. [33] Supra note 28. [34] Luigi et al. â€Å"Decreased consumption of branch chain amino acids improves metabolic health.†(2016) 16:2 HHS Public Access 520, online: . [35] Supra note 32. [36] Lily Dara, Jennifer Hewett & Joseph Lim, â€Å"Hydroxycut Hepatoxicity: A Case series and review of liver toxicity from herbal weight loss supplements†(2008) 14:45 World J of Gastroenterology 6999. [37]Lauren Pelley, â€Å"Timothy Caulfield debunks celebrity health trends, from gluten-free diets to colon cleanses†, (8 January 2015), The Star (Newspaper), online: . [38] Supra note 35. [39] Supra note 35. [40] â€Å"How Instagram can encourage eating behaviour disorders†, (3 March 2017), Eating disorder hope(Blog), online: . [41] Supra note 38. [42] Supra note 38. [43] Supra note 38. [44] Vanessa Chalmers, â€Å"Is Instagram making you sick? Study explains why photos of breakfast bowls and #fitness inspiration can drive you to an eating disorder.†, (19 May 2017), Daily Mail(Newspaper), online: . [45] Supra note 42. [46] Supra note 42. [47] Supra note 42. [48] Skwiat, Tim Wells, Shawn. â€Å"The Truth About Supplements†(2018) Biotrust Radio (ITunes Podcast). [49] Eisenberg, M. E. & Neumark-Sztainer, D. (2003). Associations of Weight-Based Teasing and Emotional Well-Being Amond Adolescents. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 157(6), 733-738. [50] Neumark-Sztainer, D. R., Wall, M. M., Haines, J. I., Story, M. T., Sherwood, N. E., van den Berg, P. A. (2007). Shared Risk and Protective Factors for Overweight and Disordered Eating in Adolesecents. American Jounral of Preventative Medicine, 33(5), 359-369. [51] Abramovitz, B. A. & Birch, L. L. (2000). Five-year-old girls’ ideas about dieting are predicted by their mothers’ dieting. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 100 (10), 1157-1163.
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